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Achieving Byzantine Agreement and Broadcast against Rational Adversaries

Explore game-theoretic approach to Byzantine agreement & broadcast in distributed computing. Learn about rational adversaries & utility functions impacting protocol security.

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Achieving Byzantine Agreement and Broadcast against Rational Adversaries

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  1. Achieving Byzantine Agreement and Broadcast against Rational Adversaries Adam Groce Aishwarya Thiruvengadam Ateeq Sharfuddin CMSC 858F: Algorithmic Game Theory University of Maryland, College Park

  2. Overview • Byzantine agreement and broadcast are central primitives in distributed computing and cryptography. • The original paper proves (LPS1982) that successful protocols can only be achieved if the number of adversaries is 1/3rd the number of players.

  3. Our Work • We take a game-theoretic approach to this problem • We analyze rational adversaries with preferences on outputs of the honest players. • We define utilities rational adversaries might have. • We then show that with these utilities, Byzantine agreement is possible with less than half the players being adversaries • We also show that broadcast is possible for any number of adversaries with these utilities.

  4. The Byzantine Generals Problem • Introduced in 1980/1982 by Leslie Lamport, Robert Shostak, and Marshall Pease. • Originally used to describe distributed computation among fallible processors in an abstract manner. • Has been applied to fields requiring fault tolerance or with adversaries.

  5. General Idea • The n generals of the Byzantine empire have encircled an enemy city. • The generals are far away from each other necessitating messengers to be used for communication. • The generals must agree upon a common plan (to attack or to retreat).

  6. General Idea (cont.) • Up to t generals may be traitors. • If all good generals agree upon the same plan, the plan will succeed. • The traitors may mislead the generals into disagreement. • The generals do not know who the traitors are.

  7. General Idea (cont.) • A protocol is a Byzantine Agreement (BA) protocol tolerating t traitors if the following conditions hold for any adversary controlling at most t traitors: • All loyal generals act upon the same plan of action. • If all loyal generals favor the same plan, that plan is adopted.

  8. General Idea (broadcast) • Assume general i acting as the commanding general, and sending his order to the remaining n-1 lieutenant generals. • A protocol is a broadcast protocol tolerating t traitors if these two conditions hold: • All loyal lieutenants obey the same order. • If the commanding general is loyal, then every loyal lieutenant general obeys the order he sends.

  9. Impossibility • Shown impossible for t ≥ n/3 • Consider n = 3, t = 1; Sender is malicious; all initialized with 1; from A’s perspective: A1 1 A does not know if Sender or B is honest. Sender1 I’m Spartacus! 0 0 B1 I’m Spartacus!

  10. Equivalence of BA and Broadcast • Given a protocol for broadcast, we can construct a protocol for Byzantine agreement. • All players use the broadcast protocol to send their input to every other player. • All players output the value they receive from a majority of the other players.

  11. Equivalence of BA and Broadcast Given a protocol for Byzantine agreement, we can construct a protocol for broadcast. The sender sends his message to all other players. All players use the message they received in step 1 as input in a Byzantine agreement protocol. Players output whatever output is given by the Byzantine agreement protocol.

  12. Previous Works • It was shown in PSL1980 that algorithms can be devised to guarantee broadcast/Byzantine agreement if and only if n ≥ 3t+1. • If traitors cannot falsely report messages (for example, if a digital signature scheme exists), it can be achieved for n ≥ t ≥ 0. • PSL1980 and LSP1982 demonstrated an exponential communication algorithm for reaching BA in t+1 rounds for t < n/3.

  13. Previous Works • Dolev, et al. presented a 2t+3 round BA with polynomially bounded communication for any t < n/3. • Probabilistic BA protocols tolerating t < n/3 have been shown running in expected time O (t / log n); though running time is high in worst case. • Faster algorithms tolerating (n - 1)/3 faults have been shown if both cryptography and trusted parties are used to initialize the network.

  14. Rational adversaries • All results stated so far assume general, malicious adversaries. • Several cryptographic problems have been studied with rational adversaries • Have known preferences on protocol output • Will only break the protocol if it benefits them • In MPC and secret sharing, rational adversaries allow stronger results • We apply rational adversaries to Byzantine agreement and broadcast

  15. Definition: Security against rational adversaries A protocol for BA or broadcast is secure against rational adversaries with a particular utility function if for any adversary A1 against which the protocol does not satisfy the security conditions there is another adversary A2 such that: • When the protocol is run with A2 as the adversary, all security conditions are satisfied. • The utility achieved by A2 is greater than that achieved by A1.

  16. Definition: Security against rational adversaries (cont.) • This definition requires that, for the adversary, following the protocol strictly dominates all strategies resulting in security violations. • Guarantees that there is an incentive not to break the security. • We do not require honest execution to strictly dominate other strategies.

  17. Utility Definitions • Meaning of “secure against rational adversaries” is dependent on preferences that adversaries have. • Some utility functions make adversary-controlled players similar to honest players, with incentives to break protocol only in specific circumstances. • Other utility functions define adversaries as strictly malicious. • We present several utility definitions that are natural and reasonable.

  18. Utility Definitions (cont.) • We limit to protocols that attempt to broadcast or agree in a single bit. • The output can be one of the following: • All honest players output 1. • All honest players output 0. • Honest players disagree on output.

  19. Utility Definitions (cont.) • We assume that the adversary knows the inputs of the honest players. • Therefore, the adversary can choose a strategy to maximize utility for that particular input set.

  20. Utility Definitions (cont.) • Both protocol and adversary can act probabilistically. • So, an adversary’s choice of strategy results not in a single outcome but in a probability distribution over possible outcomes. • We establish a preference ordering on probability distributions.

  21. Strict Preferences • An adversary with “strict preferences” is one that will maximize the likelihood of its first-choice outcome. • For a particular strategy, let a1 be the probability of the adversary achieving its first-choice outcome and a2 be the probability of achieving the second choice outcome. • Let b1 and b2 be the same probabilities for a second potential strategy. • We say that the first strategy is preferred if and only if a1 > b1 or a1=b1 and a2 > b2.

  22. Strict Preferences (cont.) • Not a “utility” function in the classic sense • Provides a good model for a very single-minded adversary.

  23. Strict Preferences (cont.) • We will use shorthand to refer to the ordering of outcomes: • For example: 0s > disagreement > 1s. • Denotes an adversary who prefers that all honest players output 0, whose second choice is disagreement, and last choice is all honest players output 1.

  24. Linear Utility • An adversary with “linear utilities” has its utilities defined by: Utility = u1 Pr[players output 0] + u2 Pr[players output 1] + u3 Pr [players disagree] Where u1 + u2 + u3 = 1.

  25. Definition (0-preferring) • A 0-preferring adversary is one for which Utility = E[number of honest players outputting 0]. • Not a refinement of the strict ordering adversary with a preference list of 0s > disagree > 1.

  26. Other possible utility definitions • The utility definitions do not cover all preference orderings. • With n players, there is 2n output combinations. • There are an infinite number of probability distributions on those outcomes. • Any well-ordering on these probability distributions is a valid set of preferences against which security could be guaranteed.

  27. Other possible utility definitions • Our utility definitions preserve symmetry of players, but this is not necessary. • It is also possible that the adversary’s output preferences are a function of the input. • The adversary could be risk-averse • Adversarial players might not all be centrally controlled. • Could have conflicting preferences

  28. Equivalence of Broadcast to BA, revisited • Reductions with malicious adversaries don’t always apply • Building BA from broadcast fails • Building broadcast from BA succeeds

  29. Strict preferences case • Assume a preference ordering of0 > 1 > disagree. • t < n/2 • Protocol: • Each player sends his input to everyone. • Each player outputs the majority of all inputs he has received. If there is no strict majority, output 0.

  30. Strict preferences case (cont.) • Proof: • If all honest players held the same input, the protocol terminates with the honest players agreeing despite what the adversary says. • If the honest players do not form a majority, it is in adversarial interest to send 0’s.

  31. Generalizing the proof • Same protocol: • Each player sends his input to everyone. • Each player outputs the majority of all inputs he has received. If there is no strict majority, output 0. • Assume any preference set with all-zero output as first choice. • Proof works as before.

  32. A General Solution • Task: To define another protocol that will work for strict preferences with disagree > 0s > 1s. • We have not found a simple efficient solution for this case. • Instead, we define a protocol based on Fitzi et al.’s work on detectable broadcast. • Solves for a wide variety of preferences

  33. Definition: Detectable Broadcast • A protocol for detectable broadcast must satisfy the following three conditions: • Correctness: All honest players either abort or accept and output 0 or 1. If any honest player aborts, so does every other honest player. If no honest players abort then the output satisfies the security conditions of broadcast. • Completeness: If all players are honest, all players accept (and therefore, achieve broadcast without error). • Fairness: If any honest player aborts then the adversary receives no information about the sender’s bit (not relevant to us).

  34. Detectable broadcast (cont.) • Fitzi’s protocol requires t + 5 rounds and O(n8 (log n + k)3 ) total bits of communication, where k is a security parameter. • Assumes computationally bounded adversary. • This compares to one round and n2 bits for the previous protocol. • Using detectable broadcast is much less efficient. • However, this is not as bad when compared to protocals that achieve broadcast against malicious adversaries.

  35. General protocol • Run the detectable broadcast protocol • - If an abort occurs, output adversary’s least-preferred outcome- Otherwise, output the result of the detectable broadcast protocol • Works any time the adversary has a known least-favorite outcome • Works for t<n

  36. Conclusion • Rational adversaries do allow improved results on BA/broadcast. • For many adversary preferences, we have matching possibility and impossibility results. • More complicated adversary preferences remain to be analyzed.

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