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Domain 2: Plastic flow localization WP4/5 - General

This project aims to develop physically-based models to predict the mechanical behavior of irradiated fusion and fission materials, specifically focusing on slip localization. The project involves atomistic simulations, dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity, and continuum mechanics simulations, as well as experimental validation through mechanical and microstructural characterization of irradiated steels. Funding has been provided by the Euratom research and training programme.

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Domain 2: Plastic flow localization WP4/5 - General

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  1. Multiscale Modelling for Fusion and Fission Materials (M4F) 1st Plenary meting , CNRS, Paris, February 13-14, 2019 Domain 2: Plastic flow localization WP4/5 - General David Rodney (CNRS) and Ermile Gaganidze (KIT) • This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 755039

  2. O. Anderoglu et al., MMT A (2013) Domain 2 - WP4 & WP5 Objective: Develop physically-based models to predict the mechanical behavior of irradiated F/M steels accounting slip localization Multiscale approach: Atomistic, dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity, continuum mechanics simulations Experimental validation: Mechanical and microstructural characterization of neutron, ion and proton irradiated steels and model alloys M.I. Luppo et al., J. Nucl. Mater. (2000) Defect-free channel in the deformed proton-irradiated Fe-12Cr alloy at RT. Imaging conditions: g =<1 1 0>, z=<1 1 1>

  3. WP4Deformation mechanisms at the grain scale in F/M steels Objective Develop a physically-based model of slip localization in steels accounting for the presence of C and Cr atoms Physically-based continuum model of slip localization T4.3.1: - Coupled diff. equations accounting dislocation defect interactions and evolution of their densities - SGCP to predict instability, bifurcation and patterning - Channeling threshold, channel thickness and plastic slip Inputs: Dislocation dynamics simulations: T4.1.4: NUMODIS T4.2.2: NUMODIS+FFT T4.3.2: TRIDIS Atomic scale simulations T4.1.1: - mobility law in Fe-C-Cr - dislocation defect interaction energetics (IP, DFT, DFTB) T4.1.2: - Cr, C, point defect (v) interaction synergy (DFT) - Fe-Cr-C potentials - Obstacle strength (MD) T4.1.3: - Dislocation GB interactions (MD) - Slip transfer conditions Stochastic model of defect dynamics T4.2.1: - Defect microstructure and interaction laws Output towards WP5 Experimental validation - TEM in situ straining experiments (T4.4) - AFM of surfaces (T5.4)

  4. WP5Channeling at the polycrystal scale in F/M steels Objective Model mechanical behavior (including plasticity and damage) during and after localization. Deformation and Damage T5.2: Damage Development - Atomistic simulation of cavity nucleation - Continuum modelling of stress at slip band intersecting interfaces - Nucleation rate and cavity growth WP4 T5.1: Polycrystal homogenization: T5.1.1: Mean field homogenization - Modified localization rule accounting slip band matrix interactions - Introduce block boundary slip transfer conditions - Stress strain curve T5.1.2: Full field homogenization - Develop non-convex SGCP const. law - Channeling in 2D polycr. aggregates - Implement in ABAQUS - Stress strain curve T5.3: Constitutive equations to describe deformation and damage - Formulation of finite strain model - Account for ductile damage from T5.2 - Implement in ABAQUS - Stress strain curve T5.4 Experimental Validation T5.4.1: Camera-instrumented tests T5.4.2: TEM examination T5.4.3: AFM and SEM-FEG of surfaces

  5. WP4 - Deformation mechanisms at the grain scale in F/M steels • T4.1: Elementary processes of plasticity (M1-M36)[CEA, CNRS, SCK, CIEMAT, UPC] Sub-Task 4.1.1: Dislocation mobility law (CNRS, CEA) Sub-Task 4.1.2: Atomic-scale mechanisms of interaction between dislocations and irradiation defects (SCK-CEN) Sub-Task 4.1.3: Mechanisms of the interactions dislocation-grain boundary to parameterize slip transfer (UPC) Sub-Task 4.1.4: Comparison in-situ TEM / DD simulations to validate the elementary processes of interactions (CNRS, CEA, CIEMAT) • T4.2: Meso-scale study of plasticity (M1-M48)[CEA, CNRS, CCFE, SCK] Sub-Task 4.2.1: Radiation defect microstructure in the context of dislocation dynamics simulations (CCFE) Sub-Task 4.2.2: Large-scale simulation of plasticity in irradiated single grains (CEA, CNRS) • T4.3: Continuum scale modelling of slip localization(M1-M48) [CEA] Sub-Task 4.3.1: Continuum modelling of slip localization (CEA) Sub-Task 4.3.2: Segment DD computations (CEA) • T4.4: Validation through the experimental study of slip localization(M1-M48) (CIEMAT, PSI, CEA) E. Gaganidze and D. Rodney M4F 1st plenary meeting

  6. WP4 - Deformation mechanisms at the grain scale in F/M steels D4.1: Dislocation mobility law and strengthening coefficients due to the interaction between dislocations and irradiation defects in presence of Cr and C decorations (M36) [CEA, CNRS, SCK] D4.2: MD simulations of dislocation – grain boundary interactions (M36) [UPC, CIEMAT] D4.3: Meso-scale mechanisms of interaction between dislocations and irradiation defects (M36) [CNRS, CEA, UKAEA] D4.4: Large-scale simulation of plasticity in irradiated single grains (M36) [CNRS,CEA] D4.5: Continuum scale modelling of slip localization (M48) [CEA, JRC, METU] D4.6: Comparison between predictions and experimental observations (M48) [CEA, CIEMAT, JRC, PSI, SCK, METU] E. Gaganidze and D. Rodney M4F 1st plenary meeting

  7. Task 5.1: Polycrystalline homogenization (M1-M36) [CEA, JRC, METU] • Sub-task 5.1.1: Mean-field homogenization accounting for channeling [CEA] • Sub-task 5.1.2: Full-field homogenization accounting for channeling [JRC, METU] • Task 5.2: Simulation of the damage initiation process during tensile loading as a consequence of channeling(M1-M48) [CEA, CNRS] • Sub-task 5.2.1: Cavitation/nano-cavitation mechanism under deformation of irradiated F/M steels [CEA, CNRS] • Task 5.3: Development of physically based constitutive equations for describing coupled deformation damage behavior of F/M steels(M1-M48) [KIT] • Sub-task 5.3.1: Development of physically based constitutive equationsdescribing the deformation damage behavior of F/M steels • Sub-task 5.3.2: Simulation of post-yield post-necking behavior • Task 5.4: Experiments to support modelling(M1-M36) [SCK, CIEMAT, CEA] • Sub-task 5.4.1: Experimental validation by camera instrumented mechanical tests [SCK] • Sub-task 5.4.2: TEM examination of irradiated and deformed materials [CIEMAT, SCK] • Sub-task 5.4.3: AFM and SEM-FEG study of surfaces of irradiated and deformed specimens [CEA, CEIMAT] WP5 - Channeling at the polycrystal scale in F/M steels E. Gaganidze and D. Rodney M4F 1st plenary meeting

  8. WP5 - Deliverables • D5.1: Polycrystal mean-field and full-field homogenization predictions of tensile behaviour(M36) [CEA, JRC, METU] • D5.2: Ductile damage initiation in irradiated F/M steels and consequences in terms of continuous nucleation rate and cavity growth (M48) [CEA, CNRS] • D5.3: Physically based constitutive equations for describing deformation damage behaviour of F/M steels (M24) [KIT] • D5.4: Simulation of post-yield post-necking behaviour by using the UMAT implementation of the developed-constitutive equations; Impact of rational use of post yield post necking behaviour of F/M steels on the development of the advanced design rules (M48) [KIT] • D5.5: Determination of true stress true strain curves of irradiated F/M steels (M30) [SCK] • D5.6: SEM-FEG, TEM, and AFM study of ion, proton and neutron irradiated and deformed specimens (M36) [CIEMAT, CEA] E. Gaganidze and D. Rodney M4F 1st plenary meeting

  9. Thank You very much for Your Attention!

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