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PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Ančica Eđed , mag. paed ., counsellor Bucharest, Romania, 13-14 November 2018. PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE. Or "lifelong professional guidance" is an extremely important field of work since the earliest years of formal education :

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  1. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AnčicaEđed, mag. paed., counsellor Bucharest, Romania, 13-14 November 2018

  2. PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE • Or "lifelong professional guidance" is an extremely important field of work since the earliest years of formal education: • a human spends most of his or her time working • the choice of profession is one of the most important decisions of each individual • various changes in the world of labor condition individual's change of profession

  3. PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE • The choice of first profession is based on: • knowledgeofcompetences • information on education and training • information on the characteristics of the work • employment possibilities

  4. PROJECT: MY SMART CHOICE • Duration: January 2015 – April 2016 • Project coordinator: Croatian Employment Service, Požega District Office • Partners: Elementaryschool “Mladost” Jakšić (Požega-SlavoniaCounty) andElementaryschool Ivan Goran Kovačić, Gornje Bazje (Virovitica-Podravina County) • Associatecoordinator: Croatian EmploymentService, Virovitica DistrictOffice

  5. THE GOAL AND THE AIM OF THE PROJECT • to empower teachers and expert associates in approachingprofessional orientation in practice • to create and implement a sustainable professionaldevelopment program • to set up pilot centers for professional development in two elementary schools– a betterchoiceofsecondaryschool

  6. TARGET GROUP • teachers and expert associates of the elementary schools participating in theproject • counsellorsfor professional guidance of the Croatian Employment Service • leaders of the Centers for professional development • schoolprincipals

  7. USERS • Future learners of the elementary schools which participate in the project • Parents • Employers • Learnersofotherelementaryandsecondaryschools

  8. ACTIVITIES - 1 • Promotion of the project and the promotion of the Centers for professional development (CPD) • Initialconference • Determining the visual identity of the project and CPD • Finalconference • Result: Ensured promotion and the visibility of the project and CPD

  9. ACTIVITIES - 2 • Establishment and equipping of the CPD in Primary School "Mladost" Jakšić and Primary School Ivan Goran Kovačić, GornjeBazje • Employment of the CPD Directors • Establishment of the CPD and equipment purchasing • Result: Established and equipped CPDs which are conducting planned activities available tolearners, parents, expert associates, and teachers

  10. ACTIVITIES - 3 • Education of teachers, expert associates, counsellors for professional guidance of theCroatian Employment Service, CPD directors, and school principals • Selectionofeducationperformer • Education of teacher’s professional guidance, expert associates, counsellors forprofessional guidance of the Croatian Employment Service, CPD leaders, and schoolprincipals • Field trip to the Czech Republic to a similar center • Result: Teachers and associates are empowered to work in a contemporary approach toprofessional leadership in practice

  11. ACTIVITIES - 4 • Creation and implementation of the professional development program • Creation of the professional development program • Implementation of the professional development program in Elementary school"Mladost" Jakšić and Elementary school Ivan Goran Kovačić, GornjeBazje • Result: Created and implemented the sustainable program of professional development

  12. SUSTAINABILITY OF PROJECT RESULTS • The effects of the project are long-term and will fully be visible in the next 10-15 years • The first effects can be seen in the next 3-5 years - when learners who have been in the program for one to twoyears: • finish secondary school • sign up at the employment service • begin finding jobs

  13. ACTIVITY FOR PARTICIPANTS Task: • Write the essential contents of professional guidance which were implemented into the school curriculum – individually • Exchange answers - inpairs • Present the answers to other participants

  14. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - STARTING POINT FOR THE MAKING OF CURRICULUM • Contemporary approach to the lifelong professional development: • a systematic support to the professional development of learners • integration of systematic support into the implementation of school curriculum since very beginning of the formal education • the realization of the school curriculum of the professional development along with expert associates also realize teachers • the curriculum for professional guidance is realized through the direct work with learners, through the teaching of individual school subjects, work of class teacher, and cooperation with parents and local community

  15. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - THE PLANNING OF CURRICULUM • Startingpoint: • the purpose of education for professional development is the development of readiness for professional choice through strengthening learner's capacities for making high-quality life decisions related to the choice of education and occupation • Planned effects of the program: • change of beliefs, knowledges about themselves, and knowledges related to the world of labor • change of behaviors (the use of more effective learning strategies, skills for self-regulated learning, the improvement of working habits, the use of planning and problem solving skills) • making realistic decisions about the choice of occupation which will ensure the educational and careersuccess in the future, and satisfaction in work

  16. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - CURRCULUM COMPONENTS • Thecurriculumcontains: • learning outcomes, contents and the way of their realization for all subjects fromfirst to eighth grade • learning outcomes and contents for seventh and eighth grade with suggestions of detailed elaboration of activities to achieve certain outcomes • program for parents with suggestions for carrying out specific activities

  17. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - CONTENTS OF CURRICULUM • For each learning outcome the following elements are ascribed: • teaching content/the topic through which the outcome is realized • learning activities - what learner is doing • the form of teaching/school work • methods/techniquesofteaching – whatteacherisdoing • externalassociates (ifplanned) • monitoring/evaluation of learning outcomes - short description of procedures

  18. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - LEARNING OUTCOMES AND CONTENTS OF MODULE FOR SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADE LEARNERS • Outcomes are sorted in four segments: • self-knowledge (self-perception with the orientation to one's own strong points) • knowledgeaboutworldoflabor • educationpossibilities • decisionaboutprofessionalchoice

  19. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - PROGRAM FOR PARENTS • Goals: • to inform parents about important subjective and objective factors of professional development of their children • to inform parents about possibilities and conditions of education and employment, about characteristics of occupations, and possibilities of professional assistance of different institutions • to encourage the active role of parents in all activities pointed to professional development in elementary school

  20. CURRICULUM FOR PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – LEARNERS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES • Presumptions for professionalcounselling: • description of type and degree of disability • the assessmentof support - type, method, and the purpose of support • planning of activities with defined goals / outcomes, steps, and their duration • method of the outcome assessment • parents’/ caretaker’sconsent and their involvement in the program

  21. ACTIVITIES FOR PARTICIPANTS • In what waysare programs of professional guidance realized in your schools? • Individually • Compareinpairs • Present to others

  22. EXAMPLES FOR THE REALIZATION OF THE CURRICULUM • The examples of preparation for learning outcomes realization • The examples of preparation and work material for the realization of learning outcomes for seventh and eighth grade • The examples of preparation of topic realization from the parents' program • Work program of the Center for Professional Development in Elementary school • Observations, experiences, thoughts and suggestions of teachers and expert associates

  23. EXAMPLES FOR CURRICULUM REALIZATION • Learners' observationsandthoughts • Parents' and local community representatives' observations and thoughts • The examples of recording basic data about conducted activities of professional guidance in school during school year

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