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Agents Used In Anemias

Agents Used In Anemias. HAEMATINICS. By the end of lecture students should be able to:. Know various types of anemias Know aetiology of anemias Know drugs used for treatment of anemias Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Iron Know acute and chronic toxicities of iron

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Agents Used In Anemias

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  1. Agents Used In Anemias HAEMATINICS

  2. By the end of lecture students should be able to: • Know various types of anemias • Know aetiology of anemias • Know drugs used for treatment of anemias • Explain pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of Iron • Know acute and chronic toxicities of iron • Know the management of overdose of iron

  3. Haematopoiesis • 200 billion new blood cells are produced per day in normal person • Process occur in bone marrow in adults • Essential nutrients: iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, pyridoxine, ascorbic acid and riboflavin • Hematopoietic growth factors

  4. Erythropoiesis is controlled by a feedback system in which a sensor in the kidney detects changes in oxygen delivery to modulate the erythropoietin secretion

  5. Anemia • Decrease in haemoglobin level below normal • Deficiency in oxygen-carrying erythrocytes • Symptoms Features of tissue hypoxia Pallor, fatigue, dizziness, exertional dyspnoea CVS adaptations to anemia (tachycardia, increased cardiac output, vasodilation)

  6. ANEMIAS: • Microcytic hypochromic anemia- iron deficiency most • Most common cause of chronic anemia is iron deficiency • Macrocytic anemias- Vit B12 deficiency Folic acid deficiency

  7. Drugs used for the correction of anemias • Include: • Iron • Folic acid • Vit B12 • Hematopoietic growth factors

  8. IRON • Iron forms the nucleus of the iron-porphyrinheme ring, which together with globin chains forms haemoglobin • Increased iron requirement Growing children Pregnancy Increased losses of iron (menstruating women)

  9. Iron containing heme is also an essential component of • Myoglobin • Cytochromes • Catalase • Peroxidase • Metalloflavoprotein enzymes • Xanthine oxidase • Mitochondrial enzymes

  10. Sources: Natural Meat, green vegetables, grain Synthetic Iron preparations In body catalysis of hemoglobin in senescent or damaged erythrocytes

  11. Pharmacokinetics • Average diet contain 10-15 mg of elemental iron daily • Total iron absorption can increase to 3-4 mg/day in pregnant woman • Iron in meat is absorbed as such (hemoglobin and myoglobin) • Nonheme iron in foods is reduced by ferroreductase to ferrous form • A peptide hepcidin produced by liver cells-key central regulator of the system

  12. Absorption: Duodenum and Proximal jejunum as Fe+2 BY: Active transport by DMT1 (divalent metal transporter) Iron complexed with heme Iron absorption increases when iron stores are depleted regulated by mucosal iron stores

  13. Absorption….. • The absorbed iron is actively transported into the blood across the basolateral membrane by transporter ferroportinand oxidized to ferric iron by ferroxidasehephaestin

  14. DISTRIBUTION • Bound to Transferrin (β –globulin) bind two molecules of ferric iron • The transferrin-iron complex enters maturing erytthoid cells • Transferrin receptors, transferrin iron complex is internalized in erythroid cells by endocytosis

  15. Storage As ferritin in liver, spleen and bone and in parenchymal liver cells • Ferroportin is storage protein level is regulated by hepcidin • Low hepcidin lead to release of iron from storage sites • Ferritin level is checked in serum to estimate total body iron stores.

  16. Elimination • Small amount lost in faeces by exfoliation of intestinal mucosal cells • Trace amounts in bile, urine and sweat • 1 mg of iron is lost from body per day

  17. Iron Deficient Anemia Treatment and prevention Pregnancy Lactation Growing children Premature Babies Patents with chronic kidney disease Blood loss Therapeutic uses of Iron

  18. Inadequate iron absorption Gastrectomy Malabsorption Syndrome • GI Bleeding due to: • Ulcers • Aspirin • Excess consumption of coffee • Hookworm infestation

  19. Oral preparations of iron Oral Iron • Ferrous Sulphate • Ferrous Gluconate • Ferrous Fumarate • Treatment with oral iron should be continued for 3-6 months after correction of cause of iron loss.

  20. Oral Iron Therapy • Dosage: • 200- 400 mg/ day for 3- 6 months • Adverse effects: • nausea, epigastric discomfort, abdominal cramps, constipation, diarrhea, black stools

  21. To overcome adverse effects • Lower daily dose of iron • Take iron with food • Change iron preparation.

  22. PARENTRAL IRON THERAPY Indications: • Patients unable to tolerate oral iron • Patients with extensive blood loss • Malabsorptive states • Patients with advanced chronic renal diseases.

  23. I/M and I/v use: • Iron dextran (ferric oxyhydroxide and dextran polymers) 50 mg /ml • I/V only: • Iron sucrose complex • Sodium ferric gluconate complex

  24. Dose calculation • Total iron deficit (TID) • Body wt (Kg) ˟ (Target Hb-Actual Hb g/dl) ˟ 2.4 + depot iron (mg) • Total amount of venofer to be administered in ml = TID mg 200 mg/ml Ratio of total serum iron concentration and TIBC

  25. Adverse Effects • Local pain & tissue staining • Headache, giddiness, flushing • Fever, Arthralgia, Backache • Nausea, Vomiting • Urticaria Rarely Anaphylaxis & death. Test dose of iron dextran is given.

  26. Clinical Toxicity • Acute Iron Toxicity Seen in young children, who accidently ingest Iron tablets. 10 tablets in children Symptoms: vomiting, necrotizing gastroenteritis causing abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea followed by metabolic acidosis, dyspnea, coma & death

  27. Rx i) Gastric Aspiration Gastric lavage, with carbonate solution to form insoluble Iron. whole bowel irrigation ii) Deferoxamine - potent iron chelating compound given intravenously iii) Supportive Therapy

  28. Chronic Iron Toxicity • Hemochromatosis (excess iron is deposited in the heart, liver, pancreas, and other organs) • Cause is inherited hemochromatosis and patient receiving many blood transfusions • Rx • Intermittent Phlebotomy (1 unit of blood is removed every week) • Iron. Chelation therapy (Deferoxamine, deferasiroxis oral iron chelator)

  29. Vit B 12 • Cofactor for several essential biochemical reactions in humans • Deficiency lead to megaloblastic anemia, GIT symptoms and neurologic abnormalities • Cyanocobalamine • Hydroxocobalamine

  30. Source: microbial synthesis from meat, eggs and dairy products (microorganisms grow in soil, sewage, water or in intestinal lumen of animals) • Chemistry: porphyrin like ring with a central cobalt atom attached to nucleotide

  31. Structure……. • Various organic groups may be covalently bound to cobalt atom forming different cobalamines • Deoxyadenosylcobalamine • Methylcobalamine active form of vitamins in humans

  32. Pharmacokinetics • Vitamin B12 is absorbed only after it complexes with intrinsic factor (glycoprotein) • This complex of vit B12 and intrinsic factor is absorbed in distal ileum • Transported to various cells by binding with transcobalaminI, II and III • Excess is transported to liver for storage.

  33. Pharmacodynamics

  34. Deficiency of vit B 12 also cause ‘folate trap’ • Methyltetrahydrofolate is not converted into other intracellular forms of folic acid

  35. Clinical uses • Treat or prevent deficiency • Megaloblastic, macrocytic anemia mild or moderate leukopenia or thrombocytopenia. • Neurologic syndrome (paresthesias in peripheral nerves, weakness. • Progresses to spasticity, ataxia and CNS dysfunction.

  36. Mechanism for Peripheral Neuropathy • Cobalamin is a cofactor for the enzyme Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase which converts methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA. • Succinyl-CoA enters the Krebs cycles and goes into nerves to make myelin. • If no Vitamin B12, methylmalonyl-CoA goes on to form abnormal fatty acids and causes subacute degeneration of the nerves. Only B12 can correct this problem.

  37. Diagnosis • Serum levels of vitamins (Vit B12 and Folic acid) • Schilling test (measures absorption and urinary excretion of radioactively labelled vitamin B12)

  38. Common causes of vit B12 deficiency • Pernicious anemia Defective secretion of intrinsic factor • Partial and total gastrectomy • Malabsorption syndrome • Inflammatory bowel disease • Small bowel resection

  39. Treatment • If the cause is malabsorption, • Parenteral injections of vit B12cyanocobalamine or hydroxocobalamine. • vitamin B12 can be administered intranasally as a spray or gel.

  40. Parenteral therapy InjCyanocobalamin or hydroxcobalamin • Initial therapy 100 – 1000 µg – I/M-D or on alternate days for 1-2 weeks Maintenance therapy 100 – 1000 µg – I/M- once a month

  41. Folic Acid Essential for normal DNA synthesis • Source Plant and animal (liver, kidney & green vegetables. • Chemistry Pteroylglutamic acid p-aminobenzoic acid and glutamic acid

  42. Pharmacokinetics of Folic Acid • Site of absorption: Proximal jejunum Polyglutamatesmonoglutamate α- 1 glutamyltransferase (conjugase)

  43. PHARMACODYNAMICS: Tetrahydrofolate cofactor participate in one-carbon transfer reactions dTMP DNA synthesis Required for the synthesis of : Amino acids purines DNA

  44. dTMP synthesis cycle dTMP synthase, dihydrofolatereductase and serine transhydroxymethylase • Synthesis of methionine from homocystine • Donate one carbon for synthesis of essential purines

  45. Folic Acid Deficiency Seen in • Inadequate dietary intake of folates • Prolong cooking • In alcholics & in pt with liver diseases • Pregnancy • Hemolytic Anemias • Malabsorption Syndrome • Drugs Methotrxate , trimethoprim and pyrimethamine

  46. Treatment of Folic Acid Deficiency • parentraladminist rarely needed. Oral therapy: Dose 1mg/d – continued until cause is corrected or removed.

  47. Hematopoietic Growth Factors • Glycoproteins hormones • Erythropoietin • G-CSF • GM-CSF • Interlukin-II • Romiplostim

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