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Business & Vocational Classes in South Yorkshire - Naz Khan

Attend Naz Khan's vocational classes on business in South Yorkshire on April 21st, 2005. Explore pathways to FE and HE via vocational learning routes. Obtain practical industry skills and knowledge. Raise aspirations, develop problem-solving skills, and make informed choices.

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Business & Vocational Classes in South Yorkshire - Naz Khan

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  1. Business & South Yorkshire Vocational Classes – Naz Khan Thursday April 21st 2005

  2. Introduction • Aimhigher classes are based on the masterclass model by extending the approach to new work related areas of the 14-19 curriculum. • Aimed at : Y8 – Y11 students on all courses and Post 16 students on vocational courses

  3. Classes delivered • Engineering your future - 5 • Digital and Traditional photography -2 • Entrepreneurship – 4 • The science and ethics of stem cell research – 1 • Facial reconstruction and ID - 1 • Food Technology -2 • Customer Service -2

  4. Aims • The application of academic and vocational subject knowledge in business, industry, FE and HE settings • Opportunity to experience ‘hands on’ applications of knowledge • People and organisations who are applying their knowledge and skills in the World of Work • Role models in business, industry, FE and HE • Range of pathways into FE and HE via vocational learning routes • Information about local labour market / job roles.

  5. Outcomes for students • Raise aspiration and achievement by inspiring and motivating • To develop student skills in applying knowledge and Solving problems • To address individual learner needs and facilitate career development • To make a more informed choice about FE, HE and Employment. • To be comfortable in FE, HE, Business and industry environments. • To be aware of the local labour market

  6. Photography • Main objective – To provide an opportunity to gain relevant skills and knowledge to aid qualification aims, work related learning and raise awareness of pathways to HE and in the Arts / Cultural Industries quarter • 2 sessions 3hours each • Site Gallery • Presenters – Emma Cocker and Vicky Morris • Parkwood High School • Y9 – GCSE art students – 12 mixed ability (6M 6F)

  7. Format • Employer engagement – Tutor meeting (PDP) • Discussion of links to the curriculum and format of sessions • Session 1 – introduction and post it activity on careers with presenters as role models – practical activity on using Photoshop and traditional camera for art • Session 2 – Developing photographs using light effects – science of photography and advanced features of Photoshop.

  8. Evaluation - Presenter • Excellent level of attainment • Excellent interest • confident students will be able to use knowledge and skills back in school • Students settled down and classes have really motivated them. • Students more comfortable in industry surroundings. • Barriers – awareness of diversity in the cultural industries – contract based work

  9. Evaluation – Student / Tutor • Students were given evaluation forms after each session • Most students graded sessions as excellent or very good. Tutor graded sessions as excellent • All were confident or very confident of using the techniques they learnt and their work for their projects • Most of all it had raised awareness of the diversity of roles and pathways into the Cultural industry even for students not interested in photography

  10. Application of Photography

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