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The Answer: Youth-Run & Adult-Guided Troop

The Answer: Youth-Run & Adult-Guided Troop . University of Scouting 2007. The answer…. 42. What was the question?. Q: What is the Patrol Method and Patrol Spirit?. A: The boy-run, adult-guided troop. Your presenter. Dave Byrne Troop 1333 New Scout ASM Dave.Byrne@anadarko.com

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The Answer: Youth-Run & Adult-Guided Troop

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  1. The Answer: Youth-Run & Adult-Guided Troop University of Scouting 2007

  2. The answer… 42

  3. What was the question? Q: What is the Patrol Method and Patrol Spirit? A: The boy-run, adult-guided troop

  4. Your presenter Dave Byrne Troop 1333 New Scout ASM Dave.Byrne@anadarko.com www.bsatroop1333.org

  5. Three types of troops • Patrol Method troop • Troop Method troop • Webelos III troop

  6. Three types of troops Patrols Patrol Method Troop Method Focus Webelos III Boys Adults Boys Leadership & Decision-Making

  7. Aims of Boy Scouting • Character Development • Citizenship Training • Physical & Mental Fitness

  8. Methods of Boy Scouting • The Ideals • The Patrol Method • The Outdoors • Advancement • Association with Adults • Personal Growth • Leadership Development • The Uniform

  9. Scouting is… “A game for boys under the leadership of boys with the wise guidance and counsel of a grown-up who still has the enthusiasm of youth in him. A purposeful game, but a game just the same, a game that develops character by practice, that trains for citizenship through experience in the out-of-doors.” -- William “Green Bar Bill” Hartcourt

  10. What is a Patrol? What do we know about boys? • Boys want to be with their friends • Boys want fun and adventure • Boys need a reason to be where they are

  11. Patrols • Who decides in which patrol a new scout is assigned? • How large should a patrol be? • How long should a patrol be together? • What about “virtual” patrols?

  12. Who chooses who is in each patrol? • Let the boys choose • He should want to be in his patrol • Boy must believe he is choosing his destiny Q: How should you handle influx of many boys vs. small number of new Scouts?

  13. Are patrols permanent? Mixing of patrols Step backward in patrol unity Patrols should stay together as much and as long as possible!

  14. “Virtual” patrols – good or bad? TWO IMPORTANT PRINCIPLES OF PATROLS: 1. A troop is a group of patrols, NOT a group of boys. 2. Patrols must be real entities with their own identity.

  15. Building Patrol Identity • Patrol Name • Patrol Symbol • Patrol Flag • Patrol Yell • Patrol Meeting Place • Patrol “stuff”

  16. Scouting is… “A game for boys under the leadership of boys…” “The only way to develop leadership in a boy is to give him a chance to practice it.” -- William “Green Bar Bill” Hartcourt

  17. How are leaders selected? • Elected and appointed by BOYS • SM should NOT appoint Scouts to POR, nor should they “force” the vote to get their way • Guide; let the boys’ make their own decisions -- for better or worse

  18. Patrol positions of responsibility Elected: Patrol Leader Appointed: Assistant Patrol Leader Scribe Quartermaster Grubmaster Cheermaster

  19. Troop positions of responsibility Elected: SeniorPatrol Leader Appointed: Assistant SPL Scribe Quartermaster Historian OA Representative Librarian Chaplain Aide Instructor Troop Guide Den Chief JASM

  20. Some friendly competition… • Use friendly, well-spirited competition between leaders • Great for PL, Troop Guides, Instructors, QMs, and Grubmasters! • Use to encourage desired behavior and promote teamwork

  21. Leaders need jobs to do! To learn to lead, Patrols need tasks that are… • Regularly occurring • Complex • Meaningful • Challenging For example…

  22. It’s about communication “Have you asked your Patrol Leader?” Senior Patrol Leader Patrol member Patrol Leader Troop POR

  23. It’s about communication Patrol member Senior Patrol Leader Weekly! Patrol Leader PLC

  24. The PLC & The Patrol Method • Boy planned, run, and executed • Let’s hear it for the SPL! • Where are the adults? “Close but separate”

  25. Will it always work?  Two steps forward, one step back  The most common problem…  “If you only give partial responsibility you will only get partial results.”  Remember the goal: Boys working together as patrols under leaders they selected.

  26. Scouting is… “A game for boys under the leadership of boyswith the wise guidance and counsel of a grown-up…” -- William “Green Bar Bill” Hartcourt

  27. Are you crazy?! “Boy-led” doesn’t mean “Boys left alone”

  28. OUR job  Create opportunities for safe fun and new adventures. AND in the process... Learn practical citizenship Experience new levels of teamwork Develop leadership skills Achieve the aims of Scouting

  29. One “simple” goal: Train ‘em, trust ‘em, let them lead! “A Scoutmaster trains boys to be leaders, makes available to them the resources and guidance they need to lead well, and then steps in the background and lets them do their jobs.”

  30. Training the boy leaders Just as every Scout deserves a trained adult leader, every adult leader deserves a trained Scout! Green Bar Campout TLT JLT Transition period Regular POR reviews

  31. Four critical questions The boys should be asking… • How are we doing? • What do we need to start doing? • What do we need to stop doing? • What do we need to change?

  32. Q: Who’s in charge of the troop? Patrol is like a state Troop is like the United States PL is like a state governor SPL is like the President Troop officers are SPL’s “cabinet” A: The SPL -- his job is to coordinate the efforts of each patrol for the good of the troop.

  33. What about the adults? SHOULD: • Advise • Enable • Empower • Voice of experience • Sound judgment • Bring ideas to PLC SHOULD NOT: • Veto arbitrarily • “Plan” activities • Do a Scout’s job for him • Ignore Scouts’ wishes

  34. Simple ways to promote the PM Communicating with the troop: • Relay all information via PL & SPL; put them out in front of boys • Provide guidance ahead of time – provide success strategies • Step out of view

  35. Simple ways to promote the PM Communicating with a Scout: • Always ask him: “Have you asked you Patrol Leader?” • Lead him to the answer with questions, guide him, don’t grieve him.

  36. Simple ways to promote the PM Whose idea is best? • Boys should evaluate activities • When the boys get an idea just get in mind that it might work • Remember: Boys choose, adults support • Have a plan A? Make a plan B, too. • Enable more, interfere less!

  37. Simple ways to promote the PM Dealing with behavior issues: • Go to his Patrol Leader (or SPL) • Provide suggestions, then step away • Don’t yell or get mad, get disappointed • Direct your disappointment to PL or SPL

  38. Simple ways to promote the PM Encourage patrol spirit! • SPL should frequently talk with PL about his patrol’s spirit. • Recognize great PATROLS more often than individual Scouts. • Praise boys whenever they are displaying great patrol teamwork.

  39. The “bottom line” If a boy can do it, adults don’t!

  40. What about traditions? Is it a boy-run or an adult-run tradition? Or is it a rut? Are you afraid of change? Traditions worth keeping are the ones that define the troop!

  41. Boy Scouting’s “tradition”… Applying the Patrol Method to camping…this one’s a “no brainer” Each patrol at its own site Set up camp without adult help or input Patrol spirit during the campout Cook & clean by patrol!

  42. The training & sign-off question • Scoutmasters • Instructor Scouts • Troop Guides • First Class+ Scouts The options:

  43. Boy-run training Adults: Verify, counsel, stand back, observe The goal: Boys train boys Troop Guide ASM New Scout Patrol via SPL ASPL Instructor

  44. Boys sign-off on requirements Two suggestions: Instructor Scout ASM 1st Class+ Scout Instructor Scout

  45. Ten key truths • Boys want to be with their friends • Boys want fun and adventure • Boys need a reason to be where they are • Boys learn by doing • Boys must be allowed to struggle and fail • Boys only learn leadership & responsibility if they have a chance to practice it

  46. Ten key truths • Boys need real, meaningful tasks and projects to perform • If a boy can do it, adults don’t! • Boys need encouragement and praise • Boy leaders run the troop; adults enable and keep the program aligned toward the vision and purpose.

  47. Baden-Powell on the Patrol Method “The strength of the Boy Scout program is its ability to satisfy the boy’s own wants and at the same time direct those wants into social channels. But the reason for our using the Patrol Method in Scouting is not alone because it fits in with the boy’s nature and his desires. The remarkable thing is that it fits equally well with the adult leader’s aims and purposes.”

  48. You’re using the PM if… WORKSHEET: Characteristics of a troop using the Patrol Method: #2, 5, 6, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30

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