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Howtowriteanexcellentresearchpaper(manuscript)forPhDDissertation A document typically handwritten or typewritten rather than mechanical or automatically produced can be termed as manuscript. The year 1665 marks the roots of science and technical related press and were without any characteristic form and style. Later on 300 years back the process of peer review originated, in the countries of France and England, to ensure that the scientific and technical papers produced met the validity and scientific quality. Since then over hundreds of thousands of manuscripts have been published. Journals are essential to broadcast the developments in their corresponding fields. Nowadays even the proceedings of scientific
meetings and conferences are published. Manuscripts form an integral part of the research process and is actually a prelude to a PhD Dissertation and is a significant component in PhD thesiswriting. GettingsmartwithDissertation/Manuscript A manuscript is a chance, a researcher / PhD Scholar or an author gets, in order to express his ideas and thoughts to the general public. The publication of the manuscript is a source of pride and not the end result of the study, this has to be kept in mind by the researcher / scholar / authors while doing their research and publishing their work. The process of publication is important as far as PhD scholars is concerned, they receives priceless reviews, opinions of experts in the field and it helps them in developing new ideas. The manuscript forms an integral part for the completion of the PhD for the scholar. It highlights the depth of their knowledge and the efforts they have put into their research area. The significance of a said dissertation / thesis is mainlythedifferenceitwillmakeintheresearchedfield. However without proper guidance and expertise in the area of Dissertation Manuscript writing it’saheftytasktowriteafoolproofManuscriptandcouldleadtoseveralwrongturns. WrongturnsinDissertation/Manuscriptwriting ● Lackofexpertopiniononthetopic, It’s difficult to get an expert opinion on the topic you are working on as you won’t have any contact with researches who have already published manuscripts in your area of study. ● Increasedworkvolume For a scholar who conducts parallel research it’s really difficult to coordinate their work withthepublicationprocessgivingthemmoreworkvolume. ● Lesstechnicalwritingexpertise
For a researcher who is working on his literature for the sake of publication, things can get quite difficult; the lack of experience in the area could lead to increased rejection probability. ● Academictranslation Scholars from non-English speaking nations who wish to get their work published in English literature might have problem with the translation, as to checking whether their translatedcontenttrulyreflecttheirresearchwork. ● Lackofapre-peerreviewprocess The lack of a pre peer-review of their work would greatly increase the probability of their rejectionbeforepublication. Wherethere'sawill,there'saway The said challenges can be overcome through the efforts of the researcher; there are many academic societies and online researchers group, where round the clock discussions on every topic are carried out. The problem on increased work volume can be solved through proper planning and organization , dissolve the work into different chunks and work on different levels of the dissertation on the basis of a pre-planned route. Technical writing experience can be obtained by referring to many previous journals and analyzing the pattern, seniors in your batch and professors can guide you through a successful thesis. The academic translation can be done by consulting with a professional academic translator, thus ensuring the translated content reflects the original manuscript. Discussing your dissertation among your peers, professors, seniors and experts in the field could help you obtain a peer review on the dissertation/ manuscript. PhDAssistancecanHelp PhD Assistance serves as an external mentor to brainstorm your idea and translate that into research model. Hiring a mentor or tutor is common and therefore let your research committee known about the same. We do not offer any writing services without the involvement of the
researcher, and therefore we’re merely a translator for non-native English speakers and our services are merely restricted to research scholars to hasten their research process. We offer following services to research scholars across the globe: ideas to translating in writing, editing, proofreading, plagiarism correction, statistical analysis, coding and algorithm, illustration and formatting. PHDASSISTANCEforafoolproofManuscript PhD Assistance has for the past 15 years have guided more than 4,500 Ph.D. scholars and 10,500 Masters Students across the globe.The team could help right from the initial step of topic selection to the very final step of getting your research material published, our team could help you Get in touch with experts on your research field, as it could help you immensely in your research works, as we are in constant contact with experts from various parts of the world. Decoding your quantitative data, our analytics team helps you in collecting, analyzing and interpreting your data. Our expert team of subject matter experts makes sure that the journal has been completed successfully in terms of final publication thereby providing a pre-peer review. PhD Assistance also provides courses in journal writing and academic statistics to help you achieve your goal attainingPhD.