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Manuscript writing help for Artificial Intelligence research – PhD Assistance

A world in which computers will think and collaborate with humans to create a more exciting universe. Although this future is still a long way off, Artificial Intelligence has made significant progress in recent years.<br>ttttt<br>For #Enquiry:tt<br>Website URL: https://www.phdassistance.com/services/manuscript/<br>India: 91 91769 66446t<br>Email: info@phdassistance.com<br>

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Manuscript writing help for Artificial Intelligence research – PhD Assistance

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  1. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCHTOPICS FORPHD MANUSCRIPTSfi0fifi AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Phdassistance Groupwww.phdassistance.com Email:info@phdassistance.com

  2. Today'sDiscussion Introduction Deeplearning Robotics Naturallanguageprocessing Computervision Recommendersystems Internetofthings Conclusion

  3. INTRODUCTION Imagineaworldwhereknowledgeisn't limitedtohumans!!!Aworldinwhich computerswillthinkand collaboratewith humanstocreateamoreexcitinguniverse. Although this future is stilla long way off, ArtificialIntelligencehasmade significant progressinrecentyears. In almost every area of AI, such as quantum computing,healthcare,autonomousvehicles, the internet ofthings, robotics, and so on, thereisalotofresearchgoingon.

  4. SomuchsothatthenumberofannualPublished Research PapersonArtificialIntelligencehas increasedby90%since1996. Keepingthisinmind,thereare several sub- topicsonwhichyoucanconcentrateifyouwant tostudyandwriteathesisonArtificial Intelligence. This article covers a few of these subjects and providesashortoverview.

  5. DeepLearningisatypeofmachinelearningthatlearnsbysimulatingtheinternalworkingsofthe humanbraininordertoprocessdataandmakedecisions. DeepLearningisaformofmachinelearningthatemploysartificialneuralnetworks. These neural networks are linked in a web-like structure, similar to the human brain's networks (basicallyacondensedversionofourbrain!). DEEPLEARNING

  6. Artificial neural networks have a web-like structurethatallowsthemtoprocessdata in a nonlinear manner, which is a major advantage overconventionalalgorithms thatcan onlyprocessdata ina linear manner. RankBrain,oneofthevariablesinthe Google Search algorithm, is an example of adeepneuralnetwork.

  7. ROBOTICS Robotics is an area concerned with the creation ofhumanoid robotsthat can assisthumansandperformseveralacts. In certain cases, robots can behave like humans, but can they think like humans aswell? Kismet,asocialinteractionrobot developed at M.I.T.'s Artificial Intelligence Lab,isanexampleofthis. Itunderstandshumanbodylanguageas well as our voice and responds to them appropriately.

  8. NATURALLANGUAGE PROCESSING Furthermore, people's assessments and judgements of their experiences are frequently formed without theirknowledge, contributingtobiasinreality perceptions. Individuals who practice mindfulness and develop theirawareness may perceivetheirsurroundings more precisely and, as a result, respond to them purposefullyratherthanhabituallyormechanically.

  9. COMPUTERVISION Theinternetisfullofimages!Thisistheselfieage,and takingandpostingaphotohasneverbeeneasier. Each day, millionsofimages are uploaded tothe internetandviewed. It's important for computers to be able to see and understand images in order to make the most of the vastamountofimagesavailableonline. And, whilehumanscandothiswithoutthinkingabout it,computersfinditmoredifficult!Thisiswhere ComputerVisionenterstheimage.

  10. Do you get movie and series recommendations from Netflix based on your previous choices or favouritegenres?ThisisachievedbyRecommenderSystems,whichofferyouadviceaboutwhatto donextfromthevastarrayofoptionsavailableonline. Content-based Recommendation or even Collaborative Filtering may be used in a Recommender System. ThecontentofalltheproductsisanalysedinContent-BasedRecommendation. RECOMMENDERSYSTEMS

  11. INTERNETOFTHINGS Artificial intelligence isconcerned with the creation of systems that can learn to perform human-like tasks based on prior experience andwithouttheneedforhumaninteraction. TheInternetofThings,ontheotherhand,isa network of differentdeviceslinkedtothe internetandcapableofcollectingand exchangingdata. All of these IoT devices now generate a large amountofdata,whichmustbecollectedand minedinordertoproduceactionableresults.

  12. ArtificialIntelligenceentersthepictureatthisstage. TheInternetofThingsisusedtocollectandmanagethemassiveamountsofdatathat ArtificialIntelligencealgorithmsneed. Asaconsequence,thesealgorithmstransformthedataintousefulactionableresults thatIoTdevicescanuse.

  13. CONCLUSIONS In this blog discussed the enhancement for recent artificial intelligencesandtheirsubfield. This will help to the PhD scholarwho are interested to research in artificial intelligencesdomain.

  14. GETINTOUCH UNITEDKINGDOM +447537144372 INDIA +91-9176966446 EMAIL info@phdassistance.com

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