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The What Do I Think Survey Glyn Wright, Governor Forum Briefing, Tuesday 4 th June

The What Do I Think Survey Glyn Wright, Governor Forum Briefing, Tuesday 4 th June. Background. Replaced Pupil Attitude Survey in Hampshire for more than a decade Years 2, 6, 7 and 9

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The What Do I Think Survey Glyn Wright, Governor Forum Briefing, Tuesday 4 th June

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  1. The What Do I Think Survey Glyn Wright, Governor Forum Briefing, Tuesday 4th June

  2. Background • Replaced Pupil Attitude Survey in Hampshire for more than a decade • Years 2, 6, 7 and 9 • Views sought have ranged from how safe the young people feel to how well they think the school teaches them about sex and relationships and substance misuse • The previous process was expensive • The Pupil Attitude Survey was carried out in the summer term and then schools received results in September • In 2010 the Survey was extended to get a clearer picture about bullying • Many of the measures of progress in the CYPP are related to the results • The national Tell Us Survey ceased in 2010

  3. Advantages of continuing with a survey • Identifying whether measures that they have been put in place around anti bullying and safeguarding, for example, have been effective. • It flags up some key issues • Schools and the LA are able to see how valuable students find key lessons • Schools can use data as a measure against key priorities • Of use to drug and teenage pregnancy strategies • Providing an opportunity for the voice of young people - Approximately 18,000 completed (31,000 in 2011)

  4. Number of children and young people completing the survey

  5. Opportunity to compare performance - 5,600 Year 2 pupils answered the survey compared with 10,117 last year. Percentages in brackets indicate 2011 results. • 64.8% (60.3%) Year 2 pupils always enjoy being at school • 64.3% (61.9%) thought that their teachers always told them how to make their work better • 58.2% (48.7%) always had homework to do • 73.1% (73.1%) felt that that their school always helps them to think about how they can stay healthy by eating properly and taking exercise • 71.7% (73.3%) have never been bullied or picked on in the playground. • 74.8% (70.7%) had never been bullied outside of school • 87.8% (92.3%) felt that if they had been bullied there was someone in school they could go to. • 97.1% (92.7%) felt that their teachers listened to their ideas

  6. New questions were introduced for Yr 2.. • 54% felt that their school helps them to talk about their feelings • 89.5% feel safe at school • 80.9% reported that their school teaches them about rights, responsibilities and how to respect people • Pupils felt that they had a chance to do jobs to help in school with only 1.5% of children feeling they never had a chance to do jobs to help • 66% always enjoy reading outside of school with a further 27.5% sometimes enjoying it • Only 5.1% of children report never helping out with jobs at home • Only 2.3% never get themselves ready for school in the morning (81.9% always and 15.8% sometimes).

  7. Year 6 – 5,882 answered in in 2012 (8908 pupils answered in 2011) • 29.5% (18.2%) always and 63.4%(71.3) usually enjoy being at school. • 21% (13.6%) think their work is always interesting and 70.5% (71.5%) usually • There has been an increase in children reporting always having homework 60.6% (38.8%) • There is a slight increase in children reporting that their school always helps them to think about how they can stay healthy by eating properly and taking exercise 51.3% (43.4%) • 85.8% (82.2%) report never being bullied in the playground. • 90% (76.7%)feel that their opinions have influence over what happens in school

  8. % of C & YP reporting they never enjoy being at school by gender Yr 2

  9. % of C& YP reporting they never enjoy being at school by gender Yr 6

  10. % of C & YP reporting they never enjoy being at school by gender Yr 7

  11. % of C & YP reporting they never enjoy being at school by gender Yr 9

  12. I never enjoy being at school– County – Travellers - Young Carers

  13. Important information to support strategies and CYPP • Alcohol Strategy • Anti smoking strategy • Drug education • Teenage Pregnancy Strategy • Healthy Weights Strategy

  14. Alcohol Education for Year 9

  15. % of Year 9 finding information around alcohol education helpful

  16. Education around smoking

  17. Drug Education

  18. % of Year 9 reporting their drugs education has been helpful

  19. % of Year 9 reporting their sex education has been helpful

  20. % of Year 9 students reporting that their education around relationships is helpful

  21. Healthy Weights – My school helps me to think about how I can stay healthy by eating properly and exercising

  22. % of young people in Year 9 that say their school encourages them to stay healthy

  23. Careers Education - % of young people reporting they think the Careers Education they have had is useful at Yr 7 and Yr 9

  24. % of Year 9 students reporting that careers education is helpful

  25. Percentages of pupils bullied /picked on in school or the playground in the last year

  26. Percentages of pupils bullied / picked on outside school in the last year

  27. New question introduced 2012- Percentage of Pupils Responding to ‘My school deals with bullying?’

  28. Percentage of Pupils Responding to ‘If someone is unkind to me (or bullies me) there is an adult in school I can tell who will do something about it’

  29. Methods of bullying in years 6, 7 and 9

  30. Key points - bullying • Bullying continues to be widely reported in the ‘What do I Think?’ Survey, with 28% of Y2, 14% of Y6, 23% Y7 and 19% Y9 pupils answering that they been ‘bullied or picked on’ in school or the playground and similar but slightly lower numbers outside school. • Whilst 88% Y2 pupils are confident there is always an adult they can rely on to intervene when they feel others are being unkind to them, this reduces as pupils progress through the schools to 77% in Y6, 60% in Y7 and 40% in Y9. • By far the most common method of bullying is verbal • The most common type of bullying for all year groups remains that in relation to looks • All of the methods of bullying identified affect all year groups and require different strategies to counter them according to age group • As pupils get older, cyber-bullying and subtle indirect forms of bullying become more commonly experienced.

  31. The What Do I Think Survey 2013 • The survey link has been sent to schools via Schools Communication x4 • Schools have clearer IT instructions and hints and tips as to how best to support children • Schools can use the results to help in planning – governors have a role to play in encouraging them to take part • Significant messages around how helpful young people feel their education is in relation to healthy lifestyles – this needs to be addressed • How can we make school more attractive to our Young Carers and Travellers?

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