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RDT-UNCT Meeting Cairo, Egypt 22-24 November 2007. UN Programme Coherence. Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs a field perspective from Yemen. UN Programme Coherence. Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen. The Challenges….
RDT-UNCT Meeting Cairo, Egypt 22-24 November 2007 UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs a field perspective from Yemen
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen The Challenges… Guidance: Clear stand on HLP Report still awaited from Member States (TCPR, GA resolution) Different entities having different engagement in system- wide coherence (both due to institutional set-up, e.g Specialised Agency, or to governing bodies and leadership guidance) Increased signals under a “New Aid Environment” for more direct donor/recipient relations. UN positioning in this context is required Accountability: There is no mechanism of accountability for UNDAF results. Lack of clarity on where responsibility for outputs lies (multi- or single- Agency?)
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen The Challenges (cont)… Frameworks: After coming together for UNDAF formulation, ExCom agencies need to ensure relevant correlations between their own Country Programme formulation requirements and the UNDAF. Some Specialised Agencies are not necessarily harmonised in planning cycles (when available) Operations: Still unclear mechanisms for inter agency funds transfer.
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen Specific Challenges of Yemen as an LDC • LDCs generally lagging behind in MDG progress • Vulnerability to natural/man made disasters and very weak disaster management capacity • Limited financial allocations by the UN System in comparison to other donors and the World Bank in support of development targets in country • Capacities, especially in the public sector often lacking including in terms of planning, monitoring and evaluation processes • Civil service incentives system mitigates against sustainability – this also applies to the development community as a whole globally • Existing national frameworks may be weak - limited links to national budget - allocations not MDG targeted - governance priorities inadequate - provisions for sustainability (e.g. O&M missing)
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen The Opportunities… Policy: Sharing a joint UNDAF review. Need to also conduct a joint review of country programmes The Government of Yemen has requested to be considered a One UN pilot in 2009. The UNCT will further discuss pending a reconfirmation with the Government and with agency Headquarters on requirements, expectations, and a mutual understanding of the undertaking Programmes: Joint Programmes have been identified and are in the process of being further developed Joint Programming activities are being implemented Operations: Move to greater integration of services (some Agencies experiencing centrifugal forces. e.g. moving HR administration from UNDP to individual Agency)
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen The Opportunities (cont)… Security: Common Premises Government could donate land, but UN needs to build No clear policy from UNDSS Funding: Scaling up of World Bank technical assistance, and LDC targeted assistance through the Millennium Challenge Account and the London Conference
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen Results to Date • Policy: • MDG based UNDAF and 5-Year Plan Development Plan for Poverty Reduction • Inclusion of gender (though still largely token) • Dialogue with Gulf Council for Cooperation (GCC) • Programme: • Joint programme on MP, leading to Needs Assessment, in turn leading to renewed interest of GCC in the country • Other Examples (girls education, polio, immunization, desert locust control, humanitarian response & refugees) • Operations: • Joint services (travel, transport, banking) • Incentives (This is a work in progress and needs more traction and true inter-agency action, including with bi-laterals) • Security: • Release of Radios (this took a significant amount of time and in some cases could not be obtained) • Common position on Escorts
UN Programme Coherence Challenges & Opportunities for LDCs – A field perspective from Yemen Recommendations • The modalities for performance assessment are still contentious, in that some agencies are keen to have a say on RC performance while others are not, and there is no full reciprocity • The 180 degree assessment is too mechanical, and a better way to assess performance would be through the results achieved • Further harmonization of frameworks. Agencies to be assessed on degree of coherence of their own programmes with the UNDAF • Common M&E Framework