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Explore feedback control systems, learn how to stabilize unstable systems, reduce nonlinearities, and improve system response using feedback compensation methods. Dive into examples and applications to enhance your understanding of control theory.

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  1. LECTURE 30: FEEDBACK CONTROL • Objectives:Typical Feedback SystemFeedback ExampleFeedback as CompensationProportional FeedbackApplications • Resources:MIT 6.003: Lecture 20MIT 6.003: Lecture 21Wiki: Control SystemsBrit: Feedback ControlJC: Crash CourseWiki: Root LocusWiki: Inverted Pendulum CJC: Inverted Pendulum URL:

  2. A Typical Feedback System Feed Forward Feedback • Why use feedback? • Reducing Nonlinearities • Reducing Sensitivity to Uncertainties and Variability • Stabilizing Unstable Systems • Reducing Effects of Disturbances • Tracking • Shaping System Response Characteristics (bandwidth/speed)

  3. Motivating Example • Open loop system: aim and shoot. • What happens if you miss? • Can you automate the correctionprocess? • Closed-loop system: automatically adjusts until the proper coordinates are achieved. • Issues: speed of adjustment, inertia, momentum, stability, …

  4. System Function For A Closed-Loop System • The transfer function of thissystem can be derived usingprinciples we learned inChapter 6: • Black’s Formula: Closed-loop transfer function is given by: • Forward Gain: total gain of the forward path from the inputto the output, where the gain of a summer is 1. • Loop Gain: total gain along the closed loop shared by all systems. Loop

  5. The Use Of Feedback As Compensation • Assume the open loopgain is very large(e.g., op amp):  Independent of P(s) • The closed-loop gain depends only on the passive components (R1 and R2) and is independent of the open-loop gain of the op amp.

  6. Stabilization of an Unstable System • If P(s) is unstable, can westabilize the system byinserting controllers? • Design C(s) and G(s) so thatthe poles of Q(s) are in the LHP: • Example: Proportional Feedback (C(s) = K) • The overall system gain is: • The transfer function is stable for K > 2. • Hence, we can adjust K until the system is stable.

  7. Second-Order Unstable System • Try proportional feedback: • One of the poles is at • Unstable for all values of K. • Try damping, a term proportional to : • This system is stable as long as: • K2 > 0: sufficient damping force • K1 > 4: sufficient gain • Using damping and feedback, we have stabilized a second-order unstable system.

  8. The Concept of a Root Locus • Recall our simple control systemwith transfer function: • The controllers C(s) and G(s) can bedesigned to stabilize the system, but that could involve a multidimensional optimization. Instead, we would like a simpler, more intuitive approach to understand the behavior of this system. • Recall the stability of the system depends on the poles of 1 + C(s)G(s)P(s). • A root locus, in its most general form, is simply a plot of how the poles of our transfer function vary as the parameters of C(s) and G(s) are varied. • The classic root locus problem involves a simplified system: Closed-loop poles are the same.

  9. Example: First-Order System • Consider a simple first-order system: • The pole is at s0 = -(2+K). Vary Kfrom 0 to∞: • Observation: improper adjustment of the gain can cause the overall system to become unstable. Becomes less stable Becomes more stable

  10. Example: Second-Order System With Proportional Control • Using Black’s Formula: • How does the step responsevary as a function of the gain, K? • Note that as K increases, thesystem goes from too little gainto too much gain.

  11. How Do The Poles Move? Desired Response • Can we generalize this analysis to systems of arbitrary complexity? • Fortunately, MATLAB has support for generation of the root locus: • num = [1]; • den = [1 101 101]; (assuming K = 1) • P = tf(num, den); • rlocus(P);

  12. Example

  13. Feedback System – Implementation

  14. Summary • Introduced the concept of system control using feedback. • Demonstrated how we can stabilize first-order systems using simple proportional feedback, and second-order systems using damping (derivative proportional feedback). • Why did we not simply cancel the poles? • In real systems we never know the exact locations of the poles. Slight errors in predicting these values can be fatal. • Disturbances between the two systems can cause instability. • There are many ways we can use feedback to control systems including feedback that adapts over time to changes in the system or environment. • Discussed an application of feedback control involving stabilization of an inverted pendulum.

  15. More General Case • Assume no pole/zero cancellation in G(s)H(s): • Closed-loop poles are the roots of: • It is much easier to plot the root locus for high-order polynomials because we can usually determine critical points of the plot from limiting cases(e.g., K= 0, ∞), and then connect the critical points using some simple rules. • The root locus is defined as traces of s for unity gain: • Some general rules: • At K= 0, G(s0)H(s0) = ∞ s0are the poles of G(s)H(s). • At K= , G(s0)H(s0) = 0s0are the zeroes of G(s)H(s). • Rule #1: start at a pole at K= 0 and end at a zero at K= ∞. • Rule #2: (K ≠ 0) number of zeroes and poles to the right of the locus point must be odd.

  16. Inverted Pendulum • Pendulum which has its mass above its pivot point. • It is often implemented with the pivot point mounted on a cart that can move horizontally. • A normal pendulum is stable when hanging downwards, an inverted pendulum is inherently unstable. • Must be actively balanced in order to remain upright, either by applying a torque at the pivot point or by moving the pivot point horizontally (Wiki).

  17. Feedback System – Use Proportional Derivative Control • Equations describing the physics: • The poles of the system are inherentlyunstable. • Feedback control can be used to stabilize both the angle and position. • Other approaches involve oscillatingthe support up and down.

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