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Unification. Review. Who said government should do the “greatest good for the greatest number”?. Jeremy Bentham. English government official who created England’s first public health law in 1846. Edwin Chadwick. This theory held that people contract disease when they breathe bad odors.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unification Review

  2. Who said government should do the “greatest good for the greatest number”? • Jeremy Bentham

  3. English government official who created England’s first public health law in 1846. Edwin Chadwick

  4. This theory held that people contract disease when they breathe bad odors Miasmatic

  5. He was the first to develop a “germ theory”of disease. • Louis Pasteur

  6. What principle did Joseph Lister come up with? Antiseptic Principle

  7. Because of the germ theory and the antiseptic principle mortality rates in Europe declined dramatically after which year? 1840 1860 1890 1910

  8. Answer: 1890

  9. He postulated that much human behavior is motivated by unconscious emotional needs Sigmund Freud

  10. He codified the rules of Chemistry in the periodic table. Dmitiri Mendeleev

  11. According to Auguste Comte, What were the three theoretical conditions that each branch of knowledge passes through? • Theological • Metaphysical • Scientific or Positive

  12. Which of the following is not associated with evolutionary concepts? Lamarck Faraday Darwin

  13. Answer: • Faraday

  14. Realist writer, also argued for the freeing of Alfred Dreyfus. Emile Zola

  15. Gustave Flaubert’s classic novel criticizing middle class values. Madame Bovary

  16. Louis Napoleon bonaparte became the President of the 2nd French Republic in this year 1848

  17. This act gave the Catholic church greater control over the French Education system. Falloux law

  18. What happened on Dec. 2, 1851? Coup d’etat by Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

  19. LNB’s area of greatest success as the leader of France was with the: Economy

  20. Did NIII government become more liberal or more conservative in the 1860’s? More liberal

  21. At the Congress of Vienna, Metternich gave Austria control over which two Italian territories? Lombardy and Venetia

  22. After which war did Italy gain Lombardy?. Austro-Sardinian

  23. After which war did Italy gain Venetia? Austro-Prussian war

  24. Who’s troops protected the Pope in Rome from 1849-1870? Napoleon III

  25. He called for a federation of existing Italian States under the rule of the Pope. Vincenzo Gioberti

  26. He thought Italy should be a centralized democratic republic based on universal suffrage. Guiseppe Mazzini

  27. This Italian territory did the most to unify Italy. Kingdom of Sardinia or the Piedmont.

  28. This document was evidence that the Pope(Pius IX) was opposed to national unification and modern trends. Syllabus of errors 1864

  29. Name the King and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1860. Victor Emmanuel II Cavour

  30. How did Napoleon III betray Cavour in 1859?. He signed a separate treaty with Austria, only giving Italy Lombardy

  31. What territory had Cavour promised France if war with Austria was successful? Nice and Savoy

  32. He liberated the Kingdom of the Two sicilies in 1860. Garibaldi

  33. Which 2 men rode through the streets of Naples to symbolically seal the union of North and South Italy? King Victor Emmanuel II Garibaldi

  34. In what year did Italy gain Rome? 1870

  35. A constitutional crisis occurred in Prussia in 1862 when the Parliament rejected which of the Kings budgetary items Miltary

  36. With which 3 countries did Bismarck go to war in his drive to unify Germany. Denmark Austria France

  37. Which title best fits Bismarck: Prussian aristocrat or German Nationalist? Prussian Aristocrat

  38. According to Bismarck what would settle the great issues of the day? Blood and Iron

  39. Conflict over these territories helped lead to the Austro-Prussian war of 1866 Schleswig and Holstein

  40. Bismarck gained Alexander II’s gratitude by supporting Russia’s repression of an uprising in this country. Poland

  41. This was the critical battle of the Austro-Prussian war. Sadowa

  42. By 1867 Bismarck had formed the : North German Confederation

  43. What did Bismarck hope to gain from war with France in 1870? unification with the Southern German states

  44. What French territory did Germany gain from the Franco- Prussian war?. Alsace and Lorraine

  45. This was the decisive battle of the Franco-Prussian war. Battle of Sedan

  46. Who was wrongly blamed for the French loss in the Franco-Prussian war? Dreyfus

  47. He freed the serfs in 1861 Czar Alexander II

  48. In 1864 this was established as a form of local government in Russia. Zemstvo

  49. Peasant village that owned land collectively and was responsible for paying for the peasants land. Mir

  50. What war was fought from 1854-1856? Crimean War

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