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IAU Commission 28 - Galaxies. Highlights 2005-08 Conferences New OC. 1- Star formation with Spitzer and Galex. M51. 24 m and H a tracers of SFR Messier 51 Kennicutt et al 2007 Depends on the pixel average, Best on 520pc.
IAU Commission 28 - Galaxies Highlights 2005-08 Conferences New OC
1- Star formation with Spitzer and Galex M51 24m and Ha tracers of SFR Messier 51 Kennicutt et al 2007 Depends on the pixel average, Best on 520pc Gradual process of SF decline with time: gas exhaustion? Star formation increases with z: Noeske et al 2007 2905 galaxies AEGIS Groth Strip Blue: 24m + Emission lines Green: no 24m SF from EM, red
Type 1 UV NIR-opt Type 2 UV NIR-opt 2- Extended UV (XUV) disks Thilker et al 2007 Frequent extended UV Might be episodic gas accretion Gil de Paz et al 2007 Abundances in the outer parts are not pristine material, but like 1Gyr old disks
3- Colour Bimodality and downsizing Daddi et al 2007 30% of z~2 galaxies detected in 24m show excess of mid-IR % star formation. Stacked X-ray reveal Compton-thick AGN Fraction increases with mass, and with z 60% M> 1011Mo Origin of bimodality? Cold gas accretion at low M Quenching of star formation M>Mo Dekel & Birnboim 2006
4- Evolution and High-z galaxies Tacconi et al 2006 Kristen et al 08, Genzel et al 08 Distinguishing between mergers and normal galaxies?
5- Scaling laws and time evolution Sheth et al 2008 Trachternach et al 2009 Baryonic Tully-Fisher Constraint on triaxiality
6- Numerical simulations Satellite problem more accute Via Lactea Diemand et al 2007 Di Matteo et al 2007, 08 Retrograde mergers produce more starbursts Globally, only a few % of starburst due to mergers
Conferences IAU S230: Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies, Aug 2005, Dublin, Ir 11th Latin-American Regional IAU Meeting (LARIM-2005), Dec05, Pucon, Chile IAU S235 : Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, Aug 2006, Prague, Cz JD07: The Universe at z>6, Aug 2006, Prague, Cz IAU S238: Black Holes -- from Stars to Galaxies, Aug 2006, Prague, Cz IAU S241: Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies, Dec 2006, Canaries, Sp IAU S244: Dark Galaxies and Lost Baryons, June 2007, Cardiff, UK IAU S245: Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, July 2007, Oxford, UK IAU S254: The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, June 2008 Copenhagen, Dk IAU S255 : Low-Metallicity Star Formation, June 2008, Rapallo, Liguria, It IAU S256 The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies, July 2008, Keele, UK + 100 other meetings relevant to Galaxies (cited in the report, 2005-08) 10 times more than IAU!
Commission actions New Organising Committee for 2009-2012 President Roger Davies (UK) Vice President Jay Gallagher (USA) New OC members Stephane Courteau (Canada) Chanda Jog (India) Sharda Jogee (USA) Linda Tacconi (Germany) Elena Terlevich (Mex) Continuing OC members Francoise Combes (F, past-president) Avishai Dekel (Israel) Marijn Franx (NL) Naomasa Nakai (Japan) Monica Rubio (Chile) Main actions: Review meeting proposals Proposition of Working Groups Large surveys? IAU GA 2012