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Emperor Kangxi Adam Schall. Christoph Clavius Pope Gregor. Matteo Ricci Xu Guangqi. 康熙帝 汤若望. 利玛窦 徐光启. 克里斯托佛 · 克拉乌 格里高 教皇. 中国和欧洲的历法日食. Eclipses and Calendar Design in China and Europe. Second International Solar Eclipse Summit
EmperorKangxi Adam Schall Christoph Clavius Pope Gregor Matteo Ricci Xu Guangqi 康熙帝汤若望 利玛窦 徐光启 克里斯托佛·克拉乌 格里高教皇 中国和欧洲的历法日食 Eclipses and Calendar Design in China and Europe Second International Solar Eclipse Summit Shanghai July 21st, 2009 Peter Richter
Lunisolar calendars 阴阳历 • 太阳一般而言支配着农业和经济活动(岁 → 四季 → 节气 → 中气) • 月亮 决定节日或宗教仪式的日期(月光)(年 → 月) • 新月罗喉 , 计都旁边 →日食 • 望月罗喉 , 计都旁边 →月食 • Sun governs agriculture and economic activities in general (solar year → seasons → solar terms) • Moondetermines dates of festive or ritual events (moon light) (lunar year →months) • Dragon points (Lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu) mark solar eclipses at new moon and lunar eclipses at full moon Peter Richter
Problems 问题 • Solar year 365.24219 d and synodic month 29.530589 d are not commensurate: a solar year has 12.368 266 lunar months. • Sun and Moon do not move at constant speeds. Months have varying lengths. • Draconitic month 27.21222 d • Anomalistic month 27.55455 d • Lunisolar calendars must design a scheme that takes these facts into account • 太阳年 (岁)365.24219 天朔望月29.530589 天, 这两者是不相称的: 太阳年有12.368 266月。 • 太阳和月亮不以恒定不变的速度运动。每个月都会改变长度。 • 交点月有 27.21222 天 • 近点月有 27.55455 天 • 阴阳历必须提 前设计好,并且把上述所有的因素都考虑在内。 Peter Richter
Solutions 解决方案 • Two different principles have been worked out: • Astronomical calendars are based on the true motions of Sun and Moon; they can include eclipses – that is the case in China • Mathematical calendars are based on the average lengths of solar years and lunar months; they cannot include eclipses – that is the case in the West • 已经制定出两个不同的原则: • 天文日历是基于太阳和月亮的准确运动而制定出来的; 他们能包括日食,月食 – 也就是在中国的这个例子 • 数字日历是基于太阳年和朔望月长度的平均值;他们不包括日食,月食 – 也就是在西方一些国家的例子。 Peter Richter
克里斯托佛·克拉乌 (1537-1612)16世纪后期,欧洲数学界的领军 人物,参与了1582年对阳历的改良作为对旧式的公历轻度修改。 利玛窦 (1552-1610)克拉维斯的学生,在1582年前往中国并建立友好关系跟徐光启(1562-1633) 他们一同把欧几里德定律翻译成中文,把孔子的著作翻译成了拉丁文。徐光启认为中国也需要有自己的历法。 Christopher Clavius(1537-1612) Europe‘s leading mathematician in late 16th century designed the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582 as a mild correction to the old Julian calendar Matteo Ricci(1552-1610) Clavius‘ student, left for China in 1582 and established friendship with Xu Guangqi(1562-1633) Together they translated Euclid into Chinese and Confucian works into Latin. Xu felt the need for a Chinese calendar reform. Peter Richter
熊三拔 (1575-1620)准确地预测了1610年12月15日的日食 Sabbathin de Ursis(1575-1620) correctly predicted the eclipse of Dec 15, 1610 Peter Richter
金尼阁 (1577-1629)在利玛窦去世之后前往欧洲,出版他的观测日记,挑选22位耶稣会科学家前往中国。8位幸存者在1619年到达。徐光启为他们提供了住宿。 邓玉函(1576-1630)伽利略的故友,他是他们之中顶尖的科学家。徐光启和他们一起参加了一个关于1629年6月21日日食预测的比赛,这与2009年7月22日的日食相似。它们的预测与事实最相近。 Nicolas Trigault(1577-1629) went to Europe after Ricci‘s death, published his diaries, and selected 22 Jesuit scientists for the China mission. 8 survivors of the trip arrived in 1619. Xu gave them shelter. Johann SchreckTerrentius(1576-1630) former friend of Galilei, was their top scientist. Xu involved them in a contest for predicting the solar eclipse of June 21, 1629, similar to the one of July 22, 2009. Their prediction was the best. Peter Richter
徐光启与邓玉函共同收到了皇帝的指令制定中国的历法的改革。邓玉函于1630年逝世。徐光启与邓玉函共同收到了皇帝的指令制定中国的历法的改革。邓玉函于1630年逝世。 汤若望(1592-1666)成为他的继承人。中国历法改革在1633年完成:崇祯历。明清之间的动乱使得这部历法从来没有使用过。在动乱之后,汤若望预测在1644年9月1日会出现日食,并且受到委任完成中国的历法:时宪历。 Xu andSchreck obtained the Emperor‘s order to work out a calendar reform. When Schreck died in 1630, J. Adam Schall von Bell (1592-1666) became his successor. The reform was completed in 1633, under the name Chongzhen Almanac. In the turmoils of the Ming to Qing transition it was never put into effect. After the transition, Bell predicted the eclipse of Sept. 1st, 1644, and was ordered to finalize the calendar. Peter Richter
The calendar of 1645 西洋新法历书 • embodied all ingredients of the traditional Chinese calendars from Taichu Calendar of 104 BC to Shoushi Calendar of 1280 • Solar year runs from one winter solstice to the next: 365 or 366 d • Solar terms every 15o along the ecliptic; major terms every 30o • Lunar month from new moon to new moon: large, small, and leap months • Lunar year starting with second new moon after winter solstice: short and long years • Eclipses are included • 代表传统中国日历的所有元素,从公元前104年的太初历到1280 年的授时历 • 岁: 从冬至到冬至 -365或 366天 • 节气: 沿着黄道每15度一个节气;每30度一个中气。 • 月: 从新月到新月 - 大月,小月和闰月。 • 年: 从冬至之后的第二个新月开始 - 短年和长年 • 包括日食, 月食。 Peter Richter
Epilogue 后记 • In recognition of his merits Adam Schall was elevated to the rank of director of the imperial bureau of astronomy. • He and other Jesuits respected the Chinese traditions and did not care too much to proselytize. Cultural exchange flourished for more than a century. • Narrow minded church officials including the Pope disapproved of this attitude and forbade it in a Papal bull of 1715. Emperor Kangxi‘s reaction was to ban all Christian mission. Thus the interchange came to an end. • 为了表彰汤若望的功勋,皇帝提拔他为钦天监 • 他和其他的耶稣会会士都十分尊重中国传统,而且对于改变信仰并不太在意。文化交流在一个多世纪都十分频繁。 • 包括罗马教皇在内的思维狭隘的教堂官员反对这种看法并且在1715年的教皇训令中予以禁止。康熙皇帝的意见是禁止所有的基督教行为。因此,文化间的交流终止了。 Peter Richter
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