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第九部分读写任务. 真题再练. 此栏目略. 命 题 揭 秘. 概况表解: 近三年高考读写任务的总体情况如下表所示:. 具体分析: 具体来说,阅读短文和写作要求有以下几个特点:. (1) 长度: 约 200 个词。 (2) 难度: 较阅读理解的文章容易。 (3) 体裁: 多种多样,三年三种体裁各不相同。在备考中,除练习已出现的这三种文体外,我们还应加强记叙文和议论文等的训练。 (4) 来源: 来自于外国网站或英美报刊: 2008 年: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070727112932AAk5fLK
真题再练 此栏目略
具体分析:具体来说,阅读短文和写作要求有以下几个特点:具体分析:具体来说,阅读短文和写作要求有以下几个特点: (1)长度:约200个词。 (2)难度:较阅读理解的文章容易。 (3)体裁:多种多样,三年三种体裁各不相同。在备考中,除练习已出现的这三种文体外,我们还应加强记叙文和议论文等的训练。 (4)来源:来自于外国网站或英美报刊: 2008年:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070727112932AAk5fLK 2007年:http://babiestoday.com/articles/496.php
作文题的特点 (1)话题:均在《课程标准》和《考试说明》规定的24个话题之内。 (2)题材:真实可靠,贴近学生的学习与生活,为考生所熟悉。 (3)概括:可以是概括全文,如2008年和2009年高考;也可以是概括其中的某个小段落、某个人物或某个方面,如2007年高考题。 (4)内容:要求考生发表观点的写作内容要点明确,近三年高考中每年都有3条具体的内容要点。一般说来,考生都有话可写。
考生得分情况 本题满分25分,近三年全省高考考生得分率均还在40%左右,即大约只有10分,还有很大的上升空间。据此,我们有理由相信,在这种选拔考试中,该题是使你获取高分,与其他考生拉开距离的有效突破口。师生备考务必重视!
1.将词汇复习与写作结合起来。 如每天重点记忆原来还不是很熟的单词7个;将这7个单词编成英文故事或用英文写一段通顺自然的话。在口头上或头脑中练习多次,然后才写其中一段满意的故事短文。反复运用,不但可巩固单词,同时也提高了口头和笔头表达能力。 2.坚持天天练,一天也不间断。 每天可以花20来分钟写一篇正规的读写任务,也可以针对日常学习或生活中的某件事发表看法,自由表达自己的思想,如果有必要,不局限于词数,甚至越长越好。
3.熟读优美词句,背诵作文范文。 “熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会偷。”平时注意收集优秀词句,熟读并背诵,如本书中“写作基础导练”部分的练习题(句子和小语篇)就值得一背。平时练习的写作题的范文,最好也能背诵。
1.审题,明确题目要求。 通过审题明确文章主题、写作内容、主要时态和主体人称等问题。其中主体人称,就是要确定以第几人称进行写作。 2.阅读,抓住内容要点。 阅读短文,找出文章的内容要点。 (1)议论文:找出论点、论据和结论。其关键是找出主题句或结论句。若文中有一分为二的观点的,两种观点都要概括,不要漏掉其中一方的观点。 (2)记叙文:找出时间(when),地点(where),什么人(who),做了什么事(what),结果怎么样(how)等五要素。其中,最重要的要点是某人(who)做了何事(what)。若是夹叙夹议的文章,还要加上作者的看法、观点、经验或感悟。
(3)说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句(多在首段),写概要时注意要找出中心句,抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文,要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。(3)说明文和新闻报道:通常会有中心句(多在首段),写概要时注意要找出中心句,抓住关键词。对现象分析型说明文,要找出“现象”“造成这种现象的原因”“解决这种现象或问题的措施或建议”。 (4)发言稿:通常会很明确地表明观点或态度,写概要时要从发言者的言语中明确作者的态度,把握作者的写作目的。或先概括每段大意,进而归纳全文主旨。 3.概括,转述作者观点。 在找出文章的内容要点后,就要用自己的话转述原文内容要点。要注意在用词或句式上做到同义替换,避免抄袭之嫌。
4.过渡,引出自己观点。 写了摘要后,用句过渡的话,再引出自己的观点(赞成或反对)或引出类似的故事。 5.例证,论证自己观点。 议论文——在提出自己的观点后,就用具体的事例来论证自己的观点。 记叙文——编写与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的故事(亲身经历或虚构)。 6.结论,注意前后呼应。
7.润色,使其锦上添花。 一查人称是否符合要求;二查语法方面的问题,包括用词、时态等方面的错误等,确保“语言规范”;三查逻辑关系,看前后观点是否一致;四查是否使用一些较为高级的句型,如非谓语动词结构、with 短语结构、定语从句、倒装句型、恰当的连接词、短语动词等。 特别提醒:高级结构这条不必强求,视自己实际水平而定,因为任何结构都以“准确”为第一原则。据近三年阅卷情况,只要能用简单句表达完要写的内容,就可得该题的60%,即15分,大大超过省平均分了。
有人曾将读写任务的篇章结构归纳如下,可作为参考:有人曾将读写任务的篇章结构归纳如下,可作为参考: (1)标题。(有时不一定要求拟标题) (2)第一段:用一两句话概括所给短文内容要点,约30词。建议控制在25—35词之间。 (3)第二段:议论文——过渡词引出主题句——自己的观点——例证,约100词。 记叙文——过渡词+与阅读文章主题相同但情节不同的故事,约100词。 (4)第三段:即总结句,套语配名言来进行点题,要前后呼应,三位一体,约30词。
以上结构模式仅供参考,下列两点却是非常重要的:以上结构模式仅供参考,下列两点却是非常重要的: (1)概括一般单独一自然段; (2)发表看法或议论时,依照试题所给内容要点本身的顺序,原则上每个要点单独写一个自然段,这不但保证写作内容覆盖所有写作点,而且层次清晰,让阅卷老师一目了然;若其中两条逻辑关系特别紧密,也可用一个自然段来表达。
摘要的开头语 (1)According to the passage, we know... (2)The writer states that... (3)The author thinks /argues ... (4)The story/passage is about... (5)The writer/author tells us about... (6)The story mainly tells us that...
摘要后的过渡语 议论文的过渡语 表示赞同 (1)I agree with the statement that... (2)I do agree with the author... (3)I’m for the writer’s idea that... (4)I quite agree with the writer’s idea. (5)I fully support the statement above because I am very sure... (6)I can’t agree more with what the writer said/says.(我完全同意作者的观点)
表示不赞同 (1)I partly agree with what the writer said. (2)I don’t agree with the writer’s view. (3)I’m strongly against the writer’s idea. (4)In some way, I agree with..., but..... (5)This opinion sounds right but is hardly practical. (6)What the writer said sounds reasonable. But... (7)It is definitely not like that. As a matter of fact,... (8)Some people argue as if it is a general truth that... But to be frank, I cannot agree with them.
表达自己观点 (1)As for me,... (2)In my opinion, ... (3)As far as I am concerned,... (4)From my point of view... (5)I hold the view/belief that... (6)Personally, I believe that... (7)According to my experience, I think that...
引出话题 (1)There is no doubt that... 毫无疑问…… (2)It can not be denied that... 不可否认…… (3)No one can ignore the fact that... 谁也不可忽视…… (4)From what is mentioned above, we know... 依上所述,我们知道……
记叙文的过渡语 (1)I have a similar experience. (2)I also went through such an experience. (3)This story reminds me of another story that happened to... (4)This story reminds me of a similar experience of...
提供论据或原因分析的套语 总述原因 (1)There are several reasons that contribute to ... (2)My views are based on the following reasons. 分层论述 (1)On the one hand,... On the other,... 一方面……另一方面…… (2)For one thing,... For another... 一则……二则…… (3)To begin with/First of all/First (ly),... Second (ly), ... Besides/Furthermore /What’s more,... Finally/Last but not least... 首先……其次……此外/而且……最后……
列举例子 (1)Take... for example. 以……为例吧/就拿……来说吧。 (2)For example/instance,... 例如,…… (3)such as比如说,诸如……之类的 引出经历 What impresses me most is that... 我印象最为深的是…… 分析因果 Thanks to/ Owing to/ Because of..., 由于/因为…… Consequently/Therefore/Thus/ As a result,... 因此/结果……
总结句开头语 (1)To sum up/In short/In conclusion/ In a word/All in all, ... 总之,…… (2)Taking all the factors into account, we can draw a conclusion that... 考虑到以上因素,我们可以得出这样的结论:…… (3)From the discussion above, it can be safely concluded that... 根据以上讨论,可以得出如下结论:…… (4)To be brief, we should be aware of the importance of... 总之,我们应当明白……的重要性。 (5)Therefore, it is necessary for us to ... 因此,我们有必要…… (6)Only /in this way /when we... can we... 只有用这种方法/当……时,我们才能……
1.表达精练简洁。 表达不要啰嗦,若能用非谓语动词做定语或状语就不要用定语从句或状语从句。 2.避免低级错误。 避免语法和拼写的低级错误,避免被扣印象分。 3.保证赏心悦目。 注重书写美观,保持卷面整洁,提高印象分。 (1)切忌书写不清、涂涂抹抹; (2)保持单词之间的距离基本一致,一般为一个a字母的间隙; (3)错词只用一条横线或斜线划掉,尽量不重复涂写同一字母或单词; (4)每段前空格约4个字母的位置。
4.句子错落有致。 根据表达需要,交叉使用长句与短句、简单句与复杂句。 5.句式多种多样。 多样化句式,方能显示较强的语言功底,大大提高作文档次。 (1)用it is/was... that...强调句式; (2)用作状语的介词短语开头的完全倒装句或用以only in this way等开头的部分倒装句; (3)用with的复合结构(with+宾语+宾补)作状语或定语; (4)用非谓语动词;
(5)用what引导的名词性从句; (6)用独立主格结构; (7)恰当运用感叹句、被动句等; (8)适当运用however, in my opinion, fortunately, personally等插入语; (9)尽量用短语代替单词来表达同样的意思; (10)恰当使用关联词语,做到过渡自然,结构紧凑,篇章连贯。
专题练析 1.就“成功”的主题发表看法 [写作内容] 1. 以大约30个词概括短文的内容要点; 2. 以约120个词就“成功”的主题发表看法,内容包括: (1)该故事启示你成功靠什么; (2)你认为什么是成功。
名师指津 1. 概括要点:这篇阅读材料是一篇记叙文,概括要点需包括: who= Lee Hee-Ah, a Korean pianist, born with severe disabilities what= paid off, won many contests why=with diligence and perseverance how= a living and wonderful example to the rest of us 2. 发表看法:两个要点可分别写一段话。要点(1)故事的启示,成功靠:diligence, perseverance and courage;要点(2)什么是成功,可根据Ah-Lee所说“Do not compare yourself to others.” “Try hard”得出,无论做什么,尽最大努力就做;尽力了,就是赢者,就是成功。
1. 就“成功”的主题发表看法 From the passage we learn that a disabled pianist achieves success with diligence and perseverance, who has set a good example to us able-bodied people.(25 words) As we see from the story of Lee Hee-Ah, it is diligence, perseverance and courage that contribute to success. Diligence and perseverance help us remove ignorance, overcome difficulties, and enlighten our minds. Just as the famous saying goes, “No pains, no gains”. With courage, we can be optimistic and always smile bravely when faced with difficulties and challenges.
In my opinion, success also means trying your best when you do everything,no matter whether you will win or not. For example, when you are taking part in a long-distance race, if you keep on running as fast as you can, you are successful, although you may be the last to pass the finishing-line,because you have showed your best to others, and you have made your greatest effort to be the winner.(132 words)
2. 就 “提高英语阅读能力”的主题发表看法 [写作内容] 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2.然后以约120个词就 “提高英语阅读能力”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: (1)你属于文章中哪一类阅读能力者, 为什么? (2)就你自己而言,你认为应该如何提高英语阅读能力? (3)你对提高自己的英语阅读能力有信心吗?请简单陈述理由。
名师指津 1. 这是一篇议论文,写摘要主要是抓住论点、论据和结论,然后用自己的话将其表达出来即可。本文第一段末句用提问的方式提出论点:you can learn to read better;第二段和第三段进行论证(找论据):(1)even the very poor players can become much better players if they are guided in the right way, and with plenty of practice (2)every poor reader can improve his reading ability. 据此,我们不难得出结论:even the poor readers can improve their reading ability if they are guided correctly
2. 可用一句话引出自己的观点,如Nowadays, many students have difficulty in improving their reading ability.然后按题中内容要点的顺序逐条进行写作,不要遗漏要点。最好每个观点先写主题句,再进行论述。三个要点三段话,基本上可以回答的方式表明观点,然后适当展开。 3. 文末可加简要结论,以便前呼后应。如In conclusion, even the poor readers can improve their reading ability.
2. 就 “提高英语阅读能力”的主题发表看法 How to Improve Your Reading Ability The author argues that although some people think it impossible to improve their reading ability, the fact is that even the poor readers can improve it if they are guided correctly just like the basketball players.(36 words) Nowadays, many students have difficulty in improving their reading ability. I belong to the good readers because I like reading very much and I can read quite well without any special help.
In my opinion, we can do the following to improve our reading ability. First, try to learn as many words as you can by heart because you can read much faster if you do so. Second, practising reading every day can help cultivate a sense of language. Third, it’s important for you to master some reading skills and only in this way can you improve your reading ability more quickly. Of course I have the confidence in improving my English reading ability because I can always find my own way to increase my reading interest. In conclusion, even the poor readers can improve their reading ability.(138 words)
3.就“开怀大笑是良药”的主题发表看法 [写作内容] 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2.然后以约120个词就“Laughter is the best medicine”为主题发表看法,并以自己的亲身体验为例,说明欢笑至少有下列好处: (1)减少压力;(2)增添乐趣;(3)多交朋友;(4)乐观向上。
名师指津 1.本阅读文是一篇说明文,介绍了laughter的作用。概述要抓住以下关键词:improve health and help fight diseases, blood pressure is lowered, laugh the negative emotions away, a total body workout等。 2.发表看法以自己的亲身体验引出四个方面的“好处”。各要点的的关键词句主要有: 减少压力relieve/reduce stress; make us light-hearted 增添乐趣add amusement/fun to; make life more interesting 多交朋友make more friends, narrow gaps between people 乐观向上face difficulties and challenges more optimistically
3. 就“开怀大笑是良药”的主题发表看法 The passage tell us that laughter can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, remove negative emotions and exercise your whole body, which makes people healthy and help people guard against illnesses.(29 words) As for me, the benefits of laughter are too numerous to ignore. I would feel down when I failed the exams. I never thought I was capable of achieving anything, let alone go to my ideal university. However, it was my teachers who told me to face difficulties and challenges more optimistically by laughing, and equipped with courage and confidence, I have made progress.
Actually, laughter relieves stress, thus lightening our burdens and enabling us to work more efficiently. Moreover, laughter adds amusement to life; it is to life what salt is to a dish. Also, everyone loves those who can make them laugh. The more we share our sense of humor, the more friends we will have. Therefore, don’t hesitate to laugh.(123 words)
4. 就“如何看待外貌”的主题发表看法 [写作内容] (1)以约30个词概括短文的要点; (2)然后以约120个词就“如何看待外貌”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: a.以身边的人举例说明他/她是如何对待自己出众的外貌的; b.身边有的人对待外貌的不当态度; c.你对待外貌的看法及理由。
名师指津 1.概括要点:该文为说明文。概括的关键是要把握好每个段落的大意,即找准每一个段落的主题句(topic sentence)。而主题句通常位于每段的段首或段尾,但有时也会位于段中。最后用自己的语言把各段的主题句巧妙地组合起来,该说明文的概括就水到渠成了。 全文两个自然段的末句是结论句,即主题句,用自己的话将其连贯地表达出来即可。
2.发表看法:三个要点要依次用三个自然段来写。2.发表看法:三个要点要依次用三个自然段来写。 要点(1)可能用到的词语: has almost a perfect face and slim figure (出众) treat one’s beauty in a ... way (对待外貌出众的方式) be nice to sb. ... be accepted by... be outstanding beauty(她因待人好,得到别人的接受,从而更显她的美) 要点(2)可能用到的词语: be not satisfied with their appearance... spend a lot of money on... (有些人为了追求外表美,不惜一切代价) Beauty can not be man-made. If so, ... (你对他们这样做的看法)
要点(3)可能用到的词语: regard ... as the standard of beauty (你本人对外貌的看法) be given by our parents... be unique... value it... accept... and create... (这样看的理由)