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Referat. Kognition und lerntheoretische Aspekte. Leitung: Prof. Dr. R. Wilhelm Betreung: Andreas Kerren Termin: 15.07. - 14:15 Uhr Referent: Olaf Maennel Internet: http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/ ~kerren/lehre/seminar/ss99/11/index.html. Seminar Visualisierung. Teil 1 von 9. Überblick.
Referat Kognition und lerntheoretische Aspekte Leitung: Prof. Dr. R. Wilhelm Betreung: Andreas Kerren Termin: 15.07. - 14:15 Uhr Referent: Olaf Maennel Internet: http://www.cs.uni-sb.de/ ~kerren/lehre/seminar/ss99/11/index.html SeminarVisualisierung
Teil 1 von 9 Überblick Gliederung Wozu gibt es die neuen Netze? Neue Medien zum lernen? Wie sieht die Praxis aus? Vannevar Bush Ted Nelson Peter Baumgartner Isaac Balbin An Webseiten lernen: Wie man eine Glühbirne einschraubt Etwas über Einstein und Relativität Wie man Küken untersucht...
Teil 2 von 9 Bush - Artikel Medientheorie Artikel: As We May Think Von: Vannevar Bush Zeitschrift: The Atlantic Monthly Internet: http://www.ps.uni-sb.de/ ~duchier/pub/vbush/vbush.shtml
Teil 3 von 9 Nelson - Xanadu Medientheorie Ted Nelson Xanadu Links: http://www.xanadu.com.au/http://www.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~ted/
Teil 4 von 9 Lernen in Netzen Lernen in Netzen Artikel: How “Useful“ is Multimedia on the WWW for Enhancing Teaching and Learning? Autoren: Suketu Kishor AdhvaryuIsaac Balbin
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode A tutorial dialogue Step 1: Teacher to Student A class my inherit features form more than one superclass. A class with more than one superclass ist called a join class. This is known as multiple inheritance.
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode A tutorial dialogue Step 2: Student to Teacher A join class can inherit features from more than one superclass.
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Land Vehicle Water Vehicle Car Amphibious Vehicle Boat Step 3: Teacher to Student Vehicle The land vehicle and the water vehicle are overlapping sub-classes of the superclass vehicle. The overlapping sub-class is indicated by the solid triangle. They are overlapping sub-classes due to the fact that some vehicles can travel both on land and on water. Amphibious vehicle is the join class of land and water vehicles as it can travel both on land and on water. It iherits some features from both the land vehicle and water vehicle classes. The hollow triangle indicates disjoint sub-classes. For example, car and amphibious vehicle are disjoint sub-classes.
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Step 4: Student to Teacher Ahh! Now I understand... The amphibious vehicle inherits properties from land as well as water vehicles and is the join class for super-classes, land vehicle and water vehicle. Step 5 + 6: Teacher to Student Okay... Let us consider another example, in our University. Consider our University wich comprises of different people. It includes faculty members, students and tutors. Can you draw an object model showing the class hierarchy of these different objects?
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Student Faculty Tutor Step 7: Student to Teacher University Step 8: Teacher to Student Okay, let us look at the problem in this way...You are a second year undergraduate student here in RMIT‘s Computer Science Department. I am undertaking my Masters degree at RMIT, which makes me a student, and since I am teching you I am also a faculty member. Can you modify your object model to represent this situation?
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Student Tutor Step 9 + 10: Student to Teacher University Faculty
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Conversational framework discursive adaptive
Teil 4 von 9 konventionelle Methode Ergebnisse
Teil 5 von 9 How to screw in a light bulb Web How to screw in a light bulb Von: Sage interactive URL: http://www.sageinteractive.com/
Teil 5 von 9 How to screw in a light bulb Web How to screw in a light bulb
Teil 6 von 9 Spacetime Wrinklers Web Spacetime Wrinklers Von: University of Illinois URL: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/NumRel/NumRelHome.html
Teil 6 von 9 Spacetime Wrinklers Web Spacetime Wrinklers
Teil 7 von 9 Chickscope Web Chickscope Von: Beckman Institut URL: http://chickscope.beckman.uiuc.edu/
Teil 7 von 9 Chickscope Web Chickscope
Teil 8 von 9 Gallery of geometry Web Gallery of interactive geometry Von: University of Minnesota URL: http://www.geom.umn.edu/apps/gallery.html
Teil 8 von 9 Gallery of geometry Web Gallery of interactive geometry
Teil 9 von 9 Zusammenfassung Schluß Vorteile des Internets: Integration unterschiedlicher Medienund Kommunikationskanäle WWW, e-mail, Mailinglisten, News, Chat, ... Up-to-date Informationen from everywhere at any time and on demand Erreichbarkeit 24h - 7 Tage für jeden.
Teil 9 von 9 Zusammenfassung Schluß Neue Paradigmen: verteilt modular multisensoriell reaktiv
Schöne Ferien. Schöne Ferien. Schluß „Hypertext ist eine Konsequenz aus der Vorstellungswelt des 20. Jahrhunderts, einer Vorstellungswelt, die sich an immer größere Komplexität im Denken und in der Praxis gewöhnen muß.“ Stefan Münz