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Chapter Two What Is Art?. • Outsider/Folk Art: artwork by nonprofessionals • Representational (Naturalistic, trompe l’oeil) • Abstract (Stylized) • Nonrepresentational/Nonobjective • Form: Media, Style , Composition • Content: Subject matter, Message, Iconography
Chapter TwoWhat Is Art? • Outsider/Folk Art:artwork by nonprofessionals • Representational(Naturalistic, trompe l’oeil) • Abstract(Stylized) • Nonrepresentational/Nonobjective • Form: Media, Style, Composition •Content:Subject matter, Message, Iconography • Context:Knowledge of artist, time & culture •Aesthetics:Philosophy of meaning & nature of art • Installation:work created for a specific space
What is Art? Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.3 Andy Warhol, Thirty Are Better than One, 1936. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.4 Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503-05.
Artist and Audience Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.7 Dasavanta, Shravana, and Madhava Khurd, Badi’uzzaman Fights Iraj to a Draw, 1567-72. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.6 Verrocchio, David, 1465.
Artist and Audience Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.8 Hampton, Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’ Millenium General Assembly, 1950-64. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.5 Monet, Fisherman’s Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville, 1882.
Art and Beauty •Aesthetics: A philosophy of the nature and meaning of beauty,as it pertains to art. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.9 Edward Weston, Cabbage Leaf, 1931.
Art and Beauty • Aesthetics: A philosophy of the nature and meaning of beauty,as it pertains to art. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.10 Bellini, Pieta, c. 1500-05. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.11 Goya, Chronos Devouring One of His Children, 1820-22.
Art and Appearances Representational and Abstract Representational(Realism, naturalistic):Resembles forms in the natural world,“window on the world”. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.12 Pablo Picasso, First Communion, 1895-96. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 21.17 Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907.
Art and Appearances Representational and Abstract Abstract:distorts,exaggerates or simplifies the natural world to provide essence or universal. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.14 Louise Bourgeois, Woman with Packages, 1949. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.15 Duane Hanson, Housepainter I, 1984/1988.
Art and Appearances Representational and Abstract Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.16 Head of a King, from Ife Yuroba, c. 13th century. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 18.14 Seated Couple, Dogon.
Art and Appearances Stylized Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.18 Detail, tomb of Sety I, c. 1300 B.C.E.
Art and Appearances Nonrepresentational Nonrepresentational (Nonobjective):contains no reference to the natural world as we see it. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.19 Kandinsky, Composition IX, 1936.
Art and Appearances Style Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.23 Susan Rothenberg, Maggie’s Ponytail, 1993-4. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.21 Utamaro, Hairdressing, 1798-99. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.22 Degas, Nude Woman Having her Hair Combed, c. 1886-88.
Art and Meaning Form and Content •Form:The way a work looks including: Media: materials used Style: constant, recurring or coherent traits Composition: the organization of Design Elements & Principles Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.25 Matisse, Music Lesson, 1917.
Art and Meaning Form and Content •Content: What the work says, including: Subject matter(general) Message (more specific) Iconography... Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.25 Matisse, Music Lesson, 1917.
Art and Meaning Form and Content Iconography (the story including symbols or references, people, events, etc.) Requires knowledge of a specific time, beliefs or culture. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.29 Jan van Eyck, Arnolfini Double Portrait, 1434.
Aesthetics Aesthetics:nature and meaning of beauty & art. Art and Objects Context: knowledge of the artist and his audience. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.37 Olmec, Standing figure holding supernatural effigy,800-500 B.C.E. Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2. 36 Navajo man creating a sand painting.
Aesthetics Installation:a space presented as a work of art to be entered, explored, experienced and reflected upon. Art and Objects Insert 72 dpi visual Suggested visual: figure 2.40 Ann Hamilton, Mantle, 1998.
Chapter TwoWhat Is Art? • Outsider/Folk Art:artwork by nonprofessionals • Representational(Naturalistic, trompe l’oeil) • Abstract(Stylized) • Nonrepresentational/Nonobjective • Form: Media, Style, Composition • Content:Subject matter, Message, Iconography • Context:Knowledge of artist, time & culture •Aesthetics:Philosophy of meaning & nature of art • Installation:work created for a specific space