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小学新标准英语一年级起点第四册. Module 8 Unit 1 The train is going up a hill 南宁市新阳路小学 吴雅洁.

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  1. 小学新标准英语一年级起点第四册 Module 8 Unit 1 The train is going up a hill 南宁市新阳路小学 吴雅洁

  2. walking, walking, I am walking. Running, running, you are running. Swimming, swimming, a boy is swimming. Singing ,singing, a girl is singing. Flying, flying, a bird is flying. Playing, playing, we are playing with a train!

  3. m h ill f s

  4. station train station bus station

  5. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. A) stop B) stopping C) skip 2. A) station B) school C) sleep 3. A) hospital B) hill C) hide

  6. Good. I'm at the station. Hello, I'm on the train now. Now, it's going down the hill. The train is going up the hill. 听录音,找出表示火车行走路线的句子。

  7. Now, It's going pastthehospital. Now it's stopping atthe station. And I can see you. And I can see you too! 听录音,找出表示火车行走路线的句子。

  8. up get up point up stand up

  9. A chant up, up, going up, going up a hill, The train is going up a hill. The train is going up a hill.

  10. down sit down point down

  11. A chant down, down, going down, going down a hill, The train is going down a hill. The train is going down a hill.

  12. A chant past, past, going past, going past a hospital, The train is going past a hospital. The train is going past a hospital.

  13. Homework: 1、大声朗读课文给家人听。 2、画出你每天上学和回家的路线,用英语说一说。

  14. Thank you! Goodbye!

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