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THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉT Ä Lesson 8: The Ha à sa-Avatāra Answers Questions of the Four Kumāras (SB Canto 11, Chapter 13). Chapter 13 Highlights.
THEMATIC ESSENCE OF UDDHAVA-GÉTÄLesson 8: The Haàsa-AvatāraAnswers Questions of the Four Kumāras(SB Canto 11, Chapter 13) Carucandra Dasa
Chapter 13 Highlights • In continuation with His discussion on the tree of material existence, Lord Krsna explains to Uddhava the workings of the 3 modes of material nature and how to transcend them into mode of pure goodness, which helps one attain the transcendental knowledge (1-13). • To substantiate this philosophical understanding, Krsna relates to His Haàsa, or Swan incarnation to answer the query of the 4 Kumäras, the mental sons of Lord Brahmä: How to break free of material desires, which invariably cause material miseries? However, their very 1st question to Lord Haàsawas: “Who are You?”(14-21). Carucandra Dasa
Chapter 13 Highlights (Contd) • To help them understand and analyze themselves, Lord Haàsaanswers their 1st question rather indirectly by questions of His own before giving them the direct answer later (parokña-väda; 22-23). • Lord Haàsathen proceeded to give detailed instructions about the true identity of the self, the difference between the 3 states of consciousness, and the means of transcending material desires (24-42). Carucandra Dasa
The workings of the 3 modes of material nature, and how to transcend them into mode of pure goodness (1-13) Carucandra Dasa
Irreligious Principles (käma-krodha-lobha-mada-moha-matsara, or lust-anger-greed false pride-illusion-envy, respectively—the 6 vices) Material hankering & selfishness Laziness, Madness & Indolence Passion The Modes of Material Nature Ignorance Scriptures, Water, Association with one’s children & people (sädhu-sanga), Place of worship, Time, Activities. Birth, Meditation Chanting of mantras & Purificatory rituals Goodness Religious Principles Devotional Service Happiness & knowledge Pure Goodness Transcendental Knowledge Carucandra Dasa
The question of the 4 Kumäras to their father, Lord Brahmä, who was unable to answer himself: How to break free of material desires, which invariably cause material miseries?Hence, the appearance of LordHaàsa, the Swan Incarnation(14-21) Carucandra Dasa
Lord Brahma was unable to answer because he himself was agitated by his duties of secondary cosmic creation—mode of passion. So he fixed his mind on the Supreme Lord, who appeared as LordHaàsa, the Swan Incarnation. • Therefore, the sages’ 1st question to LordHaàsa: “Who are You?” Carucandra Dasa
To help them understand and analyze themselves, Lord Haàsaanswers their 1st question rather indirectly by questions of His own before giving them the direct answer later (parokña-väda; 22-23) Carucandra Dasa
Do you believe that I am also a Jéva soul and that there is no ultimate difference between us? • If so, the question is absurd because if all souls are ultimately one then individuality has no real meaning. • If, on the other hand, you may be referring to the material body, then I must point out that all material bodies are constituted of same five elements—earth, water, fire, air and ether. Thus, you should have asked, “Who are you five?” • Why distinguish one body from another, since there is nothing of separate existence exist beyond Me? (Contd) Carucandra Dasa
Both the mind and the sense objects are mere external coverings of the spirit soul, who is actually part and parcel of Me. • Only with this realization of who I am, he gives up his false attachment to both the mind and sense objects. Carucandra Dasa
Lord Haàsathen proceeded to give detailed instructions about the true identity of the self, the difference between the 3 states of consciousness, and the means of transcending material desires(24-42) Carucandra Dasa
The 3 states of consciousness • Three functions of the material intelligence—wakefulness, dream state of sleep, and deep sleep—each caused by the modes of nature, goodness, passion, and ignorance, respectively. • The spirit soul is not subject to these 3 states and is simply a witness to them. Thus he is different from his material body. Carucandra Dasa
The position of the Supreme Lord and the means of transcending material desires • As the Supreme Lord, I am the 4th stage of consciousness, well beyond wakefullness, dream state, and the deep sleep. • Thus, when one become absorbed in Me, he naturally gives up the bondage of material life automatically renounces material sense objects and the mind itself. (Contd) Carucandra Dasa
After understanding the workings of the 3 modes, which are the manifestations of the Lord’s illusory potency, one should cut to pieces the false ego with knowledge acquired in disciplic succession based on sastra. • And then worship the Supreme Lord, who is situated in our hearts as the Supersoul. • After perceiving the spirit soul as distinct from the 3 states of consciousness born of the 3 modes, and everything in the material world is illusory. One should give up the misconception of I and Me. (Contd) Carucandra Dasa
One who is highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, understanding that Krsna is the basis of all reality, never again surrenders to illusory identification with the material body, which is just like the body seen in a dream. • The sages headed by Sanaka became free from all their doubts by hearing the explanations and instructions of Lord Haàsa, and worshiped Him with pure devotion in mature love of God. Carucandra Dasa