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Explore gun safety issues, Florida gun laws, critical concerns like domestic violence and suicide, and current legislation. Take a deep dive into The League of Women Voters' stance on gun regulations and recent developments in Florida's firearm legislation landscape.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GUN SAFETY IN FLORIDA Laws, Issues and Challenges

  2. What We’re Going to Cover Gun Safety Issues Florida Gun Laws Florida Gun Bills Taking Action

  3. The League of Women Voters • Nonpartisan, but political • Established: 1920 • 1972: Men accepted • Educate & Advocate

  4. League Position on Gun Laws The League supports regulations concerning the purchase, ownership, and use of handguns that balance as nearly as possible individual constitutional rights with the welfare of the community. – Study & Action, 2015-2017, LWVF

  5. District of Columbia v. Heller “…nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on…laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” – Justice Scalia

  6. 38,000firearm deaths in 2016 36,000in 2015 > 36%from homicide 60%from suicide +

  7. Critical Issues DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUICIDE Abused women 5X more likely to be killed if abuser owns gun 2nd leading cause of death among 18-24 year olds

  8. Florida Gun Laws What’s on the Books

  9. Registration Records • Felony to create or maintain a firearm registry • Second-hand dealers and pawn shop owners may keep records for 30 days • Law enforcement must expunge such records after 60 days F.S. 790.335

  10. Buyers of Long Guns • 21 years of age*: U.S. resident • Fingerprints and specialized permit not required • 3 Day Waiting Period* F.S. 790.065

  11. Buyers of Handguns F.S. 790.065 • 21+ years of age • U.S. citizen or have 90 days of property ownership in Florida • No fingerprints or specialized permit required • 3-day waiting period without a Concealed Carry Permit* *No laws limit ownership of semi-automatic weapons or specify magazine capacity

  12. Concealed Weapons Permits F.S. 790.06 • 21+ years of age • Background check • 3-day waiting period • Demonstrate competency firing a weapon • Reciprocity: permit accepted from other states 1.78 million Floridians with valid concealed weapon permit as of December 31, 2016

  13. Private Seller Loophole F.S. 790.065 Licensed firearm dealers are required to run background checks But private sellers at gun shows and online unlicensed sellers are exempt About 22% of gun sales go unchecked

  14. Preemption • State law displaces local law • Prohibits localities from enacting their own firearm regulations • State can nullify local ordinances • Penalties for violation include $5,000 fine and removal from public office F.S. 790.33

  15. Child Access Protection Law • Firearm must be secured in a locked box or with a trigger lock when an unsupervised minor is in the home • Exception: If people in charge of minor carries gun on their person • Violation of this statue is a second degree misdemeanor F.S. 790.174

  16. Stand Your Ground F.S. 776.012 • Originates from “Castle Doctrine” • Expands right of self defense in public: • Presumption of threat of bodily harm or death • Applies where any person has a “right to be” • “Duty to retreat if safe to do so” no longer exists • Immunity from criminal prosecution or civil action

  17. Florida Gun Bill History Where We’ve Been and What’s Next

  18. Playing Defense on Gun Bills School Parking Lots Campus Carry Church Carry Arming Teachers 2019 Bills

  19. Our Goals • Ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines • Expansion of background checks to close loopholes • No Campus Carry • No Open Carry • No expansion of Stand Your Ground

  20. Valentines Day: Feb. 14, 2018

  21. Students Rally at Florida Capitol

  22. What Do Students Want? SB 466/HB 455Farmer/Smith A ban on semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity magazines In 2018, bills were never placed on agenda to be heard in committee

  23. Response from FL Legislature • SB 7026: “Public Safety” Bill • PASSED 2018 • Raised age to buy gun to 21 • 3 day waiting period* on all gun sales • Bans bump stocks • Expands mental heath services • Allows police to temporarily seize firearms due to Baker Act*

  24. Response continued: Guardian Program Currently only arms school employees who are not exclusively classroom teachers NOW: SB 7030 (2019) Would expand program to arm classroom teachers

  25. Florida Governor’s Response • Governor DeSantis has said he is open to arming school teachers • Legislative leaders have indicated support as well

  26. Take Action Call your legislators!

  27. THANK YOU! Questions? PowerPoint created by Patricia Brigham and the Gun Safety Committee League of Women Voters of Florida

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