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COMMUNITY INITIATIVE EQUAL II nd Round. PAIDEIA. Theme A: To facilitate the access and the re-integration into the labour market for people who have difficulties to integrate in the market that has to be open to all Measure 1.1:
Theme A: To facilitate the access and the re-integration into the labour market for people who have difficulties to integrate in the market that has to be open to all Measure 1.1: To create the conditions for the working integration of the most disadvantaged people on the labour market The organisms functional to the implementation of the project activities are the Development Partnership and the Network established through the Co-operation Agreement and the Network Memorandum of understanding. PAIDEIA PROJECThas been submitted within AXIS 1and more specifically:
COMMON RESPONSIBILITIES • Promotion of the institutional synergies in the territory • Dissemination of the project results • Transnational activities • Mainstreaming
INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIESThe Promoter, the Municipal Administration of MAGLIE is responsible for: • Project administrative and financial management • Project Co-ordination • Inclusion in the territorial development policies of specific initiatives for the disadvantaged group of the labour market
INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIESThe Municipal Administration of POGGIARDO is responsible for: • Information, promotion and dissemination of the project results • Connection and operational integration of the network • Animation of the territory • Interconnection of information and guidance services
THE PARTNERSHIP”GLI ARGONAUTI” o.n.l.u.s. - MAGLIE is responsible for: • Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the project results referred to the national and transnational programming • Starting-up and management of a guidance service for the promotion, the multi-specialistic support and the Human Resources development (Resource Centre)
THE PARTNERSHIPI.P.S.A.R.T. “Aldo Moro” - S. CESAREA TERME is responsible for: • Starting-up and management of experimental training courses up to the requirements of the productive sector • Identification and management of the administrative process for the validation of the training courses • Promotion of the functional connection among training institutes, productive market and labour and employment agencies (Social Training Pacts)
THE PARTNERSHIPASSINDUSTRIA – PROVINCE OF LECCE is responsible for: • Observation of the training needs of the market • Sensitisation of the labour market for the promotion of training-job integrated paths (Social Pacts for Work) • Study of the reference regulation
THE PARTNERSHIPAGE.FOR.M. - BARI is responsible for: • Study of the most successful training-job paths present in other contexts • Consultancy on the planning of training-job paths • Training of teachers and experts in charge of the experimental didactics • Courses for the development of the transversal abilities
THE NETWORKTHE MEMBERS • The 25 Municipalities of the the territorial districts of Maglie and Poggiardo • The Employment Centres of Maglie and Poggiardo • Technical Institutes: I.P.S.I.A. of Maglie and Art Istitute of Poggiardo
THE NETWORKFUNCTIONAL INNOVATIVITY The networking among all the members of the partnership and those associated is an innovative aspect because: • It guarantees an active participation thaks to an on-going flow and exchange of data and information concerning the project activities • It enables the timely exchange of information and news. The use of the Data base will represent a reference point for the study and the monitoring both of the phenomenon, in a wider sense, and of the specific target participanting to the project works
TERRITORIAL AREA OF REFERENCE • “Paideia” Project has a very wide reference territory: it involves the citizens of the 27 hinterland Municipalities • The Province of Lecce presents a modest degree of urbanisation • The Province has the sixth higher percentage of women on the total of the population (52,3%). • The productive structure of Lecce is composed of approx. 63.000 enterprises and it shows an incidence of the individual companies widely above the national average i.e. expression of an economical system traditionally focused on agriculture and on handicraft and commercial activities • Handicraft is considerably widespread: handicraft companies’ share equal to 30%
DESCRIPTION OF THE INTERVENTION PROBLEM AT THE ORIGIN OF THE INTERVENTION • Problem of discrimination and/or exclusion from the labour market of citizens contemporarily living more situations of disadvantage FACTORS DETERMINATING THE PROBLEM • Aggravation, in economical terms, of the living conditions • Subjective factors: situations of social, personal weakness, low education, inadequate professionality, immature perception of one’s own needs, lack of awareness, insufficient authonomy in managing individual paths of working inclusion
STRATEGY OF INTERVENTIONQualitative improvement and strengthening of the models of professional inclusion and access to the labour market PROCEDURE: • TO INVOLVE the school, the public bodies, the training organisations, the productive system in order: - to create modalities useful for strengthening the existing services - to deliver new services, more suitable for the access to the labour market, to the needs of the citizens in situations of disadvantage The DP will activate some working groups specialised in the observation of the needs and in the planning of training and guidance interventions • The different institutional agencies involved in the project will have: - to represent themselves as an homogeneous laboratory using efficient and friendly-to-use methodologies and tools for the most disadvantaged groups of the population - to share a common and efficient language The networking work as inter-institutional synergy can make what is already existing innovative and able to recall and welcome the categories of citizens at high risk of involuntary unemployment.
OBJECTIVES OF THE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP • To develop an innovative way of thinking for approaching the target group in the services of social promotion and in the structures suitable for guidance and training. • To develop an new way of thinking in the target group which will have tend: - to acquire the habit to self-guidance, using all the paths highlighted and made accessible by the project’s purpose • To represent a stimulus for a targeted and qualified commitment by the specialistic services
EXPECTED RESULTS WITH REFERENCE TO SYSTEMS • To introduce remarkable and long-lasting changes in the action policy and in the processes of intervention. • To provide the network of public and private services with new tools (Observatory) and methodologies (Negotiation Agencies) • To define a standard modality of accompaniment of the disadvantaged person from the exit of school and/or training obligation up to the working inclusion.
EXPECTED RESULTS WITH REFERENCE TO STRUCTURES • To facilitate the working inclusion paths of disadvantaged people through a vocational guidance centre and training.
EXPECTED RESULTS WITH REFERENCE TO THE BENEFICIARIES: To enable the target group: • To carry out an assessment of the personal resources • To define and detail their own professional project • To punt themselves to the test in order to discover their own attitudes, interests, motivation to the job • To know the different job offers • To acquire competences in the active job seeking, to develop transversal skills i.e. time and job management, ability to have relations with the colleagues, informatics skills and knowledge of a foreign language
INNOVATIVE FEATURE OF THE INTERVENTION Innovation will follow the three general guiding lines of EQUAL Community Initiative in our country: • The stable integration between labour and social policies thus developing a model of social enterprise and of service able to be more and more a place of global approach to the access and permanence in the labour market of disadvantaged people • The development of a non-discriminatory ICT society • The support to the local, social and employment development The project will also be an occasion of experimenting interventions aimed at supporting the economic development of the territory because it encourages the development of specific skills of the social entreprises’ workers.
PAIDEIA PHASES Macrophase I CONNECTION WITH THE USERS • Duration 6 MONTHS • Deadline March, 18 2006 • Organisations in charge of the management Municipal Administration of Maglie and Poggiardo • Organisations in charge of the realisation Members of the Partnership Members of the network – associated partners
Macrofase ICOLLEGAMENTO CON L’UTENZA • Beneficiaries All citizens, between 20 and 40 years of age, resident in the 27 partner Municipalities, in situation of social, economic and environmental disadvantage and of involuntary unemployment will benefit of actions of guidance, counselling, individualized multispecialistic support • Final Beneficiaries 60 citizens (60% women and 40% men) between 20 and 40 years of age, resident in the 27 partner Municipalities in situation of social, economic and environmental disadvantage and of involuntary unemployment will benefit of all the training experimentation aimed at fostering the social and working inclusion.
Macrophase ICONNECTION WITH THE USERS OBJECTIVE • Analysis, knowledge and transversal intervention of the phenomenon object of the study: the social disadvantage ACTIVITIES • IDENTIFICATION OF THE BENEFICIARIES with the co-operation of the members of the partnership and of the network • ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NEGOTIATION AGENCIES: working groups, specialised for each category of disadvantage, with the main task of surveying the needs of the target groups • ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OBSERVATORY gathering all the data of the project activities carried out
Macrophase ICONNECTION WITH THE USERS ACTIVITY 1. Identification of the beneficiaries PROCEDURE • Information and promotion of the initiative with posters in the 27 Municipalities • Opening, by the municipal offices, of front-office desks for welcoming the beneficiaries and deliver the evaluation form • Elaboration and analysis of the data of the evaluation form collected by the involved social services • Identification of the potential target group (ideal profile) on the basis of the priorities identified according to a predetermined rating scale (family, income, years of unemployment, previous working experiences, etc.) • Half-structures, individual and/or group interviews, with a multi-specialistic equip for the selection of the final beneficiaries (60 units) The scores of the evaluation form are predetermined in order to create an IDEAL PROFILE i.e. the potential beneficiary of the project actions
Macrophase ICONNECTION WITH THE USERS ACTIVITY 2. Information and sensitisation actions on the productive context PROCEDURE • Spreading of the information material regarding the initiative • Elaboration and delivery of a questionnaire addressed to entrepreneurs for an in-depth analysis of the unemployment phenomenon • Elaboration, analysis and interpretation of the data collected.
Macrophase ICONNECTION WITH THE USERS ACTIVITY 3. Establishment of Negotiation Agencies Activation of working groups specialised in the needs analysis and in the planning of training and guidance interventions PARTICIPANTS • Experts with proved professional experience • Groups of beneficiaries, divided into category of disadvantage with role of active participation on the decisional aspects. INNOVATIVITY • it is due to the presence in the working groups of the beneficiaries of the interventions with an active role in decision-making
Macrophase ICONNECTION WITH THE USERS ACTIVITY 4. Establishment of the Observatory • Start-up of the activities of systematic data collection • Data cataloguing according to the actions undertaken • Data elaboration in relation to the priorities assessed. • Data analysis in relation to the context of reference, to the expressed needs and to the decisions undertaken
PAIDEIA PHASES Macrophase II RESOURCE CENTRE MANAGEMENT • Duration 24 MONTHS • Deadline December 2007 • Organisations in charge of the management Municipal Administrations, O.N.L.U.S., AGE.FOR.M, Higher Education Institute
Macrophase IIRESOURCE CENTRE MANAGEMENT COMPANIES OBJECTIVES • To reduce the distance between enterprises and social services through vocational guidance and pre-training PROCEDURES The DP intends to deliver, directly or through other organisations a wide range of services: • Guidance to work • Counselling, Mentoring, Empowering • Personal and professional assessment, skills certification • Assistance in structuring and creating training curricula • Consultancy on school and working career • Support and guidance for decisional choices • Front-office service
Macrophase IIRESOURCE CENTRE MANAGEMENT VOCATIONAL TRAINING AGENCIES OBJECTIVES • To experiment strategies for the re-qualification and/or the qualification of certifiable competences and professional profiles able to better answer to the labour market requirements and to the expectation of the target group PROCEDURES • Social pact for training • Alternative and integrated training including both the accreditation of the previous training credit and individual access paths • Study for the skills certification • Use of the Distance Learning mainly for the qualification of the operators • Seminars / information and training courses
PAIDEIA PHASES Macrophase III SOCIAL INCLUSION • Duration 15 MONTHS • Deadline December 2007 • Organisations in charge of the management Assindustria, partner Administration, training Agencies, O.N.L.U.S.
Macrophase IIISOCIAL INCLUSION OBJECTIVE • Working inclusion PROCEDURE • Job placement in company or social co-operative • Start-up of autonomous activities • Business start-up • Transition towards interim job agencies STRATEGY To widen the possibility of work in order to ensure a real correspondence between working inclusion and personal inclinations through: • Business laboratories • Stage and vocational training
MONITORING AND EVALUATION During the project activities the following STRATEGIES will be carried out. • MONITORING • INTERIM EVALUATION • OUTPUT EVALUATION
MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE The MONITORING envisages: • Collection of information regarding: • The beneficiaries • What is to be carried out • The ability to create synergies among the services
MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE INTERIM EVALUATION: • Envisages the evaluation of the processes carried out • Envisaged the coherence between the modalities of the service delivery and the project guidelines • Allows adjustments to improve the intervention • Envisages both quantitative (questionnaires, tests, observation questionnaires on the group) and qualitative (interviews, group discussions and conversations)
MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE THE OUTPUT EVALUATION is carried out through quantitative and qualitative methodologies that will examine: WITH REFERENCE TO THE ACTIVITIES • The frequency of the proposed activities • The level or degree of satisfaction WITH REFERENCE TO THE SERVICES • The functionality • The number of users • The involvement of the users
MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROCEDURE THE OUTPUT EVALUATION enables to measure: • The efficacy • The impact • The relevance • The efficiency • The productivity • The transferability and re-production of the model in terms of solutions, methodologies and know-how