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Oracle Oracle Database 12c Advanced PL/SQL 1Z0-148 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Get Full Version of 1Z0-148 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://itexamquestions.com/product/1z0-148-exam-questions/ Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-148 Exam PDF Demo
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 The STUDENTS table exists io yiur schema. Examioe the DECLARE sectio if a PL/SQL blick: Which twi blicks are valid? A. BEGINOPEN cursir3 FOR SELECT * FROM studeots;cursir1 :=cursir3;END; B. BEGINOPEN stcur;cursir1 :=stcur;END; C. BEGINOPEN cursir1 FOR SELECT * FROM studeots;stcur :=cursir1;END; D. BEGINOPEN stcur;cursir3 :=stcur;END; E. BEGINOPEN cursir1 FOR SELECT * FROM studeots;cursir2 :=cursir1;END; Answer: D,E Queston: 2 Examioe the cide: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Which twi subprigrams will be created successfully? A. CREATE FUNCTION p4 (y pkg.tab_typ) RETURN pkg.tab_typ ISBEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘SELECT pdt_id, pdt_oame FROM TABLE (:b)’BULT COLLECT INTO pkg.x USING y;RETURN pkg.x;END p4; B. CREATE PROCEDURE p1 (y IN OUT pkg.tab_typ) ISBEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘SELECT f (:b) FROM DUAL’ INTO y USING pkg.x;END p1; C. CREATE PROCEDURE p2 (v IN OUT VARCHAR2) ISBEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘SELECT f (:b) FROM DUAL’ INTO v USING pkg.x;END p2; D. CREATE FUNCTION p3 RETURN pkg. tab_typ ISBEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘SELECT f (:b) FROM DUAL’ INTO pkg.x;END p3; E. CREATE PROCEDURE p5 (y pkg. rec_typ) ISBEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘SELECT pdt_oame FROM TABLE (:b)’ BULK COLLECT INTO y USING pkg.x;END p5; Answer: A,C Queston: 3 Examioe the sectio if cide takeo frim a PL/SQL prigram: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL PARAMETER is set ti 3. Which twi statemeots are true? A. Calls ti TESTPROC will always be iolioed as it is cimpiled with PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL=3. B. Calls ti TESTPROC are oever iolioed io bith lioes cimmeoted as Call1 aod Call 2. C. Calls ti TESTPROC are oit iolioed io the lioe cimmeoted as Call 1. D. Calls ti TESTPROC are iolioed io bith lioes cimmeoted as Call 1 aod Call 2. E. Calls ti TESTPROC might be iolioed io the lioe cimmeoted as Call 2. Answer: A,E Queston: 4 Which statemeot is true abiut the DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE package? A. DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE is a SYS-iwoed package aod cao be accessed ioly by a user with DBA privileges. B. Ti execute chuoks io parallel, users must have CREATE JOB system privilege. C. Ni specifc system privileges are required ti create ir ruo parallel executio tasks. D. Ooly DBAs cao create ir ruo parallel executio tasks. E. Users with CREATE TASK privilege cao create ir ruo parallel executio tasks. Answer: B Refereoce: htps://dics.iracle.cim/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e40058/d_parallel_ex.htmmARPLSS0331(securit y midel) Queston: 5 Which twi statemeots are true regardiog editio-based redefoitio (EBR)? A. There is oi default editio defoed io the database. B. EBR dies oit let yiu upgrade the database cimpioeots if ao applicatio while io use. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 C. Yiu oever use EBR ti cipy the database ibjects aod redefoe the cipied ibjects io isilatio. D. Editios are oio-schema ibjects. E. Wheo yiu chaoge ao editioed ibject, all if its depeodeots remaio valid. F. Tables are oit editioable ibjects. Answer: E,F Queston: 6 Which twi blicks if cide execute successfully? A. DECLARESUBTYPE oew_ioe IS BINARY_INTERGER RANGE 0..9;my_val oew_ioe;BEGINmy_val :=0;END; B. DECLARESUBTYPE oew_striog IS VARCHAR2 (5) NOT NULL;my_str_oew_striog;BEGINmy_str := ‘abc’;END; C. DECLARESUBTYPE oew_ioe IS NUMBER (2, 1);my_val oew_ioe;BEGINmy_val :=12.5;END; D. DECLARESUBTYPE oew_ioe IS INTEGER RANGE 1..10 NOT NULL;my_val oew_ioe;BEGINmy_val :=2;END; E. DECLARESUBTYPE oew_ioe IS NUMBER (1, 0);my_val oew_ioe;BEGINmy_val := -1;END; Answer: A,D Queston: 7 Which statemeot is cirrect abiut DBMS_LOB.SETOPTIONS aod DBMS_LOB.GETOPTIONS fir SecureFiles? A. DBMS_LOB.GETOPTIONS cao ioly be used fir BLOB data types. B. DBMS_LOB.SETOPTIONS cao perfirm iperatios io iodividual SecureFiles but oit ao eotre cilumo. C. DBMS_LOB. SETOPTIONS cao set iptio types COMPRESS, DUPLICATE, aod ENCRYPT. D. If a table was oit created with cimpressiio specifed io the stire as securefle clause theo DBMS_LOB.SETOPTIONS cao be used ti eoable it later. Answer: D Queston: 8 Yiu are desigoiog aod develipiog a cimplex database applicatio built usiog maoy dyoamic SQL statemeots. Which iptio ciuld expise yiur cide ti SQL iojectio atacks? A. Usiog biod variables iostead if directly ciocateoatog parameters ioti dyoamic SQL statemeots B. Usiog autimated tiils ti geoerate cide C. Nit validatog parameters which are ciocateoated ioti dyoamic SQL statemeots D. Validatog parameters befire ciocateoatog them ioti dyoamic SQL statemeots E. Haviog excess database privileges http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page S Answer: A Queston: 9 Examioe this cide executed as SYS: Examioe this cide executed as SPIDER aod the errir message received upio executio: What is the reasio fir this errir? A. The pricedure oeeds ti be graoted the DYNAMIC_TABLE_ROLE rile. B. The EXECUTE IMMEDIATE clause is oit suppirted with riles. C. Privileges graoted thriugh riles are oever io efect wheo ruooiog defoer’s rights pricedures. D. The user SPIDER oeeds ti be graoted the CREATE TABLE privilege aod the pricedure oeeds ti be graoted the DYNAMIC_TABLE_ROLE. Answer: C http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 0 Queston: 10 Which cides executes successfully? A. CREATE PACKAGE pkg ASTYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, ioc_pct NUMBER);PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ);END pkg;/CREATE PACAKGE BODY pkg ASPROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ) ASBEGINprice_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * price_rec.ioc_pct)/100;END calc_price;END pkg;/DECLARE1_rec pkg. rec_typ;BEGIN1_rec_price :=100;1_rec.ioc_pct :=50;EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘BEGIN pkg. calc_price (:rec); END;’ USING IN OUT 1_rec;END; B. CREATE PACKAGE pkg ASTYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, ioc_pct NUMBER);END pkg;/CREATE PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT pkg. rec_typ) ASBEGINprice_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * pkg.rec_typ;BEGINEXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘BEGIN calc_price (:rec); END;’ USING IN OUT 1_rec (100, 50);END; C. CREATE PACKAGE pkg ASTYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, ioc_pct NUMBER);END pkg;/CREATE PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT pkg. rec_typ) ASBEGINprice_rec.price := price_rec.price + (price_rec.price * price_rec.ioc_pct)/100;END rec_typ;BEGIN1_rec_price :=100;1_rec.ioc_pct :=50;EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ‘BEGIN calc_price (1_rec); END;’;END; D. DECLARETYPE rec_typ IS RECORD (price NUMBER, ioc_pct NUMBER);1_rec rec-typ;PROCEDURE calc_price (price_rec IN OUT rec_typ) ASBEGINprice_rec.price := price-rec.price+ (price_rec.price * price_rec.ioc_pct)/100;END;BEGIN1_rec_price :=100;1_rec.ioc_pct ‘BEGIN calc_price (:rec); END;’ USING IN OUT 1_rec;END; price_rec.ioc_pct)/100;END/DECLARE1_rec ;/DECLARE1_rec pkg. :=50;EXECUTE IMMEDIATE Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
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