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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Línguas e Literaturas Modernas

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Línguas e Literaturas Modernas. INTRODUCTION TO TRANSLATION STUDIES Power Point 10 21 November 2007. TAXONOMIES in T. Linguistic approach to the analysis of translation process

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Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto Línguas e Literaturas Modernas

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  1. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do PortoLínguas e Literaturas Modernas INTRODUCTION TO TRANSLATION STUDIES Power Point 10 21 November 2007 Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  2. TAXONOMIES in T • Linguistic approach to the analysis of translation process • List of changes: Catford’s ‘shifts’ (1965) occuring when translating from one language into another or “departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from SL to TL”; • Illusion of translation strategies • Useful to describe translation as product Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  3. Vinay and Darbelnet Authors of Stylistique comparée du français et de l’anglais , 1958, containing probably the most ‘famous’ taxonomy of modern TT. • Difference between strategy and procedure: -Translation strategy --> whole texts (general approach) -Translation procedures --> sentences and smaller units of language (the unit of translation is “the smallest segment of the utterance whose signs are linked in such a way that they should not be translated individually” (lexicological unit; unit of thought) Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  4. 7 procedures Direct translation covers: 1. Borrowing (e.g., glasnost; sometimes used for local colour) 2. Calque (e.g., Compliments of the Season) 3. Literal Translation Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  5. Oblique translation covers: 4. Transposition (change of one part of speech for another/ no change in meaning; it can be obligatory or optional) 5. Modulation (according to Vinay and Darbelnet ‘the touchstone of a good translator’) 6. Equivalence (used to translate idioms and proverbs) 7. Adaptation (used for cultural aspects; e.g. game of cricket – Tour de France) Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  6. Peter NewmarkA Textbook of Translation, 1988 • TRANSFERENCE (emprunt, loan word, transcription) SL word is transferred to TL text e.g., in English: coup d'etát, ambiance; • NATURALISATION A transferred word is adapted to the TL (pronunciation and morphology), e.g., in French: thatchérisme; in Port: Nova Iorque, etc. Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  7. CULTURAL EQUIVALENT Approximate translation, where a SL cultural word/expression is translated by a TL cultural word considered equivalent to it. e.g., baccalauréat = '(the French) A level', etc. [often used in translation couplets] Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  8. FUNCTIONAL EQUIVALENT Applied to cultural words, it requires the use of a culture-free word thus generalising or neutralising the SL word/expression. e.g., baccalauréat = French secondary school leaving exam; Sejm = Polish parliament, etc. [often used in translation couplets] Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  9. MODULATION (Vinay and Darbelnet) A variation through a change of viewpoint, of perspective and very often of category of thought. e.g., Não hesitou. - He acted at once (positive for negative) This intensifies the lack of flexibility of the labour market . . . Destes factores resulta uma acrescida rigidez do mercado de trabalho. . . (shift and modulation) It's not totally worthless - Vale alguma coisa (positive for double negative) Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  10. SHIFT OR TRANSPOSITION Shift (Catford) or transposition (Vinay and Darbelnet) involves a change in the grammar/part of speech from SL to TL. e.g., it nevertheless has a perverse effect in that it devaluates the vocational channels . . este fenómeno tem efeitos perversos: desvalorização das vias profissionalizantes, Although it does not call into question . . . Sem pretender de novo pôr em causa . . . The fact is that this is not possible at present unless the two establishments . . Acontece que esta situação só é possivel se os dois establecimentos. . Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  11. RECOGNISED TRANSLATION You should use the official or the generally accepted translation of any institutional terms (or other). • COUPLETS Or triplets, etc, combine two or more translation procedures for dealing with a single problem. They are particularly common for cultural words, where transference may be combined with a functional or cultural equivalent, for example. e.g., ele não tinha shou nenhum, respeito nenhum pelos antepassados ou pela família Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

  12. THROUGH-TRANSLATION (Calque, loan translation) Literal translation of common collocations, names of organisations, the components of compounds (e.g. superman/Übermensch). Normally, through-t. should be used only when they are already recognized terms. (e.g., international organisations like UNO/ONU, etc.) Elena Zagar Galvão - ITS - FLUP 2006

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