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Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin Robinson

Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) Air Quality and Health Working Group. Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin Robinson. Air Quality & Health Scenario. Scenario Overview

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Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin Robinson

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  1. Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP)Air Quality and Health Working Group Stefan Falke, Rudy Husar, Frank Lindsay, David McCabe, Erin Robinson

  2. Air Quality & Health Scenario Scenario Overview The AQ Scenario envisions multiple types of AQ observations… satellite observations of AQ and meteorology in-situ, ambientobservations models of meteorology and chemical transport other: emissions data, fire observations, LIDAR, etc. …being registered, discovered and accessed via GEOSS and used to inform diverse decision-makers: Air Quality Managers, Policy-Makers, and the Public. Scenario community-developed ; AIP participation diverse (next slide) Initial sub-scenario testing AIP Use Cases describes a Wildfire/Smoke event Challenges Persistent, standardized AQ data network Interface to GCI: Community Catalog, Portal Implementing scenarios which can integrate the offerings using GCI-compatible Service Oriented Architecture

  3. AQ&H WG Core Participants

  4. AQ Community Infrastructure AQ_uFIND Portal Portal Catalog Data Browser WAF WCS Capabilities WCS Desc. Coverage WCS GetCoverage

  5. AQ AIP Linkages GEOSS AIP Workgroups Core AQ System AQ IT Cast Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts Workflow Proc. Services, Alerts Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts Workflow Processing Serv, Alerts AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps AQ Apps App Provider CS-W, W*S AQ Community Portal Community Portals Applications, Clients CS-W GEOSS Testing Clearinghouse Catalog, Metadata CS-W AQ Community Catalog Community Capability Access Services Products, Sensors Data Server WMS WCS W*S KML

  6. Key Standards for AQ: CSW, WCS CSW – Queriable Fields for Discovery WCS – Data Access Service Extensions Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How to get there? Collaboration with UNIDATA & GALEON 4D Grids for Models, Satellite Data netCDF – CF Convention Station Time Series (STS) for Point Data netCDF – STS Convention Automatically extract discovery metadata from Capabilities & KML

  7. Community Portal • A user interface between GEOSS CGI and AQ Community Catalog • A content aggregator and connector • Help air quality data/service providers and data/service users make use of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure • Forum for dialogue among the community in shared interests in air pollution events, analysis tools, models, datasets, etc. Latest activity on AIP AQ&H WG Google Sites as RSS Help in finding and using search, visualization and analysis tools Components/Services filtered for ‘air’ from search on ESRI GEO Portal as GeoRSS Data/services metadata from DataSpaces Latest data analyses, publications, etc Development Portal:

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