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RE PROJECT 2012. Understanding the Needs of the Elderly in Singapore-Preventing the Elderly from Falling. Research Education. Raffles Institution-. Group 6: Tu Xia Yang (25) GROUP LEADER Justin Wong (26) Wu Yi Zhou (27) Yong How Zhi (28). Contents. Research topic and focus Goal

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  1. RE PROJECT 2012 Understanding the Needs of the Elderly in Singapore-Preventing the Elderly from Falling Research Education Raffles Institution- Group 6: Tu Xia Yang (25)GROUP LEADER Justin Wong (26) Wu Yi Zhou (27) Yong How Zhi (28)

  2. Contents • Research topic and focus • Goal • Target Audiences • Methodology • Survey • Interview • Limitations • Conclusions • Implications • Acknowledgements/Credits Raffles Institution- Research Education

  3. Research Topic and Focus Topic Focus Understanding the Needs of the Elderly in Singapore Home Safety of the Elderly-How to prevent falls Raffles Institution- Research Education

  4. To reduce cases of elderly falling down and injuring themselves Raffles Institution- Research Education

  5. Target audiences • Our target audiences are: • The elderly • The medical experts • The family of the elderly Raffles Institution- Research Education

  6. Methodology • Our method of gathering data is through surveysand interview • Purpose of survey • Gather data on prevention of falls • Gather data on number and frequency of falls • Purpose of interview • Understand falls from an expert point-of-view(POV) • Gather data on frequency of falls • Gather data on preventing falls from and expert POV Raffles Institution- Research Education

  7. Survey Results Raffles Institution- Research Education

  8. Key Findings Raffles Institution- Research Education

  9. Key Findings (cont.) Raffles Institution- Research Education

  10. Findings Gender Factor Age Factor Raffles Institution- Research Education

  11. Findings Guardian factor Raffles Institution- Research Education

  12. Interview Raffles Institution- Research Education

  13. Interview • The Interviewee • Dr. Pang Woei Jack • Specialised in: • Orthopaedic Surgery • General Orthopaedics • Spine Surgery • Institution: Changi General Hospital • The Venue • Changi General Hospital • Orthopaedic Surgery Department office Raffles Institution- Research Education • The Date and Time • 17th March 2012 • 11 AM-12 PM

  14. Limitations • Time for project too short • Experience of the team Not so good • Survey Limitations • Survey relied on a self-report method of data collection • Intentional deception, poor memory, or misunderstanding the question could have contributed to inaccuracies in the data • The sample size was also very small • Interview Limitations • Time given to conduct interview was too short • Quality of question was not good • No resources to make a video of the interview • Hand gestures, emotions and body language could not be depicted Raffles Institution- Research Education

  15. Conclusion • Elderly-friendly facilities are important • Having a guardian appeared to increase chances of elderly falling down • Osteoporosis increases the chances of injury for the elderly • Elderly might not get operated on because they may have the risk of getting a stroke during the operation • Elderly might still get infection after operation, so the metal will have to be taken out of them for the wound to heal Raffles Institution- Research Education

  16. Implications • Elderly-friendly facilities can be installed in their homes • Government can encourage elderly to take health supplements and exercise • Caretakers need to be reminded to pay attention to the elderly • The medical procedures used need to be improved on Raffles Institution- Research Education

  17. Acknowledgements Many thanks to: Mr. Zachary Kang, for guiding us through each and every stage of the project Mr. YeoPuay Hong, our “late” teacher mentor Dr. Iluyomade Raphael Funwa, for giving us lectures on each part of the project Dr. Pang Woei Jack, for allowing us to interview him And anyone who has played a part, even the smallest, in our project! Raffles Institution- Research Education

  18. Raffles Institution- Research Education

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