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Hope you will check out our service once on a trial basis. We offer our services at very low prices. Please verify your efficiency with two test files.<br>photopixelqa@gmail.com
IMAGE REQUIREMENTS: • File Format: Please provide the images in a high-resolution jpg format. Please take note: save images to small caps .jpg NOT .jpeg or .JPG • Color Space: Use the sRGB color space for web-based images. • Image Size: Keep the original size and dimension: 1867px x 2800px x 300 ppi • Background: WHITE • Filename: Keep the original filenames, folder names and don’t change anything.MODELRETOUCHING GUIDELINES: • Eliminate the background and replace it with a white background. • Preserve natural, clean, and desaturated shadows. If necessary, lighten very dark shadows to achieve consistency with other images. • Eliminate skin blemishes such as bruises, acne, uneven skin tones on the face, and scars while maintaining the natural texture and realistic appearance of the skin. • Utilize techniques like clipping path or masking to remove the background from model images. • Remove flyaway and excess hair, as well as hair that overlaps the model's face, neck, and ears. • Address dust, scratches, and unnatural folds/creases on garments by removing them or fixing them. • Retouch or remove visible nipples, cleavage, butt crack, crotch, or any excessively revealing parts of the model's body. • Erase visible tapes, tags, protectors, scratches, or any imperfections on the garment. • Adjust the model's feet to fit the footwear by using the liquify tool if they are out of place. • Fill in gaps between hair to create a seamless appearance. • Remove tattoos from the model's skin. • Correct uneven skin tone, sunburns, or razor burns on the model's skin and legs. • Smooth out fine lines on the model's neck, especially in beauty and jewelry shots. • MODELCOLOR CORRECTION: • Model: Adjust skincolor withinthe image. Model Images BasicRequirements
Examples: Retouchbefore&afterimages
After: • Use action script Model for guideline. • Make sure that the model's foot is properly positioned along the baseline. Before: • Background removed and changed to white. • Retained natural desaturated shadows. • Visible nipples were been removed. • Creases has been smoothened. • Tapes/protector under the sandals have been removed.
After: Before: • Model strayhairhasbeen fixed. • Skintone &razor bunsonleg has been fixed. • Crease and foldsfromgarmentsfixed.
After: Before: • Modelstray hair &gapinbetweenfixed. • Evenedoutthelipcolor
After: Before: • Razor burn andspotsfromtheleg has been fixed • Creases fromthe innerofgarment fixed • Extrafold fromtherighthand removed
After: Before: • Additional retouch doneAfter: • Stray hair& gaphasbeen fixed • Evened out the skin tone on the face and removed theshinefromthechin, • Removed extra creasesfromthepantto make it lookneat andliquified toretain • theshapeofthe pant.
After: Before: • Evenedoutthe skintone onthe face, • Removedextra creasesfrom thepant tomakeitlookneat.
After: Before: • Pants liquifiedtoremove thebulkiness duetowrongsized garment. • Foldsremoved frombottomof thelegs
After: Before: • Removedrazorburns& pimplesfrom • theface
After: Before: • Pants liquifiedtoremove thebulkiness duetowrongsized garment. • Folds &creasesremoved frompants • &t-shirt
After: Before: • : • Skintone on faceevened out. • Cutfrom thefingerremoved • Fine-lineonthe neck hasbeen • removed
After: Before: • Liquified model'sfeet to fit the footwear. • Smoothenedoutthe spots on • Removedscarfrom the left foot.
After: Before: • Evenedoutthe skintone onthe face • Fixedthe blue lips.
After: Before: • Tag removed from herback, • Removedextra creasesfromthepant • Removed thetattooshowing ontheright • handofthemodel
After: Before: • Skin tone onher backandback of her elbowevened out • Removed thetattooshowing ontheright • handofthemodel
Before: After: • Removed the fine lines fromtheneck
Before: After: • Removed the fine lines fromtheneck
Before: After: • Excess hair from the ear has been removed.
Before: After: • Sticker under the sandals has been removed.
Before: After: • Shoe protector has been removed.
Before: After: • Removed any excess hair along the edges and ensured that there is no hair overlapping the face and ears.