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教學經驗分享. 把 『 無聊 』 的英語字彙教學變 『 有趣 』 ?!. 演說者:許國鋒老師. Vocabulary Size for the Department Required English Test.

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  1. 教學經驗分享 把『無聊』的英語字彙教學變『有趣』?! • 演說者:許國鋒老師

  2. Vocabulary Size for the Department Required English Test • The total English vocabulary items used in junior and senior high school textbooks were about 1,050and2,800words, respectively. That is, they only know 3,850 words without outside reading (Huang, 1997: 323- 324). • However, they should know 6,480 words for the Scholastic Aptitude English Test (SAET) and the Department Required English Test (DRET). (Cheng et al., 2002: i) 6480 – 3850 = 2630

  3. 1. Problems of English Vocabulary Teaching and Memorizing in Taiwan • (1) Teaching and Memorizing English words appears boring and tedious in Taiwan. • (2) Time for vocabulary teaching and memorizing is alwayslimited. Therefore, students tend to use rote memory for their tests. • (3) Teachers and students are not familiar with morphological knowledge.

  4. 2. The Importance of English Vocabulary • 2.1 Nation and Coady (1988:99) state a high recommendation of 98% “known”words in the text.Hirsh and Nation (1992: 690) and Ward (1999: 309) claim that 95% coverage of the whole text is required to obtain adequate comprehension and to be capable of guessing the meanings of the unknown words.

  5. 2.2 Few teachers know that those who possess the2,000 most frequent words can perceive95.38% of the text while the least common 4,500 wordsin thelist of 10,000 most frequent words account for only 0.47% of the material (Hildreth, 1961: 118). That is, having the5,500 most frequent words, readers can know 99.53% of the text.

  6. 2.3 Jullian (2000: 37) notes that upper-intermediate and advanced learners usually do not make major grammatical mistakes but have limited lexicon. Moreover, Richards (1976: 78) claims that the native speakers, or advanced readers, continue to expand their vocabulary in adulthood, whereas there is comparatively little change in syntax. • 2.4 Today, however, vocabulary is identified asthe greatest difficulty and the main obstacle in language learning (Nation, 1982: 20; Meara, 1980: 221)

  7. 義 形 3. Intralexical Factors in Vocabulary Teaching • Storkel (2001: 1333) states that when a new word is encountered, phonemic, semantic, andmorphologicalrepresentations are activated.

  8. 音 義 ㄒㄩㄝ 穴 = 洞穴 ˋ 形 義 形 字的結構 • 中文字: 英文字: bald [bCld] adj. one having no hair on the top of his head. (禿頭的)

  9. 很多英文單字之所以難背 • 是難在背「字形」、「字音」、「字義」? 1. dust [dVst]灰塵 2. rust [rVst]生銹 3. spry [spr1]活潑敏捷的 4. spring [sprI9]春天、 泉水、 彈簧、 萌芽 5. wonderful ['wVnd2,fl]真棒的 6. temporary ['tWmpE,rWrI]暫時的

  10. aspersion [E'sp3SEn] n. 詆毀、(洗禮)灑聖水 ~ Taipei Times Feb. 29, 2008 ~ • It is an aspersion to claim that the KMT will allow the import of Chinese agricultural products. I assure you all that we will not open up the import market if elected,” Siew said at the campaign headquarters in Chiayi County.

  11. Phonemic Features: • Phonemic Features are crucial tobeginning readers. These learners are found to rely more on phonemic processing skill than other skills (Wagner, 1986: 623; Wood, 2002: 156). Conversely, older readers become less dependent on phonemic information (Oney, Peter& Katz, 1997: 80) aspersion [E'sp3SEn]spry [spr1] 詆毀、(洗禮)灑聖水 活潑敏捷的

  12. Semantic Features: • Most beginning learners fail to take advantage ofsemantic features (Lorsbach, 1982: 476). Since familiar words usually develop stronger semantic representations, children with poor semantic system know fewer vocabulary words (Nation, Marshall, and Snowling, 2001: 255-256). spring [sprI9] 春天、 泉水、 彈簧、 萌芽

  13. 字首 字根 Morphological Features: • Most English words are composed of two components: bases and affixes. They can facilitate the process oflexical acquisition. Surprisingly, little attention to morphology was paid before (Sandra, 1994: 260; Mahony et al., 2000: 193; Rueckl et al., 1997: 383; Freyd & Baron, 1982: 293; Smith, 1995: 365). morphology [mCr'falEGI] 構詞學、形態學 form [fCrm]形、形狀 「嫁」=『女』+ 『家』

  14. 中文字的辨識與記憶 「飄」,「漂」,「剽」竊,「驃」悍,「嫖」妓,「瓢」蟲 • 「飄」= 「票」+ 『風』 • 「漂」= 『水』 +「票」 • 「剽」= 「票」+ 『刀』 • 「驃」= 『馬』 +「票」 • 「嫖」= 『女』 +「票」 • 「瓢」= 「票」 +『瓜』

  15. 英文字的辨識與記憶 • preview (預習), preclude (事前阻止), • prefer (較喜歡), prepackaged (出售前包裝的), • president (總統), prevent (預防), • prepare (預備), prestige (威望、勢力), • previous (先前的), prime (最主要的), • primary (首要的), prior (前面的), • privilege (特權), principle (原則), • principal (校長)

  16. aspersion [E'sp3SEn] n. 詆毀、(洗禮)灑聖水 • ~ Taipei Times Feb. 29, 2008 ~ • It is an aspersion to claim ~ . spe sprinkle 灑 sparkle 火花 speak 說 spring 泉水、湧出 sprint 短跑 spray 噴灑、噴劑 sprawl 伸手腳坐或臥 spread 伸開、抹上 aspire 渴望 expire 吐氣、氣絕 inspire 吸氣 Q: 這些字都帶有什麼共同的form? Ans: spr- , spe-, spa-, spi ………

  17. 4. The Advantages of Morphologically-based Word Analysis • 4.1 Frequency facilitates familiarity.High frequency words prove to be identified fasterthan low frequency ones (Meunier & Segui, 1999: 58; Gardner et al., 1987: 26). Besides, Retention isenhanced by repetition, and repetition produces familiarity(Seamon et al., 2002: 323). sure (確定的), assure (保證), reassure (使~安心), ensure (保證獲得), insure (保險)

  18. 4.2 Morphologically-based word analysis belongs to meaningful teaching. The meaningful teachingmeans relating thenewmaterial or ideas tothecognitive structure already possessed by learners (Ausubel & Robinson, 1969). The cognitive structure is also called “background knowledge” (Laffey & Laffey, 1986; Thelen, 1986; Brown, 2000). • 4.3 Those who are skilled in both allomorphy(variation in form) and polysemy (multiplicity of meanings) will be much better able to recognize the forms and the meanings of unfamiliar lexemes (Laudama et al., 1994: 298; Denning & Beben, 1995: 91)

  19. (1) allomorphy (variation in form) (同字根單字) spring, spray, sprint, speak, sparkle, sprinkle, sprawl, spread, aspire, expire, inspire (2) polysemy (multiplicity of meanings)(ㄧ字多意) spring [sprI9] 春天、 泉水、 彈簧、 萌芽

  20. 4.4 Cunningham (1998: 194) indicates that a good speller should abandon a “memorize the letters” strategy (orthography) or a “write down the letters that stand for the sound” strategy (phonology) but develop a better strategy (morphology). • 4.5 The spelling system of English vocabulary is notdesigned to represent pronunciation differences, butmorphological ones (Coates, 1999: 69) and the word parts are usually regarded as clues for meanings of words rather than as clues for pronunciation (Cunningham, 1998: 190).

  21. 4.7 Through morphological information, students can memorize more vocabulary through context analysis (Nagy & Anderson, 1984: 328) and 75% of words can be inferred from the meanings of the roots (310-315). • 4.6 Morphologically related words are usually related in forms (i.e., spelling and pronunciation) and meanings (e.g., fire/fierce; space/spatial; message/messenger), so spelling should be complementary to morphological knowledge (Derwing et al., 1995: 19; Rueckl et al., 1997: 385; 399).

  22. 4.8 English learners should tolerate theorthographically and phonologically slight alterationand vagueness (Wang, 1997: 124; Feldman & Prostko, 2002: 12). For example, in the pair of sheep/shepherd, -ee- and -e- alternate; sheep and shep- are allomorphs (Coates, 1999: 62-63). Similarly, some irregular past tense forms and their roots look alike (e.g., made/make; swam/swim) (Rueckl et al., 1997: 384)

  23. 5. Three Reasons Why People Pay Little Attention to Morphology • 5.2 Readers lack the knowledge of how to strip off the letter strings (Taft, 1994: 278; Cunningham, 1998: 190). • 5.1 Semantically unrelated words with formal similarity (the so-called deceptive transparency, e.g., card/car) easily confuse readers.

  24. 5.3 Most morphological words are more than the sum of their parts (White et al., 1989: 302). As a result, readers may not derive the correct meanings of the unknown words even if they know each morpheme. (describe (寫下、描寫); subscribe (訂 閱、捐助) ;prescribe (開處方) • (1)單字相像,卻無morpheme的關係。 • (2)不知如何拆解字首、字根、與字尾。 • (3)即使拆解完畢,也多數無法推測字義。 • That is to say, memorizing the whole word may sometimes be easier than stripping it off (Hay, 2001: 1048-1049).

  25. 能以字首、字根來推出「字義」嗎? • 1. describe (寫下、描寫) • 2. subscribe • 3. prescribe  de (=down下) + scribe (寫) (訂閱、捐助)  sub (下) + scribe (寫) (開處方)  pre (= before前) + scribe (寫) 結論:大多數的單字是推不出字義的。 • Most morphological words are more than the sum of their parts (White et al., 1989: 302).

  26. 「字首、字根」的用途?? • 字首字根的用途:把『字形』和『字義』作結合,以會其意。 • prescribe (開處方) pre / scribe 前/ 寫 記憶提示: 開處方 拿藥前先寫的單子

  27. combat com / battogether/ bat (棒子) (戰鬥) 記憶提示: 戰鬥 ㄧ起拿棒子打架

  28. 學好morpheme的三項入門功夫 • (1)由簡單字推『字首』。『字首聯想法』: 先背下34個『字首』。 • (2)習得『同化現象』以拆解單字。 • (3)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』。

  29. 字首 bi- 意思 two con- together ab- away de1- down ad- to de2- away ambi- around dia- across anti- against dis- away ante- front 拉丁字首(常用34個字首)

  30. 拉丁字首可強化記憶 • preview (預習), preclude (事前阻止), • prefer (較喜歡), prepackaged (出售前包裝的), • president (總統), prevent (預防), • prepare (預備), prestige (威望、勢力), • previous (先前的), prime (最主要的), • primary (首要的), prior (前面的), • privilege (特權), principle (原則), • principal (校長)

  31. 從『簡單字』去推出『字首』意思

  32. ab / normal away /正常的 離開/ 記憶提示: 離開正常狀態 abnormal [Ab'nCrmL] adj.不正常的

  33. ab / use away / 使用 濫用、虐待離開正確使用方法 abuse [E'bjuz] (vt)濫用、虐待

  34. ab / andon away / 記憶提示: 放棄 離開,不再擁有 abandon [E'bAndEn] (vt)放棄

  35. ab / duct away / 記憶提示: 綁架 將某人強迫帶離 abduct [Ab'dVkt] (vt)綁架

  36. ab / olish away / 記憶提示: 廢除 將某制度、法律、舊習帶離開 abolish [E'balIS] (vt)廢除

  37. ab / ort away / 流產 小孩離開母體 終止 企劃放棄使離開 abort [E'bCrt] (v)流產、終止

  38. 學好morpheme的三項入門功夫 • (1)由簡單字推『字首』。『字首聯想法』: 先背下34個『字首』。 • (2)習得『同化現象』以拆解單字。 • (3)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』。

  39. (二) 同化現象 『同化現象』分為兩種: (1) 完全同化:immigrate (移入) = im + migrate (移民) (※但字首中並無im,推得知,im是in的變形) ※collect (收集), correct (訂正) (2) 部分同化:compose (組成) = com + pose (※但字首中並無com,推得知,com是con的變形) con (= together) + pose (擺姿勢) (compose (組成) = 把…擺放在一起) ※impose (施加), computer (電腦)

  40. (三)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』

  41. (三)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』

  42. (三)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』

  43. (三)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』

  44. 學好morpheme的三項入門功夫 • (1)由簡單字推『字首』。『字首聯想法』: 先背下34個『字首』。 • (2)習得『同化現象』以拆解單字。 • (3)忍受「拼字」和「發音」『些微差異』。 • 之後,同學們就可以進入「拉丁字根字首」之門。

  45. 學好morpheme的三個步驟 • (1)由簡單字背『字首』。 • (2)由簡單字背『困難字』。 • (3)由簡單字背『拉丁字根』。

  46. (ㄧ)以『簡單字』背『字首』

  47. sign de sign 符號、簽名 設計 sign al de sign ate 信號 標記、指派 sign ify as sign 以信號示意 指派 sign ificant 重要的 (二)以『簡單字』背『困難字』 sign (符號)

  48. sign / al 符號/ 記憶提示:信號 信號也是一種 符號(訊號) signal (信號)

  49. sign / ify 符號/ (vt) 記憶提示: 做出信號(signal)以表示其意思 signify (以信號示意)

  50. de / sign down / sign 下 / 符號 記憶提示: 將所想到的符號畫下 design (設計)

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