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Health Literacy Workshop: Practical Applications for Health Coaches

Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers. Health Literacy Workshop: Practical Applications for Health Coaches. Amy Henderson Riley, M.A., C.H.E.S. Senior Health Data Research Assistant. www.camdenhealth.org. Objectives. Introductions What is health literacy?

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Health Literacy Workshop: Practical Applications for Health Coaches

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  1. Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers Health Literacy Workshop: Practical Applications for Health Coaches Amy Henderson Riley, M.A., C.H.E.S. Senior Health Data Research Assistant www.camdenhealth.org

  2. Objectives • Introductions • What is health literacy? • Why is health literacy important? • How can we apply these concepts? • Q & A

  3. About Me: • Research Assistant @ CCHP for Hotspotting Toolkit • Master’s in Health Education (Columbia University) • Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) Previous employment: • NYC Dept. of Health • US Dept. of Health and Human Services • Ghana Health and Education Initiative (NGO) GHEI Handwashing Program

  4. NYC Dept of Health “one pager” • Can you understand this document? • Do you think your patients could understand this document?

  5. 2-minute Intro video • Poem from a Mental Health conference • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3tJ-MXqPmk

  6. What is Health Literacy? Definition: “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” - Healthy People 2020

  7. Literacy Across Health Interactions • Written materials: • Brochures • Forms • Prescription labels • Signs • Oral instructions: - Doctors, nurses, health coaches

  8. Why is health literacy important? CCHP patients: • Multiple chronic diseases • Multiple prescriptions • Older population, difficulties with activities of daily living/limited physical activity • Socio-economic status • Education-level, reading level • Learning disabilities • Mental illness • Chronic Pain • Low self-efficacy • English as a second language (or 3rd…)

  9. Where do we begin? • Start with respect/meet patients where they are (what does this mean in terms health literacy?)

  10. Concepts of Adult Learning • Adult learners are the experts on themselves. • Adult learners have vast experiences that we can use to implement tailored messages. • Adult learners know how they learn best.

  11. Application #1: Plain Language • Plain language is using clear writing without unnecessary words or explanations • Plain language is not “dumbing down” messages

  12. Characteristics of Plain Language • Active voice (ex: “We called your doctor,” instead of, “The physician’s office was called.” • Less than a dozen words per sentence • No words over 3 syllables • 30% white space • Same concepts for Spanish documents

  13. Exercise: Assess Plain Language • Review a CCHP document for: • Active vs. passive voice • Number of words per sentence • Number of syllables per word • White space

  14. Exercise: Assess Reading Level • SMOG (Simple Measure of Gobbledygook) Readability Index • Review a document -- How many words with more than 3 syllables in 30 sentences?

  15. Application #2: Use More Visuals • Culturally respectful materials • Be careful of colors • Use more Visuals • Visuals include touch • Pictures on your contact information

  16. Exercise: Add Visuals • Review a CCHP document for: • Count number of pictures or diagrams • Are the pictures simple to understand? • Is there a clear background with no text? • Are there areas where a picture or diagram could be included? • Is there an area to be “filled in” either by health coach or patient? • Is the material culturally appropriate? • How can you “guide” this document for the patient”?

  17. Application #3: Teach Back • “Please tell me in your own words what I have just said/explained to you.” • Example: Teaching a patient about their prescriptions by filling one pill day in the container (i.e. Monday) and letting the patient fill the rest of the week

  18. Exercise: Incorporate Teach Back Technique • Brainstorm 3 ways you can incorporate “teach back” with your patients • Share with the group

  19. Application #4: Active Listening • Being silent • Ask open-ended questions • Paraphrase – is that right? • Empathizing • Supporting • Motivational Interviewing Techniques

  20. Exercise: Practice Active Listening • Write down one way you can incorporate active listening into your patient interactions and how this affects health literacy

  21. Additional Information • CDC Health Literacy: http://www.cdc.gov/healthliteracy/ • HRSA Health Literacy: http://www.hrsa.gov/publichealth/healthliteracy/ • Harvard Health Literacy Studies https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/healthliteracy/

  22. Q & A THANK YOUamy@camdenhealth.org

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