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Java Integrated Development Environments

Java Integrated Development Environments. Heather Natour Senior Lead Engineer Blackboard Inc. July 18 th 10:15am. Road Map. Introduction IDEs Eclipse Demo Wrapup. What’s an IDE?. What does IDE stand for? Integrated Development Environment. Why Would I Want to Use One?. IDEs generally…

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Java Integrated Development Environments

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Java Integrated Development Environments Heather NatourSenior Lead EngineerBlackboard Inc.July 18th 10:15am

  2. Road Map • Introduction • IDEs • Eclipse • Demo • Wrapup

  3. What’s an IDE? • What does IDE stand for? • Integrated Development Environment

  4. Why Would I Want to Use One? • IDEs generally… • Save you time • Allow you to be more efficient • Remember class/member/package names for you • Present your classes in a meaningful and organized way • Allow you to debug code • Automate Repetitive Tasks • Make coding FUN! 

  5. What IDEs are out there? • There are number of commercial and non-commercial IDEs available today • Microsoft .NET Visual Studio • JBuilder • Sun ONE Studio • XCode (Apple) • Emacs • Eclipse

  6. The Eclipse Project • The Eclipse Project… • “…is an open source software development project dedicated to providing a robust, full-featured, commercial-quality, industry platform for the development of highly integrated tools. “ • Initially formed in November of 2001 from Industry Leaders • February 2, 2004: Eclipse reorg’d into an not-for-profit Corporation—All technology will remain openly available and royalty-free

  7. Eclipse Platform • Available At: • http://www.eclipse.org • Is Cross Platform… • Windows • Linux • OS X (Carbon) • Solaris • AIX • HP-UX • Java source

  8. Eclipse Platform • Composed of 3 subprojects • Platform • JDT (Java Development Tools) • PDE (Plug in Development Environment) Platform JDT PDE

  9. Eclipse Platform • Provides the core frameworks and services • Ant Integration • CVS • Generic Debug Framework • Text Editor Framework • UI – Overall Platform L&F • Others…

  10. PDE • Plug-In Development environment • Allows 3rd party developers to develop extensions to the Eclipse IDE • For example: • Integration with other tools (Perforce, Visual Source Safe, Rational) • Ease of Development (Struts, JSF, Swing, UML, EJBs) • Many others (RSS readers, other language editors, Google Search)

  11. Java Development Tools • JDTs: • Add a full-featured Java IDE to the Eclipse Platform • Build Functionality • Index-based infrastructure that allows for searching, code assist, and refactoring • Several UI Features, including, • Package View • Type Hierarchy View • Java Outline View • Wizards for Creating Java Elements • Java Editor

  12. Java Editor in Eclipse • A full featured Editor integrated into the Eclipse Plaform, providing: • Keyword highlighting • Syntax highlighting • Code Assist • Margin annotations for errors, break points, or search matches • Outliner that updates as you code • API help that shows information from the Javadoc • Import assistance that will create import declarations for you • Code formatting to allow for consistent and clean code • Refactoring Support • Debugger (more on this…)

  13. Debugger • The debugger should be a developer’s favorite part of an IDE! • The Eclipse Debugger: • Can launch a JVM in Run or Debug mode • Attach to a running JVM • Run expressions on the fly • Has “scrapbook” pages for interactive code snippet evaluation • Dynamic Class Reloading (where supported by the JVM)

  14. What does it look like? • It all depends on your Perspective… • Different Perspectives provide developers with different sets of Views • Views support the editors and provide the developers with ways to navigate through the projects • Eclipse comes pre-built with several perspectives… • Resource • Java • Java Browsing • Debug • CVS • Plug-In Dev • Team Synchronizing • Let’s take a look at the Workbench from the Java perspective…

  15. Java Perspective

  16. Java Editor Tabbed Interface Keyword Highlighting Code Assist Errors/ Suggestions

  17. Java Perspective

  18. Outline Pane Members at a glance

  19. Java Perspective

  20. Explorer Views Navigate Projects

  21. Java Perspective

  22. Status Views View Results/Errors/Console

  23. Java Browsing…

  24. Thank You!

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