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Mining: devastating impact on water

Mining: devastating impact on water. Minera San Xavier case in Cerro de San Pedro, SLP, México. Mario Martínez Ramos Frente Amplio Opositor a MSX. 5º World Water Forum E s t a m b u l 2009. Situación Problemática:. Consumo de grandes cantidades de

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Mining: devastating impact on water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mining: devastating impact on water Minera San Xavier case in Cerro de San Pedro, SLP, México Mario Martínez Ramos Frente Amplio Opositor a MSX 5º World Water Forum E s t a m b u l 2009

  2. Situación Problemática: Consumo de grandes cantidades de agua para el proceso de lixiviación. c) Enviromental Impact: due to open pit mining Pollution of water resources, superficial and underground water Huge consumption of water through lixiviation process used 1 day of mining= daily consumption of 320000 people (based on 100lts/day/)

  3. Legal tools: Legal Basis Decret (1962) prohibiting water extraction for industrial Decret (1993) prohibiting installation of enterprises using big amount of water Mexican ratification of Economical, Social and Cultural Human Rights (1981) recognizing the Human right to water access

  4. Results: Positive resolutions Superior Court of Criminal and Administrative Justice ( With legal force) Latin American Court of Water (Recomendations to the Mexican Government) The mining project of Minera San Xavier continues at the margins of the law.

  5. Conclusions: Legal defense to the right to water is insufficient even when the courts on your side. Itrequiresraisingtheawareness and mobilization of citizens as aninstrumenttopressurethestatetobeaccountable .Italsorequiresmechanismstoensuretransparency, accountability and compliancewithobligations.

  6. Reflexión Final: “The authorities responsible to enforce and protect human rights, like the human right to water, have given priority to economic interests at the expense of the population”.

  7. “ the human right to water in the constitution is important but must be accompanied by mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency that will allow the right to be implemented” “el derecho humano de acceso al agua es importante pero necesitamos ir más allá para implementarlo” “le droit humain à l'eau est important mais doit être acompagné de transparence” Reflexión Final:

  8. Contacto • Ing. Mario Martínez Ramos • mynos2001@hotmail.com

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