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The Authentication of the King Para. 28-56. Acceptance of His Person: Para. 28-36 The Authority of the King: Para. 37-56. The Acceptance of His Person Para. 28-36. The Belief by the First Disciples Para. 28. The Belief by the First Disciples Para. 28.
The Authentication of the KingPara. 28-56 Acceptance of His Person: Para. 28-36 The Authority of the King: Para. 37-56
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Belief by the First Disciples Para. 28
The Belief by the First DisciplesPara. 28 First two disciples of John follow Yeshua: 1. John (the author of the 4th Gospel) 2. Andrew the brother of Peter – vs. 40 vs. 38 – Question: “What are you seeking?” Answer: “Where do you live?” Response: “Come and see.” Rabbinic means of attracting disciples. “Come and see” was a statement expressing the formal acceptance of a disciple
The Belief by the First DisciplesPara. 28 vs. 40 – Andrew’s brother is Peter (3rd disciple) vs. 41 – “we have found the Messiah” vs. 43 – calling of Philip (4th disciple) vs. 44 – mention of Nazareth note: the attitude toward Galileans vs. 49 – Why does Nathaniel conclude Yeshua is Messiah?
The Belief by the First DisciplesPara. 28 vs. “An Israelite in whom is no guile” 1. Term “Israelite” is a cryptic reference to Jacob 2. Jacob was one who had “guile” because he deceived his father Isaac 3. As a result he had to flee his household 4. Unlike Jacob Nathaniel was one who had no guile Usually study of God’s Word occurred under a “fig tree” Keep in mind no Bibles existed and scrolls of the Scripture were rare
The Belief by the First DisciplesPara. 28 One would borrow a scroll and sit under a fig tree read and mediate upon it Nathaniel becomes Yeshua’s 5th disciple Nathaniel’s response: “Rabbi, you are the son of God; you are the King of Israel.” What impressed Nathaniel was that Yeshua knew what passage of Scripture Nathaniel was reading (Gen. 28) Thus when he spoke of Nathaniel as not having guile, he Nathaniel knew Yeshua knew he was reading about Jacob’s deceiving his father and fleeing from his house
The Belief by the First DisciplesPara. 28 Then Yeshua states, “you shall see the heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man” (Gen. 28:12)
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 Belief Through the First Miracle Para. 29
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 This paragraph records the first of 7 signs given by John Timeline Para. 26 – 1st day (vs. 19) Para. 27 – 2nd day (vs. 29) Para. 28 – 3rd & 4th days (vs. 35, 43) Para. 29 – 5th, 6th, 7th days (vs. 1) Cana – 7 miles north of the modern Cana in Galilee
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 Yeshua brings his 5 disciples A typical wedding feast would last 7 days First the better wine is served Then the lesser wine is served The wine runs out Mary tells Yeshua: “They ran out of wine” – we don’t know why she went to Yeshua Yeshua responds: “My hour is not yet come”
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 This phrase usually refers to Messiah’s death Here it means, his going public with his miracles Jerusalem is the place to go public “What have I to do with you” – 1. His future death – “my hour” 2. Mary no longer has any authority over him 3. What he does will be to honor his parent; not out of the need to obey her
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 Because Jewish people will ritually cleanse their hands before eating, and because the marriage feast will last 7 days, there is a need for frequent washing of hands Pots filled with water- Yeshua will turn the water into wine His wine is more significant or better than the 1st wine
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 Two things result: 1. Messiah manifests his glory Short time for the wine to ferment 2. Disciples believed on him Faith in Yeshua’smessiahship is confirmed vs. 11 – “beginning of his signs” – demonstrates that all other stories of Messiah’s miracles when Yeshua was a child are not true This is the first miracle he performs
Belief Through the First MiraclePara. 29 Psalm 104:15 – Drinking of wine is a symbol of joy “firkin” = “bath” Two kinds of baths 1. Jerusalem bath = 5-8 gallons per firkin 2. Sepphoris bath = 17-25 gallons per firkin Yeshua could have made as little as 60 gallons (2 firkins) or 90 gallons (3 firkins) or wine; or as much as 204 gallons (2 firkins) or 450 gallons (3 firkins) of wine
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Sojourn in Capernaum Para. 30
The Sojourn in CapernaumPara. 30 A family journey Later Capernaum will become Yeshua’s ministry center vs. 12 – “went down” – directions always in relation to Jerusalem vs. 13 – “went up” to Jerusalem Yeshua had brothers Two brothers are named: 1. James (Jacob) 2. Jude (Judah) Both are writers of Scripture
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Possession of the Temple Para. 31
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 vs. 13 – 1st of 4 Passovers mentioned in his public ministry 4 Passovers make up 3 years Baptism – 4-5 months earlier (ministry 3 ½ years) Public ministry is 3 years Yeshua sees 2 things in the Temple: 1. Those who sold animals for sacrifices 2. Those changing money
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 This was the business venture of one man Annas Annas was a Sadducee He ran his family business in the Temple compound He made his sons the treasurers He made his sons-in-law assistant treasurers Josephus defines him as: “a hoarder of money, “very rich,” “spoiling the people by violence” Any common priest who objected to him would be beaten up
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 vs. 14 – “selling sacrifices” – According to the Mosaic Law you could bring your own sacrifice to the Temple But it had to be without blemish, without spot Thus it had to be inspected Priests working in behalf of Annas would find something wrong with your sacrifice One could bring another sacrifice, if you live in Jer. that might be possible. But if you lived further it was not
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 You could purchase your sacrifice from Annas, but they would sell it in highly inflated prices. This money went into the pockets of Annas and his family members “money changers” – Passover time everyone paid the half-shekel Temple tax Because Rome is ruling the country one used Roman coinage One could not use Roman coinage for the Temple treasury because it had the image of Caesar on it
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 One then had to change the Roman currency into Temple currency. Charge for this resulted in profits going to Annas and his family The Pharisees did not like this practice of Annas either In their writings they refer to this practice as the “Bazaar of the Sons of Annas Yeshua uses his authority: 1. Drives out the animals 2. Made a whip 3. Poured out the money 4. Turned over the tables
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 The disciples remember Psalm 69:9 vs. 19 – Pharisees ask – by what authority do you do these things. Yeshua states, “destroy this Temple and in 3 days I will raise it up” Yeshua was talking about his body, but he does not point that out
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 The Temple at this point was being built for 46 years It would be finished in AD 64, about 6 years before it would be destroyed In AD 67 the Pharisees get so upset with the “Bazaar of the Sons of Annas,” that they overthrow the money changers, drive out the animals, and cleanse the Temple In AD 70 the Temple is destroyed
The Possession of the TemplePara. 31 At the resurrection of Yeshua: 1. His disciples remember this event and Yeshua’s words 2. They believe the Scriptures – they saw it come fulfilled 3. They believe Yeshua’s words
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 Acceptance in Judea: Para. 32 Faith in His Signs: Para. 32a
Faith in His SignsPara. 32a Para. 31 – Yeshua goes public with his messianic claims Para. 32 – vs. 23-25 – Yeshua goes public with his miracles Para. 32-61 – Purpose of His Miracles Yeshua’s miracles are to serve as signs to Israel To get Israel to make a decision concerning his messianic claims Para. 61-64 – Change in the purpose of his miracles The will be for personal benefit
Faith in His SignsPara. 32a These miracles will serve to authenticate 2 things: 1. Authenticate his person – he is the Messiah the prophets spoke about 2. Authenticate his message – he is offering the Jewish people the kingdom spoken by the prophets
The Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 Acceptance in Judea: Para. 32 The Explanation to Nicodemus: Para. 32b
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b The 1st of Yeshua’s 7 discourses recorded by John The Discourse on the New Birth vs. 1 – “Pharisee” – tells us about his beliefs “All Israel has a share in the age to come” If anyone was born a Jew he had automatic rights to God’s kingdom Not true of Gentiles. A Gentile had to do one of two things to enter the kingdom of God:
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b 1. Obey the laws of Noah The 7 laws of the Noahic covenant (Gen. 9) 2. Convert to Judaism and take on the Mosaic Law Pharisees taught: “Abraham sits at the gates of Gehenna to snatch an Israelite consigned thereto.” Merely being born a Jew was enough to be assured of heaven
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Pharisaic writings: “born of water,” = being born physically Anyway born physically as a Jew gave one the right to enter God’s kingdom vs. 3 – “Except a man be born…” – unless one experiences the new birth he will not even see God’s kingdom Many understand Nicodemus’ response to suggest he did not understand the meaning of “born again.” It was a new term for him, they say. But this is not true
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Nicodemus’ question is: “How is one born again when he is old?” He understood the term. It was a common term used among the Jewish people What Nicodemus did not understand is, “how one can achieve it when he has reached a certain age in life and achieved a certain status in Jewish society In Pharisaical writings there are 6 ways one can be “born again.” Nicodemus fulfilled 4 of them
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b The first two are not relevant to Nicodemus: 1. When a Gentile converts to Judaism 2. When one is crowned king 3. In the 1st century they had a unique ceremony when a boy reached 13 years of age. Later it would become what we refer to as a “bar mitzvah.” This was relevant to Nicodemus
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b 4. When one marries John does not point out that Nicodemus was married but we do know that he was. He is called: a. Pharisee (vs. 1) b. Ruler of the Jews – (vs. 2) A title give to the 71 members of the Sanhedrin. A prerequisite was that one was a married man Marriage usually occurred between 16-20
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b 5. When one was ordained a rabbi – at age 30 Rav = Teacher 6. Rosh Yeshiva – The head of a religious academy (vs. 10) – “the teacher of Israel” Rabban = Head of a school This occurred when one was 50 No other way to be “born again.” Nicodemus is saying, “I have been born again in the 4 ways applicable to me. What other way is there? (“When I am old”)
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Yeshua uses a rabbinic style of teaching with Nicodemus He goes from the known factor to the unknown Yeshua teaches one must be born of water (physically) And be born of the Spirit (spiritually) Yeshua is rejecting the Pharisaical notion that all Jews will automatically enter the kingdom of God Merely being born physically as a Jew does not qualify one for heaven. One must be born physically and spiritually
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Nicodemus does not qualify. He must have a spiritual birth Next question Nicodemus has and is anticipated by Yeshua is, “how can one be born spiritually?” Yeshua answers the question in vs. 7 Two separate steps to being “born again” spiritually. 1. God does the first (vs. 14) – He sends his son to provide the final atonement 2. Man does the second – individuals must believe and receive his son
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b vs. 16 – Most famous passage in John’s gospel 1. God gave his only son 2. Individuals must receive what God has provided Until Nicodemus believes that Yeshua is the Messianic King he will not enter God’s kingdom This was so new to Nicodemus he was not able to accept this right away. This is still true for many Jewish people today. Jewish people go through a struggle when challenge to believe in Yeshua as Messiah
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Sometimes the struggle is a: Spiritual struggle Theological struggle Ethnic struggle Family struggle He must change his way of thinking before he can see the possibility that Yeshua is the Messiah For Nicodemus the struggle begins here and will continue for 3 years
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b Nicodemus appears two more times in John’s gospel: 1. John 7 – not yet a believer but defends Yeshua’s right to be heard before being condemned 2. At the burial of Yeshua where he comes out openly as a believer Because Nicodemus was preeminent in Jewish society he could not be ignored in Jewish writings. What we learn from these writings is:
The Explanation to NicodemusPara. 32b 1. Nicodemus was a wealthy well digger 2. He was among the 3 most righteous men in Jerusalem 3. Upon becoming a believer he was reduced to poverty 4. His daughter went about the city begging as a pauper 5. The rabbis record this account to prove that one should not believe on Yeshua. For if one does the same thing will happen to them Nicodemus may have died physically poor, but we also know he died spiritually rich for he will have his place in God’s kingdom
Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Witness of John Para. 33
The Witness of JohnPara. 33 The Jewish people only practiced immersion. If John was sprinkling or pouring he would not need “much water” (vs.23) John is in the southern end of the Jordan River where it runs into the Dead Sea Toward the end of the summer months and before the rainy season the water gets shallow John then goes north near Salin where the Sea of Galilee runs into the Jordan River During the Summer months there is more water three which reveals how important immersion was in the Jewish culture
The Witness of JohnPara. 33 The disciples of John observe the movement of the disciples of Yeshua They become jealous for John’s sake but John says there is not need to be jealous, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” vs. 28-29 – Bridegroom = Messiah Bride = the congregation of believers (Acts 2) Friend of the Bridegroom = OT saints
The Witness of JohnPara. 33 vs. 34 – Fulfills Isaiah 11:1-2 Messiah is given the Spirit without measure All believers receive the Spirit in measure We have different callings We have different spiritual gifts All for the purpose of doing God’s will But Yeshua had no limitations regarding the Spirit of God
Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Imprisonment of John Para. 34
The Imprisonment of JohnPara. 34 Yeshua leaves Judea and goes back to Galilee for 3 reasons: 1. Pharisees had heard Jesus was making more disciples than John (vs.4) 2. Yeshua’s movement through Samaria was part of God’s divine plan (vs.4) 3. John was arrested (vs.20)
The Imprisonment of JohnPara. 34 John was arrested because of his statements about Herod’s false marriage to Herodias Herod married Herodias while her first husband was till alive and her husband Philip was the brother of Herod Remember the theme: What happens to the herald happens to the King vs. 14 – part of God’s divine plan is manifested in Luke’s account, “in the power of the Spirit.”
Acceptance of His PersonPara. 28-36 The Acceptance in Samaria Para. 35