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Join us in commemorating 30 years of success in improving water quality! This event aims to educate the public on water quality issues, strengthen partnerships, celebrate accomplishments, and identify future tasks. National and local events will feature educational activities, clean-up initiatives, and science fairs. You can contribute by sponsoring events, participating, donating time, talent, or funds to support clean water initiatives. Together, we can make a difference for a cleaner future!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Purpose • Celebration… …30 Years of successes • Recommitment… …To work yet to be completed

  2. Goals • Educate the public on water quality issues. • Encourage & strengthen partnerships between citizens, private organizations & government agencies. • Celebrate accomplishments of the Act & identify work that still needs to be done.

  3. National Events • Joint Congressional Resolution designating 2002 as the Year of Clean Water • Presidential Year of Clean Water Proclamation

  4. National Events • Youth Watershed Summit • October 6 – 10, 2002 • Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Md. • Improving Public Participation & Governance in Watershed Management Symposium • Date and Location To Be Announced

  5. National Events • National Water Monitoring Day • October 18, 2002 • Nationwide testing for: pH, Temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen by Government Agencies, Volunteer Monitoring Groups, Students & General Public • Low cost test kit available • Sites registered & data entered on-line: www.yearofcleanwater.org

  6. National Events • Senior Watershed Summit • October 28 - 30, 2002 • Sandy Cove, Md. • World Watershed Summit • October 30 – November 1, 2002 • Washington, DC

  7. State & Local Events • Year of Clean Water Proclamations by Governors of all 50 States. • State based educational and celebratory events: • Water exhibits • River walks & cleanups • Beach cleanups • Science Fairs

  8. What Can You Do? • Help sponsor and participate in local Year of Clean Water events • Participate in one or more of the national Year of Clean Water events • Make a contribution of time, talent and money to America’s Clean Water Foundation and the Year of Clean Water

  9. The Honorable John E. Baldacci (ME)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Shelley Berkeley (NV)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Earl Blumenaur (OR)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Sherwood Boehlert (NY)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Christopher Bond (MO)United States Senate The Honorable Robert Borski (PA)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Jeb BushGovernor of Florida The Honorable Jimmy CarterFormer President of the United States The Honorable Peter DeFazio (OR)United States House of Representatives The Honorable John J. Duncan (TN)United States House of Representatives Board of Governors The Honorable Howard Baker, ChairAmbassador to Japan

  10. Denis Hayes The Earthday Network The Honorable Jim Jeffords (VT)United States Senate The Honorable Sue Kelly (NY)United States House of Representatives The Honorable Joseph Lieberman (CT)United States Senate The Honorable James L. Oberstar (MN)United States House of Representatives Dr. Ruth Patrick, PhDAcademy of Natural Sciences The Honorable Thomas E. Petri (WI)United States House of Representatives William RuckelshausPrincipal, Madrona Investment Group The Honorable Robert C. Smith (NH)United States Senate Lee M. Thomas, PresidentConsumer Products: Georgia Pacific, Inc. The Honorable George Voinovich (OH)United States Senate Board of Governors

  11. Roberta Haley Savage, President Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators Charles L. Grizzle, Vice President The Grizzle Company Brenda Menendez, Treasurer Florida Department of Community Affairs  Thomas L. Adams Oxygenated Fuels Association A. James Barnes Indiana University Jonathan Z. Cannon University of Virginia Elissa Parker Environmental Law Institute ACWF Board

  12. Sponsors America’s Clean Water Foundation • Primary Sponsor • National Coordinator Association of State & Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASIWPCA) The Smithsonian Institution

  13. Government Sponsors • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency • U.S. Department of Agriculture • U.S. Department of Interior • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • U.S. Geological Survey • National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

  14. National Sponsors Earth Force Earth Day Network Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement Environmental Law Institute The River Network University of Virginia School of Law

  15. Steering Committee • Roberta Haley Savage, National Chair Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators • Tom Benjamin Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement • Bill Berterra Water Environment Federation • Kevin Coyle National Environmental Education & Training Foundation • Margaret Davidson National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration • Mack Gray U.S. Department of Agriculture • Ben Grumbles U.S. Environmental Protection Agency • Bob Hirsch U.S. Geological Survey • John Howard Council for Environmental Quality • Steve Hubbell Lower Colorado River Authority

  16. Kit Kimball U.S. Department of the Interior Ken Kirk Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies Ken Kopocis House Transportation & Infastructure Committee Dawn Kristof Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturer’s Association Ken Margolis The River Network Tom Martin Earth Force Tom Morrissey State of Connecticut Dennis Nelson Project Wet, USA Diane Regas U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  Kathleen Rogers The Earthday Network Steering Committee

  17. Diane Shea National Governors Association Ernie Shea National Association of Conservation Districts Karen Smith State of Arizona John Stoody Senate Appropriations Committee Patricia Rivers United States Army Corps of Engineers Steering Committee • Alan Vicory Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

  18. Publications • Water: The Source of Life – Primer on water quality programs • Turning The Tide – Citizen’s guide to reducing runoff pollution • Public Involvement For Better Decisions: A Guidance Manual – For anyone involved with public outreach programs • Clean Water Student Information Kit – On water quality issues kits for students and adult learners

  19. Publications What Is A Watershed – A guide for children to learn about ecosystems and the environment And Your Point Is – A children’s book on point and non-point pollution Murky Water Caper – A children’s book as well as script and music for a play on water quality Gee Whiz Water Quiz & Water Awareness Test – test your water I.Q

  20. Contact Information America’s Clean Water Foundation 750 First Street, NE, Suite 1030 Washington, D.C. 20002 Ph: (202) 898-0908 Fax: (202) 898-0977 WWW.YEAROFCLEANWATER.ORG

  21. Web Site www.yearofcleanwater.org

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