1. Center for Workers with DisabilitiesFall Conference
“Transportation Options Manager as Travel Navigators”
Mark Whitmore
Executive Director
North Shore Career Centers
2. Transportation Access Project Create a regional partnership to assist area residents with disabilities obtain and maintain accessible and affordable transportation services, supporting their efforts to work and live independently.
3. North Shore Region
4. The Partnership: North Shore Workforce Investment Board
North Shore Employment Consortium
Cape Ann Transportation Operating Company Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
North Shore Career Centers
Area Businesses
5. Objectives & Goals: Provide training and technical assistance on transportation options and resources for community organizations.
Coordinate transportation planning efforts with area employers.
Formulate plans to identify unmet transportation needs.
6. Objectives & Goals: Develop recommendations to fill the identified gaps in local public transportation needs.
Provide “Person Centered Transportation Planning Services” to individuals with disabilities.
7. Person Centered Transportation Planning Services Establish Transportation Options Managers (TOMs) positions within the Career Center.
Access travel training services for TOMs.
Market availability of services to community agencies and general public.
Assist individuals with disabilities to find transportation solutions utilizing both customary and non-traditional resources.
8. Transportation Options Manager Integration with local workforce development system
Coordinate transportation information requests and service referrals
Create person centered transportation plans
Navigation services
Utilize Web-based travel planners
Conduct and/or coordinate travel training
9. Transportation Options Manager (Cont.) Maintain transportation services inventory
Develop and utilize alternative solutions
Identify and record unmet transportation needs
Community transportation planning
Identify collaboration improvements with transportation providers
10. Transportation Access Project Model
11. Provide Training and Technical Assistance Conduct transportation options and ADA eligibility training for Career Center staff.
Provide similar training tailored to the needs of local human service agencies.
12. Coordinate Planning Efforts with Area Businesses Recruit interested businesses to serve on Program Advisory Committee.
Work with motivated businesses to develop customized solutions for workers.
13. Formulation of Unmet Needs Database Record information on both fulfilled and unmet transportation needs, and entering information into database maintained by Bridgewater State College Transportation Center.
14. Unmet Transportation Needs
15. Critical Elements of TOM Success Extensive Knowledge of Local Resources
Strong Problem Solving Abilities
Ability to Work with Transportation Providers
One-Stop Career Center Based
Strong Local Partnership Buy-In
16. For Additional Information Please Contact:
Mark Whitmore
North Shore Career Center
70 Washington Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970
(978) 825-7231