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Peter Ørebech Rådsmedlem & leder fiskeripolitisk utvalg Tromsø

Markedsadgang for fisk og sjømat uten EØS – en kort oversikt over noen tema Nei til EU, Rådsmøte Oslo, 6-7 april 2019. Peter Ørebech Rådsmedlem & leder fiskeripolitisk utvalg Tromsø. Udokumenterbare påstander.

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Peter Ørebech Rådsmedlem & leder fiskeripolitisk utvalg Tromsø

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  1. Markedsadgang for fisk og sjømat uten EØS – en kort oversikt over noen tema Nei til EU, RådsmøteOslo, 6-7 april 2019 Peter ØrebechRådsmedlem & leder fiskeripolitisk utvalg Tromsø

  2. Udokumenterbare påstander • «EØS-avtalen er helt avgjørende for norsk handel med Europa» (Marit Nybakk, NTB/Siste.no 28.11.2008) • «… denne markedsadgangen er kritisk for norsk næringsliv og norske arbeidsplasser» (Erna Solberg, Innledning Europabevegelsens landsmøte mars 2005). • «Selv er jeg tilhenger av EØS-avtalen, og mener … vi heller bør beholde den: Uten EØS-avtalen vil norske bedrifter slite med å selge sine produkter og tjenester i det europeiske markedet» (HadjaTajik, Aftenposten 24.11.2018). peter.orebech@uit.no

  3. EU-fiskeflåten og selvforsyningsgraden • «the EU self-sufficiency rate for fishery products has decreased from 57 % to 38 %». • (Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION on trade … of certain fishery products … from 2013 to 2015 amending Regulations (EC) No 104/2000 and (EU) No 1344/2011 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1062/2009 s.2). peter.orebech@uit.no

  4. WTO og handel med industrivarer • «tollreduksjoner i WTO [vil] ha liten effekt fordi Norge allerede nyter godt av preferanseordninger der. Muligens kan virkningene for norsk eksport til Europa være negative. Derimot vil det være positive virkninger for eksport til andre markeder». • «For land Norge har preferanseavtaler med gir tollreduksjoner gjennom WTO ingen økning i eksport. For andre land vil tollreduksjoner gi til dels betydelig effekt». • Per BotolfMaurseth, Tollnedtrapping for industrivarer i WTO – Virkninger for Norge. Notat til Næringsdepartementet, NUPI, 2003 s. 1 peter.orebech@uit.no

  5. Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Norway • FREE TRADE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND NORWAY • PREAMBLE: THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY of the one part, and THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY of the other part, • DESIRING to consolidate and to extend, upon the enlargement of the European Economic Community, the economic relations existing between the Community and Norway and to ensure, with due regard for fair conditions of competition, the harmonious development of their commerce for the purpose of contributing to the work of constructing Europe, • RESOLVED to this end to eliminate progressively the obstacles to substantially all their trade, in accordance with the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade concerning the establishment of free trade areas, DECLARING their readiness to examine, in the light of any relevant factor, and in particular of developments in the Community, the possibility of developing and deepening their relations where it would appear to be useful in the interests of their economies to extend them to fields not covered by this Agreement, • HAVE DECIDED, in pursuit of these objectives and considering that no provision of this Agreement may be interpreted as exempting the Contracting Parties from the obligations which are incumbent upon them under other international agreements, • TO CONCLUDE THIS AGREEMENT: peter.orebech@uit.no

  6. WTO – og «bestefarsklausulene» • GATT Article XXIV, § 5. Accordingly, the provisions of this Agreement shall not prevent, as between the territories of contracting parties, the formation of a customs union or of a free-trade area or the adoption of an interim agreement necessary for the formation of a customs union or of a free-trade area; Provided that: • (a) with respect to a customs union, or an interim agreement leading to a formation of a customs union, the duties and other regulations of commerce imposed at the institution of any such union or interim agreement in respect of trade with contracting parties not parties to such union or agreement shall not on the whole be higher or more restrictive than the general incidence of the duties and regulations of commerce applicable in the constituent territories prior to the formation of such union or the adoption of such interim agreement, as the case may be; peter.orebech@uit.no

  7. EØS-EFTA; «samsvarsprinsippet» (conformity assessment) • Særskilt vedlegg til St prp. nr 10 (2001-2002) Revidert Konvensjon om opprettelse av Det europeiske frihandelsforbund (EFTA) av 21. juni 2001 Konsolidert versjon VEDLEGG 10 Vedlegg I. Gjensidig godkjenning av samsvarsvurderinger (artikkel 15) peter.orebech@uit.no

  8. Frihandelsavtalen EEC-Norge, 1972 norske varer tilhørende tollnomenklaturen kap. 1-24 (jordbruks- og fiskerivarer), • kvantitative handelshindre (art. 13), • nasjonal diskriminerende behandling (art. 18), • tollhindringer (art. 3) eller • dumpinganklager(art. 25) • prøve gyldigheten av EU-tiltakene for WTO-tvisteløsningspanel. peter.orebech@uit.no

  9. WTO & Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement: CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT TECHNICAL STANDARDS Article 5 • Procedures for Assessment of Conformity by Central Government Bodies • 5.1 Members shall ensure that, in cases where a positive assurance of conformity with technical regulations or standards is required, their central government bodies apply the following provisions to products originating in the territories of other Members … : • 5.4 In cases where a positive assurance is required that products conform with technical regulations or standards, and relevant guides or recommendations issued by international standardizing bodies exist or their completion is imminent, Members shall ensure that central government bodies use them, or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for their conformity assessment procedures, peter.orebech@uit.no

  10. EU og EFTA – og «samsvarsprinsippet» peter.orebech@uit.no

  11. WTO og bindingslister – og «EU-autonome satser» • "In addition there are a vast number of other regulations, too numerous to list, suspending custom duties, either totally or partially, for a limited period because of shortage of supplies in the Community" (R.R. Churchill: EEC fisheries law (1987) s. 262). • «The Suspensions and tariff quotas have ensured competitive supplies to certain segments of the EU processing industry, which could maintain their activities and jobs; … These measures have not significantly affected the balance and prices of the main EU markets for fisheries and aquaculture products, hence not disrupting producers' interests». (COMMISSION STAFF WORKING PAPER IMPACT ASSESSMENT … of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products, Brussels, SEC(2011) 883, s. 13). peter.orebech@uit.no

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