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ECE 1100: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering. Spring 2011. Wanda Wosik Associate Professor, ECE Dept. Notes 5. Slides adapted from lectures by Drs. Dave Shattuck/David Jackson/Charlson. Introduction to Engineering. What is engineering? What are the areas of ECE?.
ECE 1100: Introduction toElectrical and Computer Engineering Spring 2011 Wanda Wosik Associate Professor, ECE Dept. Notes 5 Slides adapted from lectures by Drs. Dave Shattuck/David Jackson/Charlson
Introduction to Engineering What is engineering? What are the areas of ECE?
Introduction to Engineering What is engineering? “The science concerned with putting scientific knowledge to practical uses” (Webster New World Dictionary)
Introduction to Engineering (cont.) What is engineering? "Engineering is the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind." (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)
Introduction to Engineering (cont.) What is science? “Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied” (Webster New World Dictionary)
Introduction to Engineering (cont.) How can you tell an engineer from a scientist? • A scientist's goal is to learn fundamental truths. • An engineer's goal is to use those truths to solve practical problems. In some areas of theoretical engineering, the distinction is very fuzzy.
Introduction to Engineering (cont.) What is an engineer? A person skilled or occupied in some branches of engineering Where does the word “engineer” come from? From the Latin word “ingenium” meaning something like “ingenuity” (Webster New World Dictionary)
Introduction to Engineering (cont.) What is electricalengineering? Engineering connected with the science or use of electricity. (Webster New World Dictionary)
Areas of ECE Description of disciplines within ECE, taken from the Sloan Career Cornerstone Center http://careercornerstone.org/eleceng/elecengprep.htm
Electromagnetics Electromagnetics deals with the transfer of energy by radiation, such as light waves, and radio waves, and the interaction of such radiation with matter. Applications: optical-fiber communications, radio broadcasting, wireless communications, coaxial cable systems, radar, antennas, sensors, and microwave generators and detectors as well as in advanced computation and switching systems. Electromagnetics is one of the most analytical fields of EE – uses mathematics to express physical effects and complex relationships among electric and magnetic fields and material properties in space and time.
Electromagnetics (cont.) ECE 2317 Fundamentals of electricity and magnetism, vector calculus, Maxwell's equations, Kirchhoff's laws, static electric and magnetic fields, resistance, capacitance, inductance, magnetic circuits and transformers. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Electromagnetics (cont.) ECE 3317 Maxwell's equations in time and frequency domains, Poynting's theorem, plane wave propagation, reflection and transmission in lossless and lossy media, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* Note: ECE 3317 is only required in the EE and CE options.
Electronics Electronics is a cornerstone of technology, supporting virtually all areas of science, engineering, and medicine with products ranging from sensitive instruments to machine controls to diagnostic equipment. Electronics uses electrons (and holes=missing electrons) to release, transport, control, and collect energy. Very fast-changing field, as new technology supplants old in rapid succession. Electronics: devices, equipment, and systems whose functions depend on such charge carriers. Electronic engineers design, develop, and manufacture: computers; integrated circuits; sensors and transducers; audio, video, broadcasting, and telecommunications equipment; process control systems; navigation, guidance, and detection systems; prosthetic devices; and pollution monitoring instruments.
Electronics (cont.) DC-DC converters AM/FM Amplifier Op-Amp
Electronics (cont.) ECE 2300 Basic circuits theory Basic concepts of electric circuit analysis techniques. Inductors, capacitors, first order circuits. Sinusoidal analysis. ECE 2100 Introduction to the electronics laboratory equipment. Introductory experiments in circuit analysis. Formal report writing. This laboratory course is a prerequisite for all other ECE laboratory courses. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Electronics (cont.) ECE 3455 Signal and amplifier concepts. Operational amplifiers, Diodes and nonlinear circuits. Bipolar junction transistors and amplifiers. Small and large signal analysis. Two port networks. Concept of logic circuits ex. TTL. ECE 3441 Initial course in Boolean algebra, combinational logic, sequential machine analyses and synthesis. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Electronics (cont.) ECE 4339 Electronics, modern physics, and electromagnetism used to develop fundamental understanding of bipolar, Schottky, and MOS solid state device operation. ECE 4119 Introduction to the methods of solid state device characterization and the use of CAD tools in the design of discrete devices. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Power The electrical power field is concerned with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. Scope: design and develop equipment and systems to provide electricity in homes, offices, stores, and factories. The equipment regulates the frequency and voltage of the power delivered to consumers, corrects its power factor, protects the network and its customers from lightning strikes, surges, and outages. Power engineers also design power systems for aircraft and spacecraft; others design electrical motors and generators.
Power (cont.) ECE 2300 Basic concepts of electric circuit analysis techniques. Inductors, capacitors, first order circuits. Sinusoidal analysis. ECE 3364 Sinusoidal steady-state power, balanced three-phase circuits, mutual inductance and transformers, Laplace transform and circuit analysis, frequency-selective circuits, control system characteristics and stability. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* Note: ECE 3364 is only required in the EE option.
Digital Systems / Computer Engr. Digital systems permeate technology in all its forms; the world has gone digital, with digital control, digital communications, and digital computation. Electrical / computer engineers design, develop, and manufacture digital products: laptops, personal computers; mainframes; supercomputers; workstations; virtual-reality systems; video games; modems; telephone switches; embedded microcontrollers for aircraft, cars, appliances, and machines of all types. Digital computer-aided design (CAD) is used in all branches of engineering design -- machines, structures, circuits and computer graphics for advertising and publishing; new development of improved hardware and software.
Digital Systems / Computer Engr. (cont.) microprocessor in car
Digital Systems / Computer Engr. (cont.) ECE 3331 Procedural programming in C and C++ with applications in electrical and computer engineering. Introduction to FORTRAN. ECE 3441 Initial course in Boolean algebra, combinational logic, sequential machine analysis and synthesis. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Digital Systems / Computer Engr. (cont.) ECE 4436 Semiconductor memory devices and systems, microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, I/O programming, I/O interface design, I/O peripheral devices, data communications, and data acquisition systems. Several laboratory exercises will be assigned both in assembly language programming and hardware system design. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Controls • The field of automatic control spans a wide range of technologies, from aerospace to health care. The main goal of automatic control technology is to automatically guide or regulate a system under both steady-state and transient conditions, using feedback to adapt to unknown or changing conditions. • Scope: • Automatic control systems to guide aircraft and spacecraft. • Control systems for processes and machinery in manufacturing of diverse products as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and integrated circuits. • Control systems for medical devices such as medication-injection machines and respirators etc. All widely used in the healthcare industry.
Controls (cont.) ECE 3364 Sinusoidal steady-state power, balanced three-phase circuits, mutual inductance and transformers, Laplace transform and circuit analysis, frequency-selective circuits, control system characteristics and stability. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* Note: ECE 3364 is only required in the EE option.
Communications and Signals The field of communications encompasses transmission of information by signals through wired and wireless links and networks. The information may be voice, images (still photographs and drawings), video, data, software, or text messages. The closely related field of signal processing involves manipulating signals so that they can be transmitted with greater accuracy, speed, reliability, and efficiency. Scope: Equipment and systems for a great variety of applications: digital telephony, cellular telephony, broadcast TV and radio, satellite communications, optical fiber communications, deep space communications, local-area networks, and Internet and World Wide Web communications. Signal processing engineers deal with data compression, modulation systems, radar, sonar, computer-aided tomography (CAT), ultrasound imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
Communications and Signals (cont.) ECE 3337 Time and frequency domain techniques for signal and system analysis. Engineering applications of the convolution sum and integral, Fourier series and transforms, and Laplace transforms. ECE 2300 Circuit Analysis MATH 3321 Engineering Math ECE 2317 Appl Elect & Magnetism ECE 2100 Circuit Analysis Lab Visual & Performing Arts Core ENGI 2304 Tech. Comm. Fourth Semester ECE 3331 Programming Appl. in ECE ECE 3455 Electronics ECE 3337 EE Analysis I ECE 3317 Applied EM Waves ECE 3364 Circuits & Systems Fifth Semester Sixth Semester INDE 2333 Engr. Statistics I ENGI 2334Thermo ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective* ECE 3441 Digital Logic Design ECE 4119 SolidState Lab ECE 4339 SolidState Devices MECE 3400 Intro to ME ECE 4436 Microprocessor Systems ECE Elective* ECON 2304 Microeconomic Principles Seventh Semester Eighth Semester ECE Elective & Lab* ECE 4334 ECE Systems Design^ ECE Elective & Lab* ECE Elective*
Artificial Intelligence Engineers in the artificial intelligence field deal with systems that perform functions associated to some extent with human intelligence including: recognizing speech, voice, or patterns; learning to perform mechanical tasks such as sorting or assembling; and making predictions on the basis of experience. They employ knowledge and skills in logic and deduction, fuzzy logic, machine vision, natural language processing, knowledge-based systems and programming languages.
Electives As reminder, your electives allow you to specialize in one or more areas of ECE. ECE electives have to be chosen from designated courses for each concentration area in ECE. Minimum of 6 electives courses (3-4 hrs each) must be taken.
Electives Electromagnetics & Solid State Devices ECE 4317 Experimental Techniques in EM. Prereq: ECE 2100 & 3317. ECE 5113 Microwave Engineering Lab. Prereq: ECE 2100 & cfori ECE5317. ECE 5114 Antenna Engineering Lab. Prereq: ECE 2100 & cfori ECE 5318. ECE 5314 Intro. Nano Desgn & Fabrication. Prereq. ECE 3317 & cfori ECE 4339 ECE 5317 Microwave Engineering. Prereq. ECE 3317.ECE 5318Antenna Engineering. Prereq: ECE 3317. ECE 5346 VLSI Design. Prereq: ECE 3456 or 3457.
Electives Power & Controls ECE 4363/4113Electromechanical Energy Conversion. Prereq: ECE 3364 & cfori ECE 4113 (prereq ECE 2100). ECE 4375/4115Automatic Control Systems. Prereq: ECE 3337 & cfori: ECE 4115(prereq: ECE 2100 & ECE 3337) ECE 5115Control Systems Lab II. Prereq: ECE 2100 & 4375 & cfori ECE 5335. ECE 5118Control Systems Lab III. Prereq: ECE 2100 & 4375 & cfori ECE 5385. ECE 5335State Space Control Systems. Prereq: ECE 4375.ECE 5377/5127Power Transmission & Distribution. Prereq: ECE 3364 & cfori ECE 5127. ECE 5380Power Electronics & Electric Drives. Prereq: ECE 3455. ECE 5385Control System Component Design. Prereq: ECE 4375.
Electives Signals & Communications ECE 3366 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. Prereq: ECE 3337. ECE 4117 Telecommunications Laboratory. Prereq: cfori ECE 4371. ECE 4371 Introduction to Telecommunication. Prereq: ECE 3337, INDE 2333. ECE 5354 Digital Video in Telecommunications. Prereq: ECE 3337 & cfori ECE 4436. ECE 5451 Principles of Internetworking. Prereq: ECE 3331, 3441 & cfori ECE 4371.
Electives Electronics ECE 3456Analog Electronics. Prereq: ECE 3337 & ECE 3455. ECE 3457Digital Electronics. Prereq: ECE 3337 & ECE 3455. ECE 4458Bioinstrumentation: Prereq: ECE 3455 ECE 5356CMOS Analog IC: Prereq: ECE 3456 ECE 5364/5112Electronic Circuit Design. Prereq: ECE 3456 & cfori ECE 5112.
Electives In addition to the above, the following electives may be available: ECE 4437 Embedded Microcomputer Systems. Prereq: ECE 4436. ECE 5340 Introduction to Well-Logging Techniques. Prereq: ECE 3317. ECE 5367 Introduction to Computer Architecture. Prereq: ECE 4436. ECE 5392 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. Prerq: ECE 3366, 3441 & 3455. ECE 5436 Advanced Microprocessor Systems. Prereq: ECE 4436 ECE 5440 Advanced Digital Design. Prereq: ECE 3441, 3455 & cfori ECE 4436