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PARTICIPATORY REGIONAL SEMINARS Fostering Participation in Policy-Making Decisions Through Innovative Mechanisms. Pernambuco. Located in the northeast region of Brazil Seventh most populous State (8,796,032 inhabitants) Area: 98,311 square kilometers 12 Development Regions – 185 cities
PARTICIPATORY REGIONAL SEMINARSFosteringParticipation in Policy-MakingDecisions ThroughInnovativeMechanisms
Pernambuco • Located in the northeast region of Brazil • Seventh most populous State (8,796,032 inhabitants) • Area: 98,311 square kilometers • 12 Development Regions – 185 cities • Economy that grows above the average of the northeast region and Brazil
Pernambuco • 3 capitals • 3 international airports • 2 regional airports • 5 international ports • 16 millions inhabitants • More than 35% of NE’s GDP
Pernambuco • 6 capitals • 5 international airports • 10 international ports • 1 river port • 36 millions inhabitants • 90% of NE’s GDP
Strategy map • #1. Dialogue withSociety • #2. Transparency, responsabilityand • publicaccountabilitymechanisms • #3. Integrated Management • ModelFocusedonresults
Strategy map • #1. To reachthemostvulnerablesegmentsofthepopulation • #2. To consolidatethedevelopmentprocessandexpansionintothe interior regionsoftheState
Participatory Regional Seminars “Todos por Pernambuco” OBJECTIVES • A broad mechanism for citizen participation to interact directly with governmental authorities to express their needs, demands and suggestions in a deliberative forum • Opportunity to debate regional issues and imminent problems • Target the most vulnerable segments of the population • Outcomes influencing the Multi-Year Budget Plan (the law that consolidates government action and budgetary implementation over four years)
Participatory Regional Seminars “Todos por Pernambuco” OBJECTIVES • Transmiting the notion of Government´s availability, interest and readiness to listen to the people • Restoring the feeling of belonging and citizenship, particularly among residents in rural communities, through the presence of the Governor and State Secretaries • Providing conditions and means for the people to freely express their demands and suggestions • Ensuring a technical process for compilation and analysis of the proposals, characterized by transparency:
Participatory Regional Seminars “Todos por Pernambuco” TECHNICAL PROCESS • Audio and video recording of the plenary sessions and thematic group discussions; • Creation of a database by the Planning and Management Secretariat staff to consolidate the proposals debated and suggested in all Regional Seminars; • Analysis and management of the database for ranking priorities, establishing joint commitments with the Governor and incorporation into the Multi-Year Plan; and • Feedback to society on the establishment of joint commitments and their incorporation into the Multi-Year Plan, using Regional Committees structured as mechanisms for systematic dialogue with civil society.
Material handed out to participants GovernmentActions Letterfrom theGovernor GovernmentProgram ProposalBooklet
Material handed out to participants
Regional Seminars x Map x Multi-Year Plan Prioritization Methodology
Inclusion of proposals in the Multi-Year Plan 2008/2011 MULTI-YEAR PLAN ALL GOVERNMENT ACTIONS 100% Total ofGovernmentactions2008/2011 MultiYearPlan – 1,518 (include actionsrelated to: personnelpayment, intereste andmaintenanceofcurrentexpenses, etc.) PriorityGoals - 436 (2009) = 28,7% PriorityGoalsas direct contributions from society (2007 Seminars) - 102 PRIORITY GOALS 28,7% • PRIORITY GOALS AS • CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SOCIETY 6,7%
Inclusion of proposals in the Multi-Year Plan 2012/2015 MULTI-YEAR PLAN ALL GOVERNMENT ACTIONS 100% Total ofGovernmentactions 2012/2015 MultiYearPlan – 2,352 (include actionsrelated to: personnelpayment, intereste andmaintenanceofcurrentexpenses, etc.) PriorityGoals - 584 (2012) = 24,8% PriorityGoalsas direct contributions from society (2011 Seminars) - 247 PRIORITY GOALS 24,8% • PRIORITY GOALS AS • CONTRIBUTIONS FROM SOCIETY 10,5%
Everyone for Pernambuco Management Model PlanningProcess • EVERYONE FOR PERNAMBUCO REGIONAL SEMINARS
Thankyou Jorge Vieira ExecutiveSecretaryofStrategic Management SEPLAG – Planningand Management Secretariat Pernambuco StateGovernment +5581 3182.3836 jorge.seplag@gmail.com jorge.vieira@seplag.pe.gov.br