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Chapter One

Chapter One. Meeting on Arrival. learning Contents. Learning Objectives. Section 1. Pre-Class Activities. Section 2. In-class Learning. Section 3. After-class Learning. Section 4. SEC 2. SEC 3. SEC 4. SEC 1. Section 1. learning Objectives

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Chapter One

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  1. Chapter One Meeting on Arrival www.themegallery.com

  2. learning Contents Learning Objectives • Section 1 Pre-Class Activities • Section 2 In-class Learning • Section 3 After-class Learning • Section 4 www.themegallery.com

  3. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 1 learning Objectives • how to communicate with the tourists effectively and ask something about the travel. • how to handle complaints from the tourists effectively • how to use some professional English vocabulary and sentence patterns related to this topic • how to introduce Chinese Calligraphy and Painting to guests. www.themegallery.com

  4. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 2 Pre-class learning Question or case Study A: A: B: A: B: A: B: a receptionist at travel agency B: a client Hi, Madam. Nice to see you again. Did you enjoy your trip? Enjoy it? I doubted if I joined the tour for sightseeing or just for shopping!1 Argh…? What happened to you on the trip? I wondered why there were too many additional shopping sites which were not listed in our itinerary2, but we were asked to go in the middle of our trip. It seems like all we had been doing shopping on the way and nothing else to do than spend our money3. I apologize. Is it the tour guide who led you to those shopping stores? Of course. It seems that the tour guide feel more interested in serving as a shopping guide rather than a tour guide. www.themegallery.com

  5. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 A: Could you tell me her name and the additional shopping stores? B: Her name is Wufangmei, and there are three unexpected stores we had ever gone, which includes: one Jewelry store, one unknown teahouse and one traditional medicinal herbs store4. Even worse, with the persuasion of the tour guide, I bought some Jingseng in that medicinal store and paid 700yuan for it, but later when I went to another store, I was told it only worthy of 450yuan . Oh, my God! A: I am awfully sorry to hear that. Don’t worry, Madam. I’ll make a note of it and someone will be sent to look into the matter at once , so every thing will be taken care of soon. B: One doesn’t expect this sort of thing in a well-run travel service. www.themegallery.com

  6. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 A: Well, we understand how you feel and try all our best to help you. Now, Madam, could you tell me in which way you want to have this problem solved? B: I hate to mention it, but I have to make a claim with5that medicinal herb store for my loss. Moreover, I need a reasonable explanation given by your travel service. A: It is understanding. I will report it immediately to my supervisor and decide what to do about it. Then, we’ll inform you of our opinions6. And I assure you that the similar thing will never occur again at our travel service. B: Ok, I will be waiting for your satisfying decision. A: Madam, could you tell me your contact details? www.themegallery.com

  7. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 B: Sure. Ami Sawyer. A-M-I-S-A-W-Y-E-R, my mobile phone is 15623478932, and my E-mail box is AmiSawyer123@yahoo.com. A: Yes, I write it down. Thank you. By the way, Madam, is there anything else I can do for you ? B: No, thank you just the same. A: You are welcome! www.themegallery.com

  8. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Vocabulary apologize[ ə'pɔlədʒaiz ]  v. 道歉 medicinal [ me'disinəl ] a. 医学的 herb[ hə:b ] n. 药草,香草 Jingseng n. 人参 awfully[ 'ɔ:fuli ] ad. 可怕地,非常地,极端地 claim [ kleim ] v. 要求,说明,断言 n. 要求,要求权 supervisor [ 'sju:pəvaizə ]  n. 监督人, 管理人 www.themegallery.com

  9. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 case study: Receiving and handling complaints is a part of daily routine for a staff at travel service. While receiving a complaint, a receptionist should listen carefully to the client’s opinions and make a note of it. The principle of handling a complaint is, on one hand to maintain the benefits of your travel agency, and on the other hand to satisfy your client. The feedback of handling a complaint should be conveyed to the client in time. Sometimes handling complaints can enable us to improve our service quality. www.themegallery.com

  10. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Questions: 1.Can you describe the client’s feeling? 2.Do you think the tour guide is right ? 3.If you were a receptionist , how would you serve the client? www.themegallery.com

  11. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3   in-Class learning Dialogue A: C: A: C: A: C: B: C: Mr. Osborne B: a traveler C: a clerk at travel service Excuse me. Are you the Tour Group?1 Yes, we are. Welcome to Xi’an. I’m Ma from the Xi’an office of China International Travel Service, Xi’an branch.2The travel service has sent me here to meet you. Who is the group leader, please?3 It’s me, Robert Osborne. Nice to meet you, Mr. Osborne.4Nice to meet you all, ladies and gentlemen. Nice to meet you, too. It’s very kind of you to meet us here at the airport. My pleasure. During your visit to Xi’an, I’ll be your tour guide. www.themegallery.com

  12. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 A: That will be great. C: Do you have any checked luggage to collect? A: Yes, we checked eight traveling bags. C: Let’s wait here then. (In a short while, the checked luggage was sent to the luggage claim section and the tour group got their checked bags.) A: We have got back the checked bags now. Shall we leave the airport now? C: Yes. Follow me, please. A CITS bus is waiting for us. A: It’s very thoughtful of you to make this arrangement. www.themegallery.com

  13. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 C: The bus will first take us to the hotel where CITS has reserved rooms for you. The hotel has a restaurant and a snack bar. We’ve already booked four tables for you at the hotel’s restaurant. After a short rest in your rooms, you can have your lunch at the restaurant. I’ll discuss the itinerary for your Xi’an tour after lunch. What do you say to that? A: That’s fine. Thank you. www.themegallery.com

  14. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Vocabulary meet [ mi:t ] v. 迎接 checked luggage (随飞机)托运的行李 thoughtful [ 'θɔ:tful ] adj. 考虑周到的;体贴的 luggage claim section 行李领取处 snack bar. 快餐部;快餐店 itinerary [ ai‘tinərəri, i’t- ] n. 旅行计划;预定的行 程;旅程;旅行路线 www.themegallery.com

  15. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Advertisements for Travel Section 3   in-Class learning A passage www.themegallery.com

  16. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 A Experience a week in Europe with seven nights in Germany and one night in Paris, France. Your journey begins in Paris, the "City of Lights". You'll spend the first night and following morning there. Then you will fly to Munich. There you will spend the afternoon and early evening experiencing Oktoberfest! Then you reach our destination—Lake Tegernsee, Germany. It's an ideal place for tours of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. You can enjoy sightseeing and some of the world's best outdoor activities. All of these are only minutes from your hotel. Our tour ends with a flight from Munich to Paris and back to the States. An optional two-night stay in Paris is offered on the way back. www.themegallery.com

  17. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 Germany ________________________________________________________ Experience Oktoberfest & Seven Nights in Germany October 2 — 10 $1499 Round-trip flights from Los Angeles 7 nights' accommodations Air transportation between Paris and Munich European breakfast daily Welcome party All airport/hotel transportation Baggage handling www.themegallery.com

  18. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 B Your holidays could be very special this year. You'll find lots of bargains waiting for you in Hong Kong ... clothing, watches, cameras, jewelry ... the list goes on and on. But if this is not enough for your seven-day six-night stay, there is more! Hong Kong will provide all the sightseeing choices you can imagine ... city tours, sunset harbor cruises, exciting day trips to Macau and even a trip to the mainland of China. Surely one of the world's great shopping experiences and a great vacation! www.themegallery.com

  19. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 Hong Kong ______________________________________________________ Five Nights — The Last Tour Before British Rule Ends! December 2-8 $1149 Round-trip flights from Los Angeles or San Francisco 5 nights' accommodations Breakfast daily Walking tour of Kowloon Half-day Hong Kong city tour Hong Kong shopping tour Baggage handling www.themegallery.com

  20. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 New Words and Expressions Accommodations n. 住宿,食宿 Advertisement n. 广告 Baggage n. 行李 Camera n. 照相机 Clothing n. 衣服 Cruise n. (乘船)游览 Exciting a. 令人兴奋的 Following a. 其次的,下列的 Handle v. 搬运,处理 Harbor n. 海港 Ideal a. 理想的 Imagine v. 想象 Jewelry n. 珠宝,首饰 Mainland n. 大陆 www.themegallery.com

  21. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 3 Optional a. 可自由选择的 Outdoor a. 户外的,野外的 Package n. 由旅行社代办的团体旅游 round-trip n. 来回的,往返的 sunset n. 日落 transportation n. 交通运输 early evening 傍晚 reach one's destination 到达目的地 outdoor activities 户外活动 end with 以…结束 on the way back 在回来的路上 go on 继续下去 www.themegallery.com

  22. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Word Usage 1. lowing: a .next in time 其次的 e.g. Answer the following questions. 2. ideal: a . satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect ; most suitable 理想的,完 美的 e.g. It is ideal weather for a holiday. 3. optional: a. that may be chose or not, as one wishes. e.g. Formal dress is optional. 4. transportation: n. transporting or being transported 运输 e.g. People in China still rely on trains for transportation. Taxis play an important role in the public transportation systems. transport: v. & n 用车辆运输,运送 www.themegallery.com

  23. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Language Points • 1. Experience week in Europe with seven nights in Germany and one night in Paris, France. • 到欧洲度假一周,在德国过7夜,法国巴黎过1夜。 • 介词短语with seven …在本句中用来对experience a week进行补充说明,其结构可视为省略了being 的独立主格。 • e.g. Our teacher works 10 hours a day ,with two office hours in the afternoon. • 我们老师每天要工作10小时,下午有2小时答疑。 • with通常有以 下几种用法: • 1)和…在一起 • e.g. I live with my parents. • 我和我的父母生活在一起。 • 2)有…,带有… • e.g. He looked at her with a hurt expression. • 他带着受伤的表情看着她。 • 3)用…,带着… • e.g. The tree was cut down with cold. • 树是用斧子砍倒的。 www.themegallery.com

  24. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 • 4)由于(表原因) • e.g. My fingers were stiff tears in her eyes. • 我的指头冻僵了。 • 5)引出附加说明部分 • e.g. She ran of the room with tears in her eyes. • 她眼里含着泪水从屋里跑了出去。 • 2. Your journey begins in Paris , the “City of Lights” 你的 旅行起点是“灯光之城”巴黎。句中the ‘City of Lights’ 与Paris 为同位语,中间用逗号分开,进一步说明Paris 的性质。类似这样的句子还有:e.g. Smith, my friend, will not come today.我的朋友史密斯今天不回来。 www.themegallery.com

  25. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 3.There you will spend the afternoon and early evening experiencing Oktoberfest! 在那里从下午呆到傍晚,体验一下啤酒节。 Spend sometime (in) doing sth. 指“花费多少时间做某事。 e.g. I spend a lot of time (in) explaining a plan . 我花费了很长时间解释一项计划 。 4.You’ll find lots of bargains waiting for you in Hong Kong. 你会发现香港有许多物美价廉的商品在等待你。 句中waiting for you 为现在分词短语, 现在分词短语常可用在部分动词所带的宾语后面作宾语补足语,这些通常是感官动词。如: see, watch, hear, keep, find, have, make, let,等。 www.themegallery.com

  26. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 但应注意,以上动词与现在分词之间任何时候皆有一宾语。 e.g. I can hear a cat scratching at the window. 我听到一只猫在挠窗户。 We saw them walking across the road. 我们看见他们正在穿过一条马路。 We heard the children singing. 我听见孩子们在唱歌。 5.Hong Kong will provide all the sightseeing choices you can imagine… 香港将为你提供所能想象出来的任何一种观光旅游… 句中“you can imagine…‘ 为省略了关系代词that 的定语从句,修饰先行词choices,由于该句中关系代词that 作定语从句的宾语,所以可省略: www.themegallery.com

  27. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 e.g. That’s all (that) I have to say on this question. 关于这个问题我要讲的就是这些。 It is a gas (that) we obtain from the air. 它是一种从空气中获得的气体。 www.themegallery.com

  28. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Section 4 After-Class learning Culture introduction www.themegallery.com

  29. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Chinese characters evolved from pictures and signs, and the Chinese art of calligraphy developed naturally from its unique writing system. Through the ages, great calligraphers developed representative calligraphic styles of their times. The love of calligraphy is deeply ingrained in Chinese scholars, and has been handed down to the present day. The roots of Chinese painting can be traced back to paintings on Neolithic pottery six or seven thousand years ago. Since similar tools and lines were used for the earliest painting and writing, painting is said to have the same origin as calligraphy. Thus, Chinese paintings usually integrate poetry or calligraphy with themes that include figures, www.themegallery.com

  30. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 landscapes, flowers, birds and other animals. Traditional Chinese painting remains a highly valued genre, often on exhibit in China as well as other countries. The contemporary art world in China is also very active. Some Chinese artists have become adept at Western-style painting, both oil and watercolor. Many Chinese painters have created works that combine traditional Chinese painting techniques with those of the West, enhancing both forms. The China Art Gallery and other art galleries hold individual or joint art exhibitions year in year out. Art expositions are held each year in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. www.themegallery.com

  31. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 Section 4 After-Class learning exercises I. Decide whether the following statements are True or False. 1. The tourists will stay in Paris a night and a morning. 2. The tourists will visit Paris, Munich, and Lake Tegernsee. 3. The tourists will stay in Munich an afternoon. 4. Paris is referred to as the City of Light. 5. People can only shop for clothing, watches, cameras and jewelry on the HongKong shopping tour II. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我是中国青年旅行社的导游。 2. 你们的行李将会有另一辆车送往酒店,因此你们不必担心。 3. 请再说一遍好吗,我刚才没听清你的名字? 4. 请问我们旅行团的人都到齐了吗? 5. 请问你们有几件托运行李? www.themegallery.com

  32. SEC 2 SEC 3 SEC 4 SEC 1 III. Group discussion 1. What will people usually do when they travel by air? List some main steps. 2.The Smiths’ want to take a travel to China for a seven–day–holiday. Now Mr. Smith is making a call to a local travel agency of CITS, asking for the routes available, quotations, and specific arrangement of accommodations and scenic spots of interests. As a receptionist of the travel agency, you are answering the call and ask for more details of their requirement. Then, draft a travel plan for the family. 3. Which Painting do you think is better, Chinese Painting or Western Painting? www.themegallery.com

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