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中国交通基础设施发展的经验 The Experience on Developing Transportation Infrastructure in China

中国交通基础设施发展的经验 The Experience on Developing Transportation Infrastructure in China. 郭小碚 Guo Xiaobei 国家发展改革委综合运输研究所 Institute of comprehensive Transportation, NDRC. 主要内容 Main Content. 1. 中国交通运输的发展 Transportation Development in China 2. 成功的经验:开放与筹资

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中国交通基础设施发展的经验 The Experience on Developing Transportation Infrastructure in China

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  1. 中国交通基础设施发展的经验The Experience on Developing Transportation Infrastructure in China 郭小碚 Guo Xiaobei 国家发展改革委综合运输研究所 Institute of comprehensive Transportation, NDRC

  2. 主要内容Main Content 1. 中国交通运输的发展 Transportation Development in China 2. 成功的经验:开放与筹资 Successful Experiences: Opening-up and Raising Funds 3. 案例Ⅲ. Case Study

  3. 一、中国交通运输的发展A. Transportation Development in China

  4. 一、中国交通运输的发展A. Transportation Development in China 新中国成立60年,特别是改革开放30年,中国交通基础设施数量快速增长,基本满足了经济发展和社会进步的需求 Over the 60 years since the founding of the P.R. China (especially in the 30 years of the reform and opening-up), transport infrastructures have gained rapid development,which basically meets the needs of national economic development and social progress.

  5. 铁路、公路旅客和货物运量增长示意图increasedof passenger and freight

  6. 旅客和货物周转量增长示意图increasedof passenger-km & freight ton-km

  7. 中国交通运输的发展 Transportation Development in China 2008年与1978年相比 Compare 2008 with 1978 • 旅客运输量23281亿人公里,增长13.2倍 Passenger-km reached 2328.1 billion, increased 13.2 times • 货物运输量38111亿吨公里(陆上),增长5.8倍 Freight ton-km of inland reached 10551.3 billion, increased 9.7 times

  8. 交通基础设施发展Transport Infrastructure Development • 建国60年,陆上交通网里程从18万公里增加到394万公里,增长21倍 By the 60th anniversary of the founding of PRC, the total mileage of inland transport network has increased by 3.94 million km from 0.18 million km, increased 21 times

  9. 交通运输业投资增加Investment in transportation has been increased • 80年代中期开始,经过约25年的大规模交通基础设施建设,初步改变了交通运输的紧张状况 From the mid of 1980s, through 25 years' large scale transport infrastructure construction, the short situation of transport capacity supply has been preliminarily eased

  10. 1990-2007年交通运输业固定资产投资Investment in Fixed Assets (1990-2007)

  11. 投资增长:2007年交通运输业投资12372 亿元,是1978年的154倍Investment of Transportation is 1237 billion (RMB) in 2007, 154 times the size of the year 1978

  12. 二、成功的经验-开放与筹资B. Successful Experiences: Opening-up and Raising Funds

  13. 二、成功的经验-开放与筹资B.Successful Experiences: Opening-up and Raising Funds • 约25年时间,中国交通运输供给能力增加了10倍以上。最重要的经验是以改革为动力,实施了: About 25 years, the transport supply capacity increased above 10 times. The most important experience is with reform as impetus.

  14. 成功的经验-开放与筹资Successful Experiences: Opening-up and Raising Funds ——按照社会主义市场经济的理论,开放了交通基础设施建设与经营市场 In accordance with the theory of socialist market economy, opened transport infrastructure construction and operation market ——实施多元化筹资途径,保证了交通基础设施建设需求 Implemented multi-channels of raising funds

  15. 1. 放松管制Ⅰ.Relaxed Control (1)转变政府职能,实行全行业管理 Transform government functions, implement entire trade management • 从中央开始下放管理权限 Release administration authority from the central

  16. 放松管制 Relaxed Control • 打破垄断,除铁路外其他运输方式基本上形成了竞争态势 Break monopoly, other transport mode has basically formed competition situation besides railway • 改革运价形成机制,政府逐步放开运价,实行政府调控下市场浮动 Reform transportation charges to form mechanism, the government looses transport charges gradually, implement market fluctuation under governmental regulation

  17. 放松管制 Relaxed Control • 铁路1986年实行投入产出、以路建路经济承包责任制 In 1986, railway department implemented putting into production, economy contractor responsibility system of taking railways to build railways • 民航机场于2002年开始实行属地化管理 Civilian airport started to implement possession management in 2002

  18. 放松管制 Relaxed Control • 港口在80年代中期实行“交通部与地方双重领导,地方管理为主”;2001年实行属地化管理 In the mid-80s, port authority implemented “dual leadership of the Ministry of Communications and local authority, local management primarily”; in 2001,implemented possession management

  19. 放松管制 Relaxed Control (2)实行政企分开,减少行政管制,依靠市场力量建设 Implement separating government administration from enterprise management, reduce administrative control, depend upon market force to carry on construction • 从80年代中开始,部分公路及港口实行企业化建设与经营 From 1980s, part of road and port departments started to implement the commercialization construction and operation

  20. 放松管制 Relaxed Control • 民航于2002年实行了彻底的政企分开,航空公司独立经营 Civil aviation implemented thorough separating government administration from enterprise management in 2002, the Airlines operate independently

  21. 放松管制 Relaxed Control (3)各类企业进入市场,自主承担投资与经营决策的责任 Each kind of enterprise entered market independently, undertook responsibility of investment and operating decisions independently • 80年代初,外资以贷款方式进入了机场项目 In early 1980s, foreign capital entered airport project by the way of loans

  22. 放松管制 Relaxed Control • 在高速公路建设中,部分外资率先进入 In construction of expressway, part of foreign capitals took the lead to financing • 90年代开始,大量外资投入港口项目 From 1990s, massive foreign capitals started to invest in port project

  23. 2. 开放的政策Ⅱ.Opening Policy (1)解放思想,重新认识公共品的属性,区分公益性与经营性 Emancipate mind, reconsider attribution of public products , discriminate between public welfare and operation

  24. 开放的政策 Opening Policy ——按照使用者付费的原理,对可经营的交通设施项目,实行贷款建设、使用收费还贷 According to principle of users paying expenses, build transport infrastructures (which may manage) by loan and road toll to repay ——真正的公共品实行政府投入与鼓励社会投入相结合 To true public products, implement policy of combining

  25. 开放的政策 Opening Policy • 实行积极政策,加大政府投入 Carrying out active policies to increase the government input ——1985年开证车辆购置附加费 The authority has started the collection of vehicle purchase fee since 1985 ——1991年3月铁道部开征铁路建设基金 MoR started the collection of railwayconstruction fund from March 1991

  26. Proportion of capital construction investmentin the transport industry to the total investment

  27. 铁路建设基金与车辆购置税Revenue of railway construction fund & vehicle purchase tax

  28. 开放的政策 Opening Policy (2)开放市场——从开放运输市场切入,逐步到开放建设施工市场,继而开放投资市场 Open market —— started from opening transport market to opening construction market gradually, subsequently opening investment market

  29. 开放的政策 Opening Policy • 80年代交通部率先开放公路、水路运输市场 Since early 1980s, the MoC first carried out the opening of the highway and waterway transport markets • 然后又开放了公路基础设施建设与经营市场——收费公路 Then, the highway infrastructure and operation market was opened,such as “Toll highway”

  30. 部分年度汽车保有量Possession of automobile for some years

  31. 开放的政策 Opening Policy • 公路建设实行项目法人管理,引入工程招投标与工程监理The legal person management system is followed, the bidding and supervision systems are introduced in the project • 开放建设市场,实施资格认证,建立市场准入制度,扩大施工队伍来源 Open construct market, implement qualifications authentication, establish market access system, expand resources of construction troop

  32. 开放的政策 Opening Policy • 开放投资市场 Open investment market ——鼓励外资和社会资金投资交通基础设施建设,包括贷款与直接投资 Encourage foreign capital and social fund invest in transportation infrastructural facilities, including loan and direct investment ——90年代中期大规模实行经营权转让,筹集建路资金 In mid 1990s, implemented operation right transfer massively, collected funds for road

  33. 1950-1980年铁路基本建设投资 Capital infrastructure investment of Railway

  34. 1991-2005年铁路部基本建设投资结构(%) Structure of capital infrastructure investment ofthe MOR in 1991-2005(%)

  35. 1950-1980年公路建设资金投入表(%)Highway financing for construction from 1950 to 1980(%)

  36. 公路建设投资结构Investment structure of highway construction

  37. 开放的政策 Opening Policy (3)保障利益——按照市场规则办事,兼顾各方利益 Implement management according to market rule , pay proper attention to benefit of all stakeholders • 采取招投标制开展公平竞争 Develop fair competition by bidding system • 实行合同管理,保护投资者的合理收益 Implement contract management to protect investors' reasonable income

  38. 农村公路覆盖面增加Rural road coverage grown • 农村公路覆盖了99%的乡镇、88%的建制村 The rural road covered 99% townships and 88.2% of villages by the end of 2007 • 从“十五”开始,加快农村公路硬面化改造 Transformation of rural road surface hardening has been sped up starting from the “Tenth Five-Year Plan”

  39. 三、案例C. Case Study

  40. 案例1:公路建设Case 1: Highway Construction • 评价 Appraisal ——1978年~2007年,全国公路里程由89万公里发展到373万公里,增长3.2倍 From 1978 to 2007, national highway mileage developed from 890,000 km to 3,580,000 km, grew 3.2 times ——全国主要干线公路基本通畅,部分农村公路质量较差 National main artery road basically unblocked, quality of part of rural road is poor

  41. 1978-2008年公路里程增长highway length growth from 1978 to 2008

  42. 公路等级构成变化Proportion of highways classification (%)

  43. 公路建设的政策环境Policy for highway construction • 借钱修路,收费还贷(利用各种资金;保证投资者收益) Lend money to builds highway, repay by road toll (use each kind of fund; guaranteed investors' profits) • 多元化筹资建路:政府资金、社会力量、商业金融等 Build roads by multiple fund raising: government finances, social strength, commercial financing etc.

  44. 公路建设的政策环境Policy for highway construction • 国家从1985年开始征收车辆购置税,专款用于公路建设,2007年收入超过877亿元 From 1985, the government started to levy vehicle purchase tax, special fund were used in highway construction. Revenue was to over 87.7 billion Yuan by 2007

  45. 科学规划Science plan is basis • 交通部从90年代初开始编制国家主要公路干线规划,有力地促进了公路建设 From the early 1990s, Ministry of Communications began to develop national plan of primary highway trunk lines, promoted highway construction powerfully

  46. 科学规划为依据 Science plan ——五纵七横国道主干线,全长3.5 万公里,已提前完成 Five vertical and seven horizontal national highway trunk lines with the span of 35,000 km, already finished ahead of schedule ——国家高速公路网8.5 万公里,正在加快建设 National expressway network of 85,000 km are speeding up construction

  47. 案例2:BOT项目Case 2: BOT project • 福建泉州刺桐大桥项目 The Citong Bridge of Quanzhou, Fujian • 总投资2.5亿元,1996年12月建成通车 The total investment of 250 million yuan. It was put into operation in December 1996

  48. 中国首例由民营企业发起兴建的大型交通基础设施项目中国首例由民营企业发起兴建的大型交通基础设施项目 The first large transport infrastructure project initiated by the private enterprises in China • 由政府与民营企业合作投资交通基础设施 An investor of transport infrastructure construction formed based on the cooperation between government and private enterprises • 15家私有企业组建成立名流公司 15 private enterprises jointly established a Company named Mingliu

  49. 名流公司与泉州市政府合资成立注册资金6000万元的泉州刺桐大桥开发有限公司名流公司与泉州市政府合资成立注册资金6000万元的泉州刺桐大桥开发有限公司 A joint venture company of Quanzhou Citong Bridge Development Co Ltd with registered capital of 60 million Yuan by Mingliu Company with Quanzhou Government • 名流公司占股份60%,泉州市政府占40%股份 The Mingliu Company held 60% shares and the Quanzhou Government 40% shares

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