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XenClient Enterprise 4.5. Brief First Look. Table of Contents. XenClient Enterprise Engine and Synchronizer.
XenClient Enterprise 4.5 Brief First Look
XenClient Enterprise Engine and Synchronizer • XenClient Enterprise includes two primary components, the Engine and the Synchronizer. Both components should be installed. The Engine can run in standalone (unmanaged) mode but if you do this you will be missing out on much of what XenClient Enterprise has to offer. • Engine (Client) • Bare metal, type 1, client-hosted, desktop virtualization platform. • Software that runs desktop Virtual Machines (VMs). • Designed to be managed by Synchronizer. • Bare-metal installation directly on the hard disk. • Synchronizer (Server) • Centralized management of users, computers, Virtual Machine (VM) images, policies, and backups. • Can run in a distributed configuration (one primary, many remote servers). • Installs as a service into Windows 2008 Server R2. • Primary server uses Hyper-V for VM image management.
Bare Metal, Type-1, Client-Hosted, Desktop Virtualization • Desktop Virtualization • Users have direct access to the VM computer desktop. • Focus on user applications, not services or server applications. • User experience should be similar to a physical computer. • As opposed to Server Virtualization (XenServer). • Client Hosted • Engine runs on the computer of the user. • VMs are deployed from Synchronizer to Engine. • Deployed VMs use local CPU, disk, network, and other resources. • Computer can be disconnected from network, VMs will still run as expected. • As opposed to server-hosted desktop virtualization (XenDesktop). • Type 1 • Uses the Xen hypervisor which has direct access to hardware. • Essential to platform security, stability, and manageability. • As opposed to Type 2 hypervisors which run within a host OS. • Bare Metal • Usually means the same thing as Type 1. • Can also refer to how the platform is installed or deployed. • Installed on the “bare metal” as an operating system would be. • Not installed within Windows or another host OS.
Hardware Compatibility List 1. Open http://www.citrix.com/ready 2. Choose the “By Solution” option 3. Choose “Desktop Solutions” and “Desktop” 4. Click “Find Products” 5. Locate the “Refine By” navigation section 6. Open “Desktop Virtualization” 7. Select XenClient Enterprise version 4.5 8. Open “Solution Type” 9. Clear“Desktop” (and anything else selected) 10. Then use the search feature to find platforms compatible with XenClient Enterprise.
Software Downloads: Citrix Customers and Partners 1. Citrix customers and partners who are entitled to XenClient Enterprise software can download from http://mycitrix.com. Login to http://mycitrix.com and click Downloads. 2. Locate the Find Downloads form. 3. Set the product to XenClient. 4. Set the download type to Product Software. 5. Click the Find button. The link to access XenClient Enterprise software should be displayed. 6. Click the link to download the software. Note: The Engine and Synchronizer are both required. 7. After downloading, the MD5 checksum should be verified to ensure download integrity.
Software Downloads: Evaluation Users (Part 1) XenClient Enterprise is also available through the Citrix trial software program. 1. Open http://citrix.com and select the “Products” category. 2. Select the “Products by Category” tab. 3. Locate and click the “XenClient” link. 4. Click “Try It”. 5. Click “Try It Free”.
Software Downloads: Evaluation Users (Part 2) 6. On the XenClient Enterprise trial software page, fill out the form then click “Get Trial”. 7. Click “Submit” to submit the trial software request. 8. Software download links should appear. Note: The Engine and Synchronizer are both required. It is not required to download a license. Both Engine and Synchronizer include built-in evaluation licenses. If you get this message instead of the download links, try filling out the form again.
Engine Licensing • Engine Licensing (Unmanaged / Standalone) • Standalone license automatically activated when Engine is installed. • License keys for standalone Engine installations are not necessary. • Engine Licensing (Managed / Registered to Synchronizer) • Engine licensing is completely managed by the Synchronizer. • Not required to activate or install license on individual computers. • Not required for constant communication to Synchronizer. • Not required for the end user to do anything at all for licensing.
Synchronizer Licensing Synchronizer and FlexCast Licensing: Synchronizer is not integrated with Citrix FlexCast licensing. This is a feature under development for a future release. Until then, Synchronizer uses its own licensing mechanism. Licenses generated by a Citrix license server cannot be used with Synchronizer. Synchronizer License Files: License files are text files in XML format, usually with a “.lic” filename suffix. The licenses are human-readable but digitally signed so they cannot be altered. When delivered as email attachments, license files are sometimes blocked, truncated, or stripped out by firewalls or antivirus software. If this happens, contact your Citrix sales representative to arrange for alternate delivery. Built-In Evaluation License: Synchronizer includes a built-in evaluation license. The license supports 10 managed computers, 2 remote servers, and expires on 01-Jan-2014. It is not required to download or import the evaluation license, it is automatically activated when Synchronizer is installed. Licensed Features and Quantities: The Synchronizer license limits how many computers running Engine may register to Synchronizer, and how many remote Synchronizer servers may register to the primary server. Beyond that, the Synchronizer license does not affect Synchronizer functionality. Floating License Pool: Licenses are not tied to individual computers. A license taken from pool when a computer is registered to Synchronizer. The license is returned to the pool when the computer is unregistered or deleted. License Expiration:Production Synchronizer licenses never expire. Evaluation and other license types have an expiration date. When the license expires, the Synchronizer will enter a limited functionality state. But the functionality of registered computers, and deployed VMs, is not affected.
Software and Licenses for XenDesktop Customers XenDesktop Enterprise and Platinum customers can download XCE software and a production license from http://mycitrix.com. 1. Login to the portal and click the Downloads link. 2. Locate the Find Downloads form. 3. Set the product to XenDesktop. 4. Set the download type to Product Software. 5. Click Find. If your account is authorized to download software, entries for XenDesktop should appear. Open the element for the most recent version (5.6 FP1 in this example). Click the link for Enterprise or Platinum, depending on the edition that was purchased by your organization. 6. Scroll down to locate the Web Packages element. 7. Expand this element to view all downloadable packages. 8. Locate the download buttons for XenClient Enterprise software and a production license.