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2. Overview. 1. XML and XML Web Services2. EPA's
1. 1 XML Web Services:VoiceXML and Phone Directories Brand Niemann
XML Web Services Evangelist
US EPA Office of Environmental Information
April 16-18, 2002
2. 2 Overview 1. XML and XML Web Services
2. EPAs Where You Live
3. Multi-channel Dissemination of the LEPC Database
4. XML Content Network and VoiceXML Presentations and Recognitions
5. Phone Directories as XML Web Services
6. Contact Information
3. 3 1. XML and XML Web Services XML is a standard for preserving and communicating information encoding, tagging, and internationalizing that will be everywhere.
Web Services provide communication between applications running on different Web servers that will bring the Internet to its new level.
XML Web Services are applications running on different devices that communicate XML data using XML messages.
Interoperable XML Web Services:
4. 4 2. EPAs Where You Live Enter your zip code to retrieve environmental information about your community:
Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPCs) provide a forum for emergency management agencies, responders, industry and the public to work together to understand chemical hazards in the community, develop emergency plans in case of an accidental release, and always look for ways to prevent chemical accidents. Local industries must provide information to LEPCs about chemical hazards, LEPCs are required by law to make this information available to any citizen who requests it. You can make a difference by attending an LEPC meeting or joining your LEPC.
Please Note: Currently we have over 3000 listings in our LEPC Database. It is our goal to provide the most current and accurate information. We look to the LEPC community to help us successfully meet this goal. Please forward any changes or corrections to Dana Robinson. These changes will be incorporated and updated monthly.
5. 5 3. Multi-channel Dissemination of the LEPC Database 3.1 Field Names
3.2 Web
3.3 Print
3.4 CD/DVD
3.5 XML Web Service
3.6 Telephone
3.7 Digital Talking Books
6. 6 3.1 Field Names LEPC Name
Address2 (e.g. P.O. Box)
Postal Code
First Name
Last Name
Edit Date
Idmarplot (geo-reference from the LandView MarPlot Mapping System)
7. 7 3.2 The Web:http://www.epa.gov/ceppo/lepclist.htm
8. 8 3.3 Print(on demand)
9. 9 3.4 CD/DVDhttp://landview.census.gov/
10. 10 3.5 XML Web Service: FileMaker Prohttp://www.filemaker.com/xml/overview.html
11. 11 3.5 XML Web Service: XML Query Output
12. 12 3.6 Telephone: A Voice Browser http://www.voicexml.org/, http://www.w3.org/Voice/
13. 13 3.6 Telephone: Tellme VoiceXMLhttp://www.tellme.com The fastest way to get any U.S. forecast:
Say Weather, then a city and state, or enter the zip code, to interrupt say stop, and for extended forecast for your city, say Tellme More.
National Directory Assistance:
Utah Department of Transportation 511:
Automated real-time information on traffic, road conditions, and public transportation (December 2001).
Added event schedules, driving directions, and up-to-the-minute news and announcements for the 2002 Olympics.
14. 14 3.6 Telephone: Tellme Studio VoiceXML http://studio.tellme.com/
15. 15 3.6 Telephone: VoiceXML Web Servicehttp://
16. 16 3.6 Telephone: VoiceXML Web Service1-866-745-7735 Welcome to the E. P. A. Local Emergency Planning Committee finder.
Please speak or touch-tone your 5 digit Zipcode.
Here are results for the Zipcode 84040.
The L. E. P. C. nearest to you is listed in the E. P. A. database as follows. Davis County. At Davis County Sheriffs Department located in the city of Farmington.
Thank You for calling, goodbye.
17. 17 3.7 Digital Talking Books http://www.loc.gov/nis/niso, http://www.daisy.org Also called DAISY or NISO Books for the DAISY (Digital Audio-based Information SYstem) Consortium and National Information Standards Organization.
Well-organized collections of computer files produced according to specifications published by DIASY and NISO:
Medium-independent information access based on open standards (W3Cs XML and SMIL):
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
Three Principal Types of Players:
Computers, personal digital assists (e.g. BrailleNote), and specialized stand-alone hardware players (Victor by VisuAide and Plextalk by Plextor). Also Victor Trekker A GPS for the blind.
American Foundation for the Blind, AccessWorld (see next slide):
Janina Sajka, Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group.
18. 18 3.7 Digital Talking Bookshttp://www.afb.org/aw/AW0203toc.asp
19. 19 3.7 Digital Talking Bookshttp://www.visuaide.com/victorpro.html
20. 20 4. XML Content Network and VoiceXML Presentations and Recognitions 4.1 Content Network of XML Web Services
4.2 Universal Access Collaboration Expedition Workshop, February 19th
4.3 GSA Senior Management, March 6th
4.4 2002 Federal CIO Council Showcase of Excellence Award
4.5 FedWeb 2002 Tutorial
21. 21 4.1 Content Network of XML Web Services Building Peer-to-Peer XML Content Networks of Web Services for Federal Scientific and Statistical Data and Information: FedStats.Net and Beyond:
The recent GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solution Newsletter, Issue 11: XML Applications in Government:
http://www.gsa.gov/Portal/content/pubs_content.jsp? content OID=120147&contentType=1008&PMGZ=1
NXT 3 P2P Platform from NextPage, Inc. provides not only XML Web Services and an XML Registry and Repository, but high-level data coordination and collaboration across distributed content.
NextPage is unique in the content management market in its distributed approach. NXT 3 virtually connects the distributed information sources and makes them appear integrated to the user.
Esther Dysons Monthly Report, Volume 20, No. 1, 22 January 2002:
22. 22 4.1 Content Network of XML Web Serviceshttp://fedgov.nextpage.com
23. 23 4.1 Content Network of XML Web Services http://www.nextpage.com
24. 24 4.2 Universal Access Collaboration Expedition Workshop, February 19th http://ioa-qpnet-co.gsa.gov/UA-Exp
25. 25 4.2 Universal Access Collaboration Expedition Workshop, February 19thhttp://people.internet2.edu/~ghb/coexp/
26. 26 4.3 GSA Senior Management, March 6th GSA Senior Management, March 6th
Excellent demonstration of emerging technologies.
Suggest pursuing with Blue Pages and Geospatial One Stop so the Blue Pages could become spatially enabled which will help to voice enable them. Also pursue with Recreation.Gov.
See Section 5.
27. 27 4.4 2002 Federal CIO Council Showcase of Excellence Award Finalist at FOSE, March 19-21, Washington, DC Convention Center:
Special Award for Innovation from Mark Forman and the Quad Council:
Federal Computer Week, March 18th:
Six Emerging Technologies That Could Change the Way Government Works:
A voice from the near future:
28. 28 4.4 2002 Federal CIO Council Showcase of Excellence Award This project was an interagency and government-private industry partnership team effort under the auspices of the Federal CIO XML Working Group (http://xml.gov) and the GSAs Universal Access Collaboration Expedition Workshops Program as follows:
Peter Gattuso (202-564-7993), Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office (CEPPO), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), LEPC Web Development.
Greg OConnell (301-941-1853), Jim Stilwell (760-723-8253), Art Clarke (415-378-4554), David Weiden (650-930-9000), TellMe Networks, Inc., TellMe Network Services.
Jerry McFaul (703-648-7126), US Geological Survey, FileMaker & Web Server.
Bruce Law, Mark Fredrickson, Jonathan Jarvis, Craig Brown, and Simon Chung (801-768-7500), NextPage, Inc., NXT 3 P2P Platform Software and Services.
Brand Niemann (202-260-2510), Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), FedGov Content Network Development and Management and XML Web Services Training.
Janina Sajka (202-408-8175), Director Technology Research and Development Governmental Relations Group, American Foundation for the Blind, Project Advisor.
Susan Turnbull (202-501-6214), Office of Governmentwide Policy, US General Services Administration, Project Advisor.
Owen Ambur (703-358-2138), Co-Chair, Federal CIO XML Working Group, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Project Advisor.
29. 29 4.5 FedWeb 2002 Tutorial Web Content Authoring and Management Tools with XML:
May 20, 2002, 9 a.m. 12 noon, Natcher Center, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Attendees have the opportunity to provide content for XML-ization prior to the tutorial to be used in the tutorial as time permits. (XML Web Services Training and Pilots)
In coordination with the Federal Web Content Managers Forum.
30. 30 5. Phone Directories as XML Web Services 5.1 U.S. Blue Pages
5.2 Visionary Goals for the Blue Pages
5.3 Coordination with the E-Gov
5.4 Blue Pages XML Web Services Pilot Project:
5.4.1 Las Vegas Blue Pages Listing
5.4.2 Strategy
5.4.3 NXT 3 Query for XML
5.4.4 Tellme Demo
5.4.5 Acknowledgments
31. 31 5.1 U.S. Blue Pageshttp://bp.fed.gov/