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Challenges and Progress in Children's Rights in Mexico and Latin America

Explore the status of children's rights in Mexico and Latin America, identifying challenges like poverty, malnutrition, and violence, alongside progress made in reducing child mortality and increasing access to education. Analyze key factors impacting children, adolescents, and families in the region.

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Challenges and Progress in Children's Rights in Mexico and Latin America

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  1. Children’sRights in México and Latin América Ph. Tere Garduño Rubio RIDEF - Italia July 2014.

  2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990-2000) • Reducedchildmortality • Erradicatediseases, like Polio • Nearelimination of newborntetanus • Increase in theregistration in elementaryschools.

  3. Convention on the rights of the child. But…few presents in Public Politics Signedbyallthecountries, and incorporated to nationallegislation…. Poor nutrition and mal nutrition, illiteracy, promiscuity, abuse, diseases and highmortality(7 times higtherthan in the U.S. and Canadá).

  4. Half of them in Brasil and Mexico BornEveryday more than 30 000 children are born Thedemograficprojections of theCELADE (Latinoamerican and Caribean Center of Demography) estabishedthat in theregionthe total populationforthe 2009 was: 36 millons are in groupsbetwenthe 0 and 5 yearsold 565 millions Thatmeansthat in Latin América there are 190 millionboys,girls and adolescents.

  5. Povertyishigher in thehomesthathave more girls, boys and adolescentsthan in thehomeswherethere are more adults Infantilization of poverty While in the foreign exchange markets of the world each day $1.5 billion of dollars are exchanged More than 1,200 million people in the world live on less than one dollar a day More than 600 million are children.

  6. The stability of the family structure in its traditional form, was seriously disrupted in recent decades due to the departure of the majority of its members to look for a job. Also the urban circles of margination have expanded In LatinAmerica 70% of thepopulationlives in thecitiesbecause of the regional migrationsfrom rural areas.

  7. Procesos de modernización de los Estados latinoamericanos desde 1990 Consecuences directs about the childs, adolescent and the family Thereduction of thestategoverment and transference of theeconomcsway to going to theprivate sector and hadmanythinks and short estate in theimportant social cost. Increaseemployed Seductionforthenarcotrafic and theorganizationcrime Reduce the social beneficts Kindof liveare Deteriore

  8. Contributes to solving the basic needs of children and expand their opportunities. It is governed under the provisions and principles CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD International InstrumentLegally binds the range of human rights, civil, economic, politics and social rights.

  9. Series of standards and obligations accepted by all. Thatbasicnorms —calledtoo human rights— they establish rights and minimum freedoms which Governments must comply. It based on: independently of race, colour, feminine/masculinegender, language, religion, opinion, economical status orcapacities Respect Dignity Human value

  10. Index of mexicanchildhood

  11. Thesituation of Mexicoin 2010 Thegirls, boys and teenagespopulationbetwin 0 and 17 yearsold are 39.2 millions , thatrepresentthe 35.2% 19,351,565 (49.3%) 19,875,179 (50.7%) In 2010, 21.4 millions of children, es decir 53.8% to thepopulationlessthan 18 years, ithave in poverty, frontof 46.2% adultpopulation. Thatmeansthepovertyisstill more in thefamilyswholiveschildren. To thechildren in poverty 5.1 millions(12.8%) are in extrempoverty. Shown in these indicators lower in the fulfillment of their rights.

  12. Nutritionalsituation childrenlessthe 5 yearsold, haveseveral and cronic mal nutrition in theactuality (short), allmost 1.5 millions Rural population Thecronicmalnutritionless 5 years in homes La prevalencia de desnutrición crónica para menores de 5 años en hogares indígenas es de 33.1%, mientras que en hogares no indígenas es de 11.7%.

  13. Poverty and extrempovertyforregions in México (2012).

  14. Number of deaths from malnutrition in each federative entity

  15. Educationalcoverage More than 6 million girls and children between 3 and 17 years are out of the school. In agreementto::

  16. Children mortality In communities indigenous to the conditions of the south-east this rate even remains high. Guerrero 18.3 Chiapas 1990 - 2012 1990 - 2011 18.1 47 to 16 por for every thousand born alive. 39.2 to 13.2 for every thousand born alive. Oaxaca 16.9 for every thousand born alive.

  17. Theinfancyviolence In Mexico, two third parts of the girls, children and teenagers of schools of basic education in the country expressed to have received at least a physical aggression during the last two years Between 55 and 62 % of the teenagers they suffered mistreatment in some moment.

  18. Violence caused by the crime organized The children and teenagers have been impressed by the increase of the violence caused by the crime organized in the country and by the operations for his combat. 2011 2011 17.2 % 1.6 To 3.9 for every 100,000 citizen* De 8.2 to 15.82.16 *. Killing of women From 0 to 17 yearsold. Under 18 yearsold. From 15 to 17 yearsold. Up to the moment have not been published the official numbers of the number of girls, children and teenagers who have died in the context of the combat against and between the organized crime, but different estimations of organizations of the civil society calculate between 1,000 and 1,300 between December, 2006 and July, 2011.

  19. Thework of thechildren Whole of children and teenagers than work 3 millones in 2011. 900,000 children between 5 and 13 years. Fuente: INEGI, 2009 39.1 % is not present at the school (1.2 million children). 72.3 % 27.7 %

  20. The migration of de children The migration of the infantile population is not an event that one gives with base in an individual decision, the migratory movements of this one regularmente are realized in a familiar context, and in a comparatively minor quantity to that of the adults. Human trade Explotation 1.1 millons of thepeople, orthe5.3% are lessthan of 15 yearsold (in themoment of the migration). Migration Vitimas of the delinquency

  21. “Terror in theborder” Voice of themigrant children Jeycer is 16 years old and a clear aim: to come to The United States and to think his mother that it lives there for twelve, when it left his children in Honduras looking for a better future. He had 4 years, his brother Jonathan, who accompanies it in the trip, had 3. Almost they do not remember it. " I do not even remember myself of when it left me. For Internet I look at her and connect to Facebook, but I cannot touch it ", it tells Efe for telephone. A few days ago, account, he spoke with one of the mothers in route that it was bringing tiny children. " I asked him why it was bringing them and he said to me that already they him had killed both major ones and it were not going to remain that they were killing to those that he still had ". 6,330 children deported from January to May, 2014 (in 2013 they were 8,577 and in 2012 2012, 5,966). NationalInstituteof Migration (NIM)

  22. What does happen with the infancy in relation to the public investment? To know how much and how is invested in the infancy is a tool key to achieve that the fulfillment of the rights of the childhood and the adolescence is a daily reality. UNICEF Mexico destined $18,279,818.24, that is to say, 24% of the resources for the generation of information and knowledge on the level of fulfillment of the rights of the children in the country.

  23. Some points about infancy in Mexico. To create an Integral System of Guarantee of Laws of Children, Girls and Teenagers. To implement the Federal System of Justice for Teenagers. To anticipate, to attend and to sanction really all the forms of violence against the children, girls and teenagers. To guarantee that 100 % of the babies newborn children have his birth certificate before expiring one year, and to achieve that all the children and girls between one and five years are registered. To elaborate in all the conditions laws as for provision of services for attention, care and integral infantile development.

  24. Somepointsaboutinfancy in Mexico. To establish a strategy of educational incorporation to federal, state and municipal level that detects the children and teenagers out of the school, his permanency incorporates and guarantees them. To lower to the half the pregnancies in teenagers from 12 to 17 years. To reduce in 20 % the rate of infant mortality (TMI) and of 5 year old minors (TM <5) in the conditions where the major number of deaths centers. To reduce in 50 % the rate of school desertion in the high school, as well as the nonattendance in the same educational level to less than 10% of the teenagers from 15 to 17 years.

  25. How do you do? • Fortherespect of therigths of de children… • … at yourhouse? • … at yourschool? • … in yourcomiunity? • … in yourregion? • … in yourcontry? • … in yourcontinent? • … in theword?

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