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Learning HTML

Presented By: Wayne Helle What Is HTML? Learning Basic Tags... Formating Your Text... Working With Images and Links... Simple Form Boxes.. Beyond HTML. Learning HTML. What Is HTML?. H T M L. yper ext arkup anguage.

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Learning HTML

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Presented By: Wayne Helle What Is HTML? Learning Basic Tags... Formating Your Text... Working With Images and Links... Simple Form Boxes.. Beyond HTML... Learning HTML

  2. What Is HTML? HTM L • yper ext arkup anguage • The authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.

  3. Learning Basic Tags... • <html> • <head><title>Learning Basic Tags</title></head> • <body bgcolor=”white” alink=”red” vlink=”purple” link=”blue” text=”black”> • In this Tag, you will place your entire Website Content. • </body><html>

  4. More Text <Tags> <font size=”?”></font>Sets size of font, from 1 to 7 <font color=”?”></font>Sets font color, using name or hex value <em></em>Emphasizes a word <strong></strong> Emphasizes a word Formating Your Text • Text <Tags> • <hl></hl>Creates the largest headline • <h6></h6>Creates the smallest headline • <b></b>Creates bold text • <i></i>Creates italic text

  5. Images: <img src="name">Adds an image <img src="name" align=?>Aligns an image: left, right, center; bottom, top, middle <img src="name" border=?>Sets size of border around an image Working With Images & Links... • Adding A Link: • <a href="URL"> Creates a hyperlink </a> • <a href="mailto: EMAIL"> Creates an E-Mail link </a>

  6. More Form Tags <input type="radio" name="NAME" value="x">Creates a radio button. Text follows tag <input type=text name="food" size=20>Creates a one-line text area. Size sets length, in characters. <input type="submit" value="NAME">Creates a Submit button <input type="reset">Creates a Reset button Simple Form Boxes.. • Forms • For functional forms, you'll have to run a CGI script. The HTML just creates the appearance of a form. • <textarea name="NAME" cols=40 rows=8></textarea>Creates a text box area. Columns set the width; rows set the height. • <input type="checkbox" name="NAME">Creates a checkbox. Text follows tag.

  7. Within HTML, You can add other programming languages. Below are a list of a few other programming languages which can be used within your HTML page. Beyond HTML... • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) • Flash • Java and/or Java Script • PHP • DHTML (DynamicHTML) • ASP(Active Server Page)

  8. Questions? • Visit BEC Site • Click on Computer Guide • Click on HTML Tutorial • Click on Start HTML Quiz • Click on Start HTML Quiz

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