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Introducing Long Range Transportation Plan

Introducing Long Range Transportation Plan. CHANDRA RAVADA Director of Transportation. Why are we here. Overview of DMATS planning requirements Purpose of LRTP How does the LRTP fit with other planning documents Existing Process & Practice Suggested Improvements Sample project.

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Introducing Long Range Transportation Plan

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  1. Introducing Long Range Transportation Plan CHANDRA RAVADA Director of Transportation

  2. Why are we here • Overview of DMATS planning requirements • Purpose of LRTP • How does the LRTP fit with other planning documents • Existing Process & Practice • Suggested Improvements • Sample project

  3. Purpose of the work session 2036 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) due August, 2011 The workshop will include discussions on the following aspects: How will we accommodate different modes of transportation within project? How will we address safety and security within each project? How do we address livability and sustainability concepts within each project?

  4. Purpose of the Work Session How do we address Smart City Initiatives within each project? How do we address quality of life and air quality within each project? What type of public education projects are needed in the region? How can we accommodate Transit Oriented Development (TOD) within future transportation projects? How will we accommodate transportation for future development?

  5. Introducing DMATS • Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) • Oversee the process for planning • Development of the multimodal • transportation system using Federal funds • Requirement of receiving federal funds for transportation improvements for all areas over 50,000 population since 1962 • Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS) has been the MPO for the three state Dubuque region since 1965 City of Asbury, City of Peosta, City of Dubuque, City of Centralia, City of East Dubuque, Dubuque County , Jo Daviess County & Grant County Population – 77,018 Area – 207.27 Sq Miles

  6. DMATS ROLE • Sets goals for the development of all parts of the transportation system (roads, trails, transit, rail, river transportation and air). • 2. Identifies transportation improvements that are needed in the region. • 3. Coordinates the activities of local, regional, state and federal agencies to develop transportation improvements. • 4. Forum to allow local, regional, state and federal agencies to discuss transportation issues and plans.

  7. How does DMATS Function DMATS staff work on projects like SW Arterial, US 20 Mississippi river bridge, US 20 improvements, East-West Corridor Study, Intermodal Facility, Clean Air projects, Safety projects, Transit study, Trail projects and Amtrak Rail etc. DMATS gets $1.6 Million of Federal Funds every year. As of now all of our funds are committed to the number one priority project, the S.W Arterial.


  9. OVERVIEW OF THE CEDS • Continuous broad based planning process tackling the economic development issues of the region • Promotes economic development and opportunity • Fosters effective transportation access • Enhances the environment – future sustainability • Balances resources through sound management and development

  10. CEDS Continued • Examines external trends and forces • Examines where are we now….where do we want to be… • Identifies resources to get there • Updated annually with a complete rewrite every five years • Projects seeking EDA funds must be identified in CEDS

  11. CEDS Five Year Goals • Increase/Expand the Economic Segments in the Region • Promote the improvement of highway, rail, airport, and river transportation • Improve infrastructure and maximize existing resources • Create a Skilled, Highly Educated, Permanent, Full-Time Workforce for Business and Industry • Facilitate the Improvement and Maintenance of the Housing Stock and Housing Supply in the Region • Promote Improvement of Basic Public Works Facilities and Community Services which Improve the Public’s Health, Safety, and Living Conditions • Promote and encourage sustainability throughout the region

  12. Over View of Long Range Transportation Plan • Vision for the next 30 years • Project requiring federal funds should be listed in this document • Identifies transportation facilities of all types and encourages integration of the systems • Provides financial analysis • Assess capital investment • Updated every five years or can be amended as required

  13. Future of the Long Range Transportation Plan • Creating a model for other LRTP • Getting ahead of the curve in the planning process • Gearing up for the requirements of the new transportation bill • Addressing the evolving requirements for coordination and cooperation between agencies • Eliminating the silos

  14. Existing Process & Practice

  15. What we are doing right Corridor Safety Future Growth Safety Groups Transportation ITS Sustainability Security Land Use Consumer Needs Transportation Transit Workforce Development Job locations Training Sustainability Job Locations Housing Locations Workforce Air & Water Quality Economic Development Health Transportation Regionalism Housing Transit Accommodations Job Location Safety School System Housing Authority Mode of Transportation Security Connectivity Consumer Needs

  16. Current Practice Concepts Funding Source Projects Planning Implementation • Road & Bridge Projects • Transit Projects • Bike & Pedestrian Projects • Rail projects • Economic Development Projects • Housing Projects • ITS Projects • Parking Projects • Sustainability projects • Health and Air Quality projects • Envision 2010 • East-West corridor Study • Transit Study • Bike & Pedestrian Plan • Millwork District • Passenger Transportation Plan • ITS Plan • Parking Study • Transportation funds • Transit funds • Enhancement funds • FRA & State funds • Economic Development funds • HUD funds • ICCAP funds

  17. Suggested Improvements

  18. Future of Transportation, Housing and Economic Development The new strategy is to encourage coordination among all modes, create sustainable communities, Connect housing to employment locations, create more green jobs and shift from construction to maintenance. Emerging ISTEA to SAFTEA-LU (Transportation Bills) Coordination Safety & Security Sustainability & Livability Safety Air quality Connectivity Regionalism Improve Carbon foot print Green Jobs Economic Development Technology $$$$ $$ More funding for new construction Less funding for new construction

  19. (Suggestion 1)Success factors for project funding PROJECT EXPECTATIONS EXPECTATIONS FROM LOCAL FEDERAL & STATE Create new jobs Administration goal Renovation HUD Local Initiative CarbonZero DOE Public & Private Partnership Millwork District Incorporate complete streets DOT Financial Support from local Revitalize Downtown DED Good Cost / Benefit Ratio Improve Air quality EPA Improve Security Home Land Security Citizen Support Connect to Job locations DOT & DED Complete in stipulated Time Encourage Walking & Biking DOT & EPA Work in progress Improve Health DOH & EPA Reduce Sprawl DOT & EPA Transit Oriented Development DOT, EPA & HUD HUD: Department of Housing & Urban Development DOT: Department of Transportation DOE: Department of Energy DOH : Department of Health EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

  20. (Suggestion 2) Reducing Cost Through upfront Collaboration

  21. (Suggestion 3) What are typical expectations in a project Trips in Morning Education & Economic Single Family Senior Housing Group Housing TODs Campus Housing • Work Place • Recreation • School Trips • College Trips • Tourism Improve Carbon foot print by adopt sustainability programs like Petal Project and Green Vision Schools etc. Create programs for citizen education. Encourage Usage of other modes Improve Carbon foot print by adopt weatherization, Efficient utility and energy usage programs. Create programs for Citizen education Parking Reduce emissions and Improve Carbon Footprint Auto Cost Transit Reliability Biking Safety Walking Improve Safety & Security Reduce Congestion Trips in Evening Smart Future Growth Connecting With ITS Create Jobs Sustainability Principals Public Education Complete Streets Projects should have the following: All modes should be taken into consideration. Should have a regional approach with innovation techniques. Should create Green jobs and sustain existing jobs.

  22. Sample project

  23. Sample Corridor Project

  24. What is next • We got one year to do this plan. • We will be conducting work shops with every City and Counties. • All agencies will be included in the workshop. • Purpose of this workshop is to solicit projects in your jurisdiction. • The projects will be addressed basing on the location rather than mode of transportation.

  25. Zone Structure

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