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Using the Marriage of Industrial Hygiene and Pollution Prevention to Improve Your Bottom Line

Using the Marriage of Industrial Hygiene and Pollution Prevention to Improve Your Bottom Line. Michele Fitzpatrick Richard A. Peri Wright-Hamilton Associates. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCESS RESPONSIBLE PARTIES. Production Manager Health and Safety Manager Environmental Manager.

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Using the Marriage of Industrial Hygiene and Pollution Prevention to Improve Your Bottom Line

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  1. Using the Marriage ofIndustrial Hygiene andPollution Prevention toImprove Your Bottom Line Michele Fitzpatrick Richard A. Peri Wright-Hamilton Associates Wright-Hamilton Associates

  2. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCESSRESPONSIBLE PARTIES • Production Manager • Health and Safety Manager • Environmental Manager Wright-Hamilton Associates

  3. Shop supervisors need to answer to all three for various aspects of the job. Wright-Hamilton Associates

  4. PREMISE Integrate H&S and Environmental into technician activities (make “one process” followed by the technicians). Wright-Hamilton Associates

  5. RECOMMENDATION INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS MANAGER or INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS COMMITTEE Responsible for integration and management of complete industrial processes - improve productivity by reducing risk and waste. Wright-Hamilton Associates

  6. EXAMPLE USCG Aviation Community Hazardous Materials Management (HMM) Wright-Hamilton Associates

  7. HMM Process • Identify all chemicals used in maintenance and repair • Eliminate duplication • Identify hazard levels • Develop authorized chemical use lists (ACUL) • Establish HAZMAT Center Wright-Hamilton Associates

  8. HMM PROCESS IMPROVEMENT RESULTS 30% reduction in chemical requirements, reducing hazardous materials acquisition, management, risk, training and disposal costs. Wright-Hamilton Associates

  9. HAZMAT CENTER DEVELOPMENT • Develop ACUL for all shops and other groups that use HM • Inventory HM stocks and purchase records • Assess HM needs (e.g. quarterly by shop) • Determine size of Center based on projected use • Set up inventory tracking system • Consolidate existing HM and add stock as necessary Wright-Hamilton Associates

  10. HAZMAT CENTER OPERATION(EXAMPLE) • HM distributed as needed to approved individuals • Bar code systems tracks who received which HM • Shops billed quarterly • Inventory maintained to meet “customer” needs • OPTIONAL: Allow return of unused materials (reuse or recycle) Wright-Hamilton Associates

  11. SUMMARY Improved hazardous materials management, including HAZMAT Center development, can reduce hazardous materials acquisition, management, risk, training and disposal costs. Wright-Hamilton Associates

  12. CONTACT INFORMATION Wright-Hamilton Associates Michele Fitzpatrick Richard A. Peri michele.fitzpatrick@swe.org rperi@AeroMaintenance.net 214 Thames Street Groton, CT 06340 phone: 860-446-8087 fax: 860-446-8907 Wright-Hamilton Associates

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