REGGAETON 2 hours WorkshopCome & learn REGGAETON in JUST 2 hours with us!!!Come & experience something new!BE READY TO TURN UP THE HEAT with Reggaeton!No partner required. - DRESS CODE:Comfortable dance wear, dance trainers, * To join in a class, you only need be ready 10 minutes before the class starts.--------> COME & LEARN THIS AMAZING DANCE! BE AMAZING! <--------Email: lunadorada@hotmail.comWeb: http://zumbayork.wordpress.com/
Come & learn this scorching hot latin flavor in JUST 2 hours with us! Sat 22 October 14:00 - 16:00 @ Melbourne Centre -> Escrick St, Fishergate, York, YO10 4AW Behind Fishergate School, Opposite Mecca Bingo £15 in advance or £20 on the day - DANCE LEVEL: GENERAL LEVEL = Ideal for everyone. - WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? You will learn detailed moves, footwork, hip moves, body work, arms and some routine. Moves will be break down into concise, understandable steps that anyone can follow. - HOW TO BOOK?You can book directly with Marggiori or online