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The Age of Jackson. Tariff of 1816. Because British goods were stockpiled in America due to the War of 1812, British goods were much cheaper than American goods Proposed by president James Monroe in order to make the competition fair.
Tariff of 1816 • Because British goods were stockpiled in America due to the War of 1812, British goods were much cheaper than American goods • Proposed by president James Monroe in order to make the competition fair. • This tariff increased the price of British goods and helped the American goods thrive.
Supreme Court decisions • Gibbons V. Ogden • Ogden – steamboat operator that believed only he was legally allowed to operate on the NJ/NY Hudson • Gibbons – another steamboat operator that wanted to use the river • Ogden sued Gibbons to make him stop • Supreme court ruled that only the federal government had the authority to regulate interstate commerce. • Federal government has the authority to regulate anything that crosses state lines.
Supreme Court decisions • McCulloch V. Maryland • Maryland levied huge taxes upon a small branch of the Bank of the United States hoping to make it fail. • John Marshall said “the power to tax is the power to destroy” • Upheld the Bank of the United States as constitutional
American Foreign Policy • Nationalism • John Quincy Adams- Secretary of state • The belief that national interests should be placed ahead of regional concerns or the interests of other countries • Monroe Doctrine • 1823- President Monroe warned all outside powers not to interfere with affairs in the Western Hemisphere. • Any such action would be seen as “dangerous to our peace and safety” • Also maintained that the US would not interfere with existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere.
Change in America • Rush Bagot Treaty • Led to the United States and Canada to completely demilitarize their common border. • Convention of 1818 • US and Canada finalize their boarder at the 49th Parallel up to the Rocky Mountains. • US and England would jointly occupy areas in the Oregon territory and lands west of the Rockies for ten years. • Adams-Onis Treaty • Spain Ceded Florida to the United States and gave up its claim to the Oregon territories.
Missouri Compromise • Until 1818 the United States consisted of 10 free states and 10 slave states. • Illinois was admitted as the 11th free state. • Expectations were for MO to be a slave state, maintaining the balance. • Under the direction of Henry Clay • Maine was admitted as a free state and MO as a slave state. • The rest of the LA territory was split into two spheres or interest, one slaveholders and one free. • The dividing line was 36º30’ N. latitude
Jefferson reflecting on the MO Compromise • “This momentous question, like a firebell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the knell of the Union. It is hushed, indeed, for the moment. But this is a reprieve only, not a final sentence.
Andrew Jackson • Appealed to the common man. • Formed a new political party, the Democratic Republicans. • Spoils system – As incoming President, Jackson fired former appointees and hired his friends. • Similar to a new football coach. Ooh Mr. Jackson
Indian Removal Act of 1830 • Under this law, the Fed. Government provided funds to negotiate treaties that would force the NA to move west.
Trail of Tears • Beginning in November of 1838, the Cherokee were sent off in groups of about 1,000 approx. 800 miles by foot. • More than ¼ of the Cherokee died during this march.
Tariff of Abominations • After the War of 1812, America was flooded with low cost imports. • In order to protect America, congress passed a tax in 1816 on imported goods. The tax was increased in 1824 and again in 1828. • This was known as the Tariff of Abominations • It caused the South to pay for more expensive goods in the north rather than importing cheap goods. • “The measures of the federal government… will soon involve the whole South in irretrievable ruin.”
Prominent Political Parties • Federalists – Hamilton • Anti-Federalists - Jefferson • Democratic Republicans – Andrew Jackson • Whig – Clay, JQA, Webster • Wanted to use federal money to make projects, control the banking system and for a national currency.
Panic of 1837 • After much debating and nullification of the National Bank, New York banks stopped accepting paper currency. • Pet banks (small non national banks) were printing notes, now deemed worthless. • Bank closings and the collapse of the credit system cost many people their savings, bankrupted hundreds of businesses, and put more than a third of the population out of work.
Reform in America • Second Great Awakening • Revivalism- awakening of religious faith • Transcendentalism- simple life and nature • Henry David Thoreau – Walden’s Pond • Ralph Waldo Emerson – 1500 works • Unitarianism- utopian society.
Slavery and Abolition • William Lloyd Garrison • White abolitionist that started the paper known as The Liberator • Frederick Douglass • Educated slave that escaped slavery and lead fought for emancipation • Nat Turner • Along with 80 slaves, Turner lead a revolt and killed 4 plantation owners • Eventually he was caught and executed.
Women and Reform • Temperance movement • Prohibiting drinking alcohol and the move for women’s rights. • Seneca Falls Convention • Run by Elizabeth Statton and Lucretia Mott, women banded together for the first time to proclaim equal rights. • Wrote “Declaration of Sentiments” • Sojourner Truth • Freed slave woman that began preaching around the country for abolition and women’s rights
America Continues Expansion • Market System • Specialization • Capitalism • Entrepreneurs • Samuel F.B. Morse – Telegraph • John Deere – First Steel Plow
Manifest Destiny • Go West, Young Man • It is not only our job, but God’s will that the United States and it’s people expand as far west as possible. • Santa Fe Trail – led 780 miles from MO to NM • Oregon Trail – Path stretching from Independence, MO to Portland, Oregon