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15/11/2005 VB. World Organisation for Animal Health. Seminar on the Dialogue and Common Activities between the OIE Member Countries of the European Union and the other Member Countries of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe TURKEY, 21-22 November 2005. Dr. Jean Michel BERGES
15/11/2005 VB World Organisation for Animal Health Seminar on the Dialogue and Common Activities between the OIE Member Countries of the European Union and the other Member Countries of the OIE Regional Commission for Europe TURKEY, 21-22 November 2005
Dr. Jean Michel BERGES Chargé de mission OIE OIE Standards on Quality and Evaluation of the National Veterinary Services; use of new OIE evaluation tools, such as Performance, Vision ans Strategy Guidelines
Introduction Definitions and concepts OIE policy regarding Veterinary Services Quality of Veterinary Services according to the OIE Code Evaluation of Veterinary Services Conclusion Outlines
1. TRANSPARENCY To ensure transparency in the worldwide animal health and zoonoses situation Sanitary Countries Status Recognition 2. SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION To collect, analyse and disseminate worldwide scientific veterinary information 3. INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY To provide expertise and encourage and influence international solidarity in the control of animal diseases 4. SANITARY SAFETY OF WORLD TRADE OF ANIMALS AND PRODUCTS Within its mandate under SPS Agreement, to safeguard world trade by establishing animal health standards for international trade, as well as to act as mediator 5. PROMOTION OF VETERINARY SERVICES To improve the infrastructure of Veterinary Services 6. FOOD SAFETY AND ANIMAL WELFARE To provide a better guarantee of safety of food of animal origin and to promote animal welfare through a scientific based approach. Introduction (1): the OIE Objectives & VS
Benefit of efficient VS: from trade safety to improvement of animal food production Introduction (2) 1- Trade safety: International veterinary certificates Reliable IVC early detection of animal diseases reliable chain of information and command - from the farm to the export point. “Without good VS, all ICVs are only paper” 2- National benefits: VS complying with OIE standards (implementation of international standards) improvement of domestic animal and public health increased / safer animal and food production, decrease of malnutrition and poverty
Veterinary Administration Veterinary Administration Veterinary Administration: the governmental VS having authority in the whole country for implementing the animal health measures and international veterinary certification process (…), and supervising or auditing their application.
Veterinary Authorities Veterinary Administration Veterinary Authorities Veterinary Authority: a VS, under the authority of the Veterinary Administration, which is directly responsible for the application of animal health measures in a specified area of the country. It may also have responsibility for the issuing or the supervision of the issuing of international veterinary certificates in that area.
Official veterinarians Veterinary Administration Veterinary Authorities Official veterinarian:a veterinarian - authorised by the Veterinary Administration of the country - to perform certain designated official tasks associated with animal health and/or public health and inspections of commodities and, when appropriate, to certify (…). Private Vets / off. vets
Veterinary para-professional Veterinary para-professional: a person who […] is authorized by the veterinary statutory body to carry out certain designated tasks (dependent upon the category of veterinary para-professional) in a country, and delegated to them under the responsibility and direction of a veterinarian. The tasks authorized for each category of Veterinary para-professional should be defined by the veterinary statutory body depending on qualifications and training, and according to need. Veterinary Administration Administration vétérinaire Veterinary Authorities Private Vets / off. vets Vet. Para-prof. laboratory workers, CAHW (community animal health workers)…
Veterinary Statutory Body Veterinary Administration Veterinary Authorities persons authorised, registered or licensed by the VSB Private Vets / off. vets Vet. Para-prof. Vet. Statutory body:an autonomous authority regulating veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals. Order, Chamber, professional organism…
Veterinary Services SV: the Vet. Administration, all the Vet. Authorities, and all persons authorised, registered or licensed by the VSB. Veterinary Administration Veterinary Authorities persons authorised, registered or licensed by the VSB Private Vets / off. vets Vet. Para-prof.
It’sthe sovereign right of a Country to adopt the organisation it wants to: • the VS juridical status may be different (parastatal bodies…) • some countries do not still work with private vets • some countries do not use the name of “VS” (“competent authority”) • etc. • …as far as in compliance with the Code’s requirements
Priority objectives • Early detection of diseases – Early response • Diagnostic capabilities • Animal movements control • Protection of the territory • Healthy animal production • Protection of human health / zoonoses • Confidence in certification
Animal health services Zootechnical interventions Individual treatments of animals- special controls for certain products - depending of national context Vaccination - depending of national context and animal species Support to public service in case of epizootics(farmers organisations and private vets) What is it possible to delegate to private component?
OIE: Promotion of concepts • Public good International public goodex. of epizootic diseases National public good ex. of enzootic disease (tuberculosis) • Insurance concept • Bioterrorism prevention • Animal welfare: link with animal health • Food chain control (animal origin products)
Food chain control Vet. Services Control of animal diseases at the farm level Abattoirs : Animal health Wholesomeness of meat Food quality Processing Distribution
4 - Quality of Veterinary Services according to the OIE Code
Approach in the OIE Code: requirements expressed in terms of OBJECTIVES and MEANS Quality of VS in the Code
Fundamental principles of an: ♦ethical, ♦organisational, nature ♦technical. Confidence The VS should conform to these principles regardless of the political, economic or social situation of their country Quality of VS in the Code
These principles should equally apply to other competent authorities: ♦ organisation other than the VS, ♦ authority or organisms acting on behalf of the VS… The VS retain ultimate responsibility for the application of these principles Quality of VS in the Code
Professional judgement Independence Impartiality Integrity Objectivity Fundamental principles of quality (1) 5 principles of an ethical nature
Competence - for sound professional judgements Importance of initial and continuous Training Fundamental principles of quality (2) 1. Professional judgement Personnel with ♦ qualifications ♦ scientific expertise ♦ experience
Personnel free from any ♦ commercial, ♦ financial, ♦ hierarchical, ♦ political ♦ or other pressures which might affect their judgement or decisions. Fundamental principles of quality (3) 2. Independence
The VS should be impartial. Services delivered under reasonable and non-discriminatory conditions. Fundamental principles of quality (4) 3. Impartiality
of each of VS personnel. Any fraud, corruption or falsification should be identified and corrected Fundamental principles of quality (5) 4. Integrity
The VS should at all times act in an ♦ objective, ♦ transparent manner Fundamental principles of quality (6) 5. Objectivity
In a developing country, shrimps exporter to EU residues were found …the payment of the agents in charge of certification was economically linked with the producers - and these agents‘ salary was terribly lower than the one of the workers in the shrimp plans. the veterinarians certifiers’ salary X 4 ↑ independence and integrity Fundamental principles of quality (7) example
6. General organisation 7. Quality policy 8. Procedures 9. Information, complaints and appeals Fundamental principles of quality (8) 8 principles of an organisational nature • 10. Documentation • 11. Self-evaluation • 12. Communication • 13. Human and financial resources
Organisation adapted to the early detection, recognition and official notification of animal diseases Surveillance / collection of the information relative to animal diseases to a national focal point, that notifies Importance of the national chain of command (…) Fundamental principles of quality (9) 6. General organisation Priorities
Procedures related to: international veterinary certification activities prevention, control and notification of disease outbreaks epidemiological surveillance and zoning border controls and import regulations With possible externalisation: diagnostic tests for animal diseases biological products for use in the diagnosis or prevention of diseases Fundamental principles of quality (10) 8. Procedures Priorities
internal and external systems of communication administrative and technical staff, stakeholders and consumers Fundamental principles of quality (11) 12. Communication
Responsible authorities should ensure that adequate resources are made available to implement effectively the activities. Fundamental principles of quality (12) 13. Human and financial resources
Fundamental principles of quality (13) 13. Human and financial resources example In an African country: 70% of rural population 10% of the budget for agriculture 5% of witch for animal production
5- Evaluation of Veterinary Services Confidence of partners Resources allocation
Purposes of evaluation (1) 1 – International exchanges Countries have the right to evaluate the VS of a potential trading partner: - importing countries - exporting countries Any importing country not allowed by an exporting country to audit its VS has the right to deny any importation
Purpose of evaluation (2) 2 – Self-evaluation • Improvement of internal efficiency • Resources allocation at political domestic level • External resources if necessary NB: An evaluation made by a trade partner can also be used for domestic purposes (budget), in particular for developping countries
Purpose of evaluation (3) 2 – Self-evaluation Efficiency improvement example requirements default “Irrelevant quality” - may apply to 30% of a viable organisation source of savings organisation
Scope of evaluation (1) • Organisational structure of VS (including Vet. Statutory Body) • Human resources • Material (including financial) resources • Functional capabilities and legislative support • Animal health and veterinary public health control • Performance assessment and audit programmes • Terrestrial Animal Health Code (2004) - Articles to • (…)
Scope of evaluation (2) • Participation in OIE activities and compliance with OIE Member Countries obligations • Veterinary Statutory body • human resources – fundings • institutional arrangements • functional capabilities, including the ability to enforce its decisions • administration of education programmes for veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals • legislative basis, including autonomy • etc. example
Who evaluates? • Self-evaluation = “1st party” evaluation • By VS of commercial partners = “2nd party”evaluation • [ By a third and independent body- if decided so by OIE Member countries = “third party” recognition] OIE 3rd party [OIE] 1st party 2nd party
Outcomes of evaluation Demonstrate that VS have capability for: - effective surveillance and monitoring of the health status of animals and animal products - either generally or for a specific animals or commodities group- accurate notification of findings to OIE - early response - credibility of international certification… Essentially qualitative Emphasis on evaluation of quality of outputs and performance of VS Relative ranking of criteria may depend on circumstances(one only zone; one only animal species with appropriated sanitary status…)
How to evaluate? (1) Need to based on OIE Code Guidelines Articles to evaluation criteria Article : questionnaire • The OIE develops new tools: • With IICA: «Performance, Vision and Strategy (PVS) for national VS» • With the World Bank and other potential donors: a model to help the VS to present requests according to finance providers needs
How to evaluate? (2) «Performance, Vision and Strategy (PVS) for national VS» example OIE + IICA • 27 items • Objective: to prepare new policies and subsequent investments for national or international resources providers • In the process of application in the Americas - to be adapted further for other continents • Possible assistance of an external expertise under review
example presentation of evalution outcomes (PVS) Human and Financial Capital
Technical Capability, Interaction with the private sector example presentation of evalution outcomes (PVS)
The OIE and the VS “None of the OIE objectives can be correctly achieved without worldwide VS complying with OIE standards”