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Did you know?

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  1. ????? Did you know? George Washington lost most of his teeth over the years by cracking Brazil nuts between his jaws. His first set of dentures was made from cow’s teeth and his second set from hippopotamus tusk. Washington’s dentures were held in place by being attached to his one remaining natural tooth.

  2. Thank this guy for your freedom. French and British Rivalry grew as each expanded into each other’s “territories”.

  3. 1740 – British Fur Traders built a fort at Pickawillany in the Ohio River Valley 1752 – French attacked this fort and drove British out. Then, built several more forts to defend their territory.

  4. Most powerful Native American Group in the East • The Mohawks • The Seneca • The Cayuga • The Onondaga • The Oneida The French had a good relationship with the Native Americans. traded with them Respected their customs The British had a lousy relationship with the Native Americans. • often raided by the Native Americans

  5. 1753, Virginia Governor Robert Dinwiddie calls up George Washington Go to the Ohio River Valley and push those French OUT!!!!! Okay, I’ll do my best. …but he was not successful

  6. But during the following spring, George comes back…. • He wants to build a fort near what is now Pittsburgh but the French were already there! • He builds Ft. Necessity nearby. • The French surround George and his 150 soldiers but let them return to Virginia

  7. Even though he was defeated… • His fame spread through the colonies because he stood up to the French.

  8. Albany, New York June 1754 • British officials worried that a war would put a strain on the colonies., and suggested a "union between ye Royal, Proprietary & Charter Governments.” • delegates from most of the northern colonies and representatives from the Six Iroquois Nations met. • adopted a "plan of union" drafted by Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania. Under this plan each colonial legislature would elect delegates to an American continental assembly presided over by a royal governor. • But nobody really liked it because nobody wanted to give up an power

  9. The series of battles that followed are known as the French and Indian War.

  10. At first, The French were winning! This made Britain really mad! • Had lots of forts throughout the Great Lakes and Ohio River Valley • Strong alliance with the Native Americans • Colonists didn’t get much help from Britain. • General Braddock tried but suffered 1000 casualties before being killed himself. • Declared war on France • Clashed with the French and Spanish in North America, Europe, Cuba, West Indies and Philippines!

  11. But then William Pitt took charge….and everything changed! I want to control North America!!!!!! Good work, New England on capturing Frontenanc. Go conquer French Canada! Buy some war supplies, I don’t care what it costs! Put it on my tab! Thanks for renaming Ft. Duquesne, after you forced the French out! Fort Pitt has a nice ring to it.

  12. So a series of unfortunate events for the French ensue…. • Lose several islands in the W. Indies • Defeated in India • Fleet destroyed in Canada • Taken by surprise and defeated in their New France capital at the Battle of Quebec (and they thought it was impossible to capture?)

  13. Treaty of Paris ends the war in 1763 • France got a few islands in the W. Indies • Spain got land west of the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans • Great Britain got most of the land east of the Mississippi from France and Florida from Spain

  14. …and now to recap…..

  15. And everbody lives happily ever after? No, they did not! The British settlers mistreated the Native Americans living in the Ohio River Valley Chief Pontiac organized attacks on British forts and settlements. The problems continued as they keep attacking each other until 1763

  16. The Proclamation of 1763 The British government temporarily halted westward expansion beyond the Appalachian Mountains. That should take care of the problem.

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