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This study examines the scaling properties of elliptic flow in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC energies, and its implications for understanding the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. The analysis explores the fine structure of elliptic flow for particles produced at midrapidity, the scaling behavior of elliptic flow at RHIC, and the insights that can be gained from these scaling characteristics.
Scaling Properties of Elliptic Flow at RHIC energies Arkadij Taranenko Nuclear Chemistry Group SUNY Stony Brook, USA XVIII Baldin ISHEPP September 25-30, JINR Dubna
Goal of HIC experiments at RHIC: To create and study Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) – a state of deconfined , thermalized quark and gluons over a large volume predicted by QCD at high energy density Elliptic flow is a common term for the second harmonic in particle azimuthal distribution relative to the reaction plane, the plane spanned by the beam direction and impact parameter vector Z Reaction plane Y X
hadronic phase and freeze-out QGP and hydrodynamic expansion initial state pre-equilibrium hadronization Outline • Introduction: why elliptic flow measurements are very important for study properties of QGP at RHIC? • Fine structure of elliptic flow for particles produced at midrapidity: v2 = f ( pt, centrality, system, energy..) • Scaling of elliptic flow at RHIC • What can we learn from scaling characteristics of elliptic flow ? • Summary and outlook Time
Danielewicz, Lacey, Lynch Good Constraints for the EOS achieved Soft and hard EOS The Rich Structure of the Integral Flow Excitation Function The transition from in-plane to out-of-plane and back to in-plane emission Is understood
Elliptic Flow at RHIC Z • The probe for early time • The dense nuclear overlap is ellipsoid at the beginning of heavy ion collisions • Pressure gradient is largest in the shortest direction of the ellipsoid • The initial spatial anisotropy evolves (via interactions and density gradients ) Momentum-space anisotropy • Signal is self-quenching with time Reaction plane Y X Pz Py Px
PRL87, 052301 (2001) Extrapolation From ET Distributions peripheral collisions Central collisions time to thermalize the system (t0 ~ 0.2 - 1 fm/c) eBjorken~ 5 - 15 GeV/fm3 ~ 35 – 100 ε0 Phase Transition: Reminder High Energy density matter is created at RHIC! The Energy Density is Well Above the Predicted Value for the Phase Transition /crossover !
Reminder Statistical Model Comparisons of Particle Ratios Hadro-chemistry indicates a single Hadronization Temperature ~ 175 MeV
Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, Npart = 100 Cu+Cu Preliminary 3-6%, Npart = 96 Au+Au 35-40%,Npart = 98 Au+Au 35-40%, Npart = 99 Measure property as a function of system size Is Thermalization Achieved ? PHOBOS Data dN/d very similar for Au+Au and Cu+Cu at same Npart Multiplicity distribution follows the independence hypothesis !
Extrapolation From ET Distributions Large Pressure Gradients v2 Detailed integral and differential Measurements now available for Is Thermalization Rapid ? Self quenching Substantial elliptic flow signals should be present for a variety of particle species !
Fine Structure of Elliptic Flow at RHIC Substantial elliptic flow signals are observed for a variety of particle species at RHIC. Indication of rapid thermalization? PHENIX : PRL 91, (2003)
Exploring Scaling properties of Elliptic Flow Scaling properties in science relate macroscopic observables to underlying system properties • In heavy-ion collisions, they can serve to find simple laws relating measured anisotropy to system properties and/or degrees of freedom • Eccentricity scaling and thermalization • Transverse kinetic energy and constituent quark number scaling • What can be learnt from these scaling properties ? If Elliptic flow Is a collective effect we should see its scaling properties in the data.
Is thermalization achieved ? • Large v2 indicative of high degree of thermalization of produced matter at RHIC • Are there other observables showing that the matter is thermalized ? • Ideal hydrodynamics is scale invariant. If the matter behaves hydrodynamicaly and is thermalized: v2 /ε should be independent of centrality and size of colliding systems • Do we observe such independence in the data? • Data for different colliding systems (Au+Au, Cu+Cu) are available to test this
Eccentricity scaling in Hydro Eccentricity scaling observed in hydrodynamic model over a broad range of centralities Bhalerao, Blaizot, Borghini, Ollitrault : Phys.Lett.B627:49-54,2005 R: measure of size of system This is a clear test that can be applied to data !
Elliptic flow: eccentricity scaling • Ideal hydro is scale invariant and v2 (b,A)/ε(b,A)~const • For eccentricity scaling test one need Glauber Model calculations or one can also use experimental quantity sensitive to initial eccentricity, like the integrated v2 • “Integrated v2 reflects momentum anisotropy of bulk matter and saturates within the first 3-4 fm/c just after collision” (Gyulassy,Hirano nucl-th/050604) • Integrated v2 is proportional to the eccentricity STAR
Eccentricity scaling of elliptic flow Data Scaling tests v2 (pt,b)/ε(b)~v2(pt) v2(pt/b)/v2(b)~v2(pt) V2(b)/ε(b)~const
Eccentricity scaling and system size Data Scaling test PHENIX Preliminary PHENIX Preliminary v2 scales with eccentricity and across system size
Sound speed & Eccentricity scaled v2 Bhalerao, Blaizot, Borghini, Ollitrault : Phys.Lett.B627:49-54,2005 Eccentricity scaled v2 has a relatively strong dependence on cs
F. Karsch, hep-lat/0601013 Speed of sound Estimate v2/ε for <pT> ~ 0.45 GeV/c cs ~ 0.35 ±0.05 (cs2 ~ 0.12), soft EOS See nucl-ex/0604011 for details The EOS is harder than that for the hadron gas but softer than that for QGP no strong first order phase transition
Beam Energy dependence of elliptic flow (PHENIX) Phys.Rev.Lett.94:232302,2005 • Saturation of the differential elliptic flow is observed at RHIC energies • Compatible with soft EoS
Scaling breaks Baryons scale together Mesons scale together ( WHY ? ) P Transverse kinetic energy scaling PHENIX preliminary • Elliptic flow scales with KET up to KET ~1 GeV • Indicates hydrodynamic behavior • Possible hint of quark degrees of freedom become apparent at higher KET
Quark number Scaling nucl-ex/0604011 PHENIX preliminary • Apparent Quark number scaling • Hadron mass scaling at low KET (KET < 1 GeV) is preserved. Consitent with quark degrees of freedom in the initial flowing matter
Elliptic flow of φ meson and partonic collectivity at RHIC. • φ meson has a very small σ for interactions with non-strange particles • φ meson has a relatively long lifetime (~41 fm/c) -> decays outside the fireball • Previous measurements have ruled out the K+K- coalescence as φ meson production mechanism -> information should not be changed by hadronic phase • φ is a meson but as heavy as baryons (p, Λ ) : • m(φ)~1.019 GeV/c2 ; (m(p)~0.938 GeV/c2: m(Λ)~1.116 GeV/c2) -> very important test for v2 at intermediate pt ( mass or meson/baryon effect?)
Elliptic flow of resonance particles Before subtraction Signal + Background Background After subtraction Using the robust method for study the elliptic flow of resonance particle developed by N. Borghini and J.Y. Ollitrault (Phys.Rev.C70:064905,2004)
Elliptic Flow of φ meson at RHIC (Scaling tests) v2 vs KET – is a good way to see if v2 for the φ follows that for mesons or baryons v2/n vs KET/n scaling clearly works for φmesons as well
Multi-strange baryon elliptic flow at RHIC Scaling test From M. Oldenburg SQM2006 talk (STAR) STAR preliminary 200 GeV Au+Au Elliptic flow of multistrange hadrons (φ, Ξand ) with their large masses and small hadronic s behave like other particles → consistentwith the creation of elliptic flow on partonic level before hadron formation
KET/n scaling across collision centralities KET/n scaling observed across centralities
Universal Scaling of Elliptic Flow at RHIC At midrapidity v2 (pt,M,b,A)/n~ F(KET/n)*eccentricity(b,A)?
Shear viscosity to entropy density ratio at RHIC See nucl-ex/0609025, 0608046 for details
Summary • Eccentricity scaling holds over a broad range of centralities and is indicative of thermalization of matter produced at RHIC • Hydrodynamic model comparison leads to an estimate of the speed of sound. Data compatible with soft EOS • Transverse kinetic energy is an appropriate variable to scale elliptic flow; related to pressure gradients • Baryons and mesons scale together at low KET (<=1GeV) and separately at higher KET , showing the relevance of the quark degrees of freedom • Scaling with KET/n leads to the universal scaling of elliptic flow – evidence of partonic origin of elliptic flow at RHIC -> transverse expansion of the matter is generated during the phase in which it contains independent quasi particles with quantum number of quarks