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Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a Mobile World. Stefan Wesner ( wesner@hlrs.de ) Project Manager High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart Antonio Sanchez ( ajse@tid.es ) Project co-ordinator Telefonica I&D. ?. Grid and Networks – not a business proposition yet.
Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a Mobile World Stefan Wesner (wesner@hlrs.de) Project Manager High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart Antonio Sanchez (ajse@tid.es) Project co-ordinator Telefonica I&D
? Grid and Networks – not a business proposition yet • Grid Middleware is network agnostic – the net is simply there • Grid Middleware is Mobility and Pervasiveness unaware • Grid Middleware ignores cross-layer cooperation in modern networks • Grid Middleware is not prepared for the network revolution • Grid is not interesting for network operators – no business model for them. GRID Middleware(GLOBUS, EDG, UNICORE, OGSI.NET, …) The Internet The mobile Internet of tomorrow European Grid Technology Days 2004
Concepts, patterns, services descriptions, interaction protocols Domain specificservices layer Generic ApplicationSupport Layer Grid infrastructure Network Middleware Mobile Internet (MIPv6) Project Objectives Software available as open source Exploit e.g. the Network Identity, Location, Operator Contracts, … • Realize a layered Next Generation Grid middleware • architecture and • reference implementation • enabling cross-layer co-operation from network through Grid up to the application layer • for a large number of nomadic and mobile users • Demonstrate the capabilities with challenging applications and real users • Develop Elaborated Business Models for this new platform • Provide Supporting Tools for developers Design for Scalability and ease of use proof the commercial viability early Ensure that the framework offers opportunities to all stakeholders Basis for Technology Providers and Consultants from the consortium Make the Grid the service provision technology. European Grid Technology Days 2004
Approach to Exploitation • Establish a Business Advisory Committee from the business units of the involved partners driving the direction of the project • Establish large industrial partners in key positions within the consortium (project-coordinator, exploitation, market analysis, testbeds, …) • Exploitation through the community stakeholders within the consortium • Telecom operators: new business models and opportunities for exploiting their network infrastructure • Service providers: aiming at offering enhanced services to their customers using Akogrimo technology • System integrators: Provide support and solutions to third party (end user, service provider, telecom operator) willing to supply technology products based on Akogrimo results • Support providers: offering consulting, training and supporting tools. European Grid Technology Days 2004
The scenarios - eLearning Here knowledge based services interpreting this information are needed • Example: Personalised, collaborative and interactive virtual experiments • Design phase • A teacher composes out of information services, computational services, pedagogical models and workflow templates a virtual experiment • Execution phase • Based on the student profile, skills, successfully completed courses the experiment is set-up • During the execution of the workflow the needed services are located and made available • Akogrimo framework capabilities used • Identity Management, Authorization and Accounting • Location awareness: Integration of local resources • Mobility: Learning everywhere is important for continuing education of professionals, Field trips, student exchange • Enhanced Service Discovery and Location • Support for Dynamic Workflows • Integration with communication tools (e.g. Internet Phones). Knowledge based decision making system can support the designer European Grid Technology Days 2004
Field Trip - somewhere The scenarios – eLearningDeployment and end users • This scenario is exploiting the MIPv6 infrastructure of IST-Moby Dick and IST-Daidalos projects of the Mobile University showcase • Real test Users are students visiting the universities in the frame of the established student exchange program between the universities of Stuttgart, Madrid and Aveiro Madrid University– mobile network domain Stuttgart University –mobile network Internet European Grid Technology Days 2004
The scenarios - eHealth • Locate and direct emergency forces or persons nearby to the patients • Collect, analyze and interpret patient data before arrival in hospital • Enable access and intelligent filtering of patient records • Combine in an intelligent way live data (e.g. cardiograms) with patient history and simulations • Dynamic Workflows based on results or human intervention • Services range from information retrieval over computational analysis service to information interpretation and filtering. dummy Video shown at the event is available at http://www.mobilegrids.org European Grid Technology Days 2004
Disaster Handling and Crisis Management Fighting against large fires Coordination of forces for large public events or disaster scenarios Logistics Combined planning between different transport companies and transport vehicles (train, car, … Tele Working Corporate Mobile Grid (expert in the field with backend groups and services Forecast application Traffic, Weather, Sea condition, … Other scenarios under consideration European Grid Technology Days 2004
Contact us! Antonio Sánchez (ajse@tid.es) Project co-ordinator, Telefonica I+D Stefan Wesner (wesner@hlrs.de) Project Manager, High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart 13 Partners: Telefónica I+D, University Stuttgart (RUS and HLRS), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,AtosOrigin, Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Business Objective Consulting, Telecommunications Institute, University of Zurich, CCLRC, Telenor, National Technical University of Athens, Datamat, UniversityHohenheim Overall Budget: 10,5 M€ Duration is 3 years with an overall effort of 1200 PM Project Start: July 2004 http://www.mobilegrids.org European Grid Technology Days 2004